War God Supreme

Chapter 3387: Demonize

"I'm sorry, Li Lingtian, I don't know how to write dead words!"

As this sentence fell, Li Lingtian's body instantly appeared in the middle of the woman, Qingfeng, Mingyue Erlong and the troll.


At this moment, the troll had already lost his mind, without any pause, and waved his hand to Li Lingtian.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, the woman's complexion changed drastically, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

However, before she could act, she burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha, every troll, if you want to kill me Li Lingtian, it's impossible!"

"Oath of War God, kill me!"

The words fell, and a sharp aura in Li Lingtian's body suddenly broke out of the air.

At the same time, the strong light was blooming, and the troll felt only a great force came out. At the next moment, its body was flew out by that light!


Sharp sword spirit, cut through the air to the troll.


However, the sword gas struck the troll with no trace left.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help frowning. It seemed that this was not the woman’s previous attack, but the demon’s defensive ability was amazing!

You know, the Oath of War is the treasure of the world! Even in his hands, he can briefly play the attack of the world's main realm, but he still can't leave traces on the troll, which shows that the troll's defensive power is amazing!

"This attack!"

The woman was a little surprised when she saw the oath of God of War in Li Lingtian's hand, but soon, she was worried again and quickly shouted: "Hurry back!"

"Hurry back! That guy's defense is amazing, not you can break it!"

"Hahaha, is it?"

Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, and suddenly his hands threw the oath of God of War in his hands.

"Oh, uh!"

Suddenly, the God of War oath rolled over in the air.


In the oath of God of War, the holy light suddenly rose, and in a short time, the warm silvery white radiance sprinkled, all wrapped up everyone.



Not only that, but the troll was covered with brilliance, but it was a wailing howl.

In an instant, everyone was excited.

"What is this? Things from the gods? It could hurt the troll!"


Even the woman was shocked.


The light bloomed, and the silvery white brilliance immediately turned into a figure, and appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the figure condensed, it gave people a feeling of great shore and shocked their hearts.

"this is?"


The people rolled their throats and could not help swallowing a slobber. They all stared blankly at the ghost in the air.

"Sure enough, Nangong Wentian came out again!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and he was also excited. When Nangong asked Tianzai, it meant that they were safe!

Nangong asked God, that is the old master of the God of War oath, at this time with the God of War oath, you can definitely kill the troll!


As the figure of Nangong Wentian was completely condensed and formed, the sky was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder, and all of a sudden, this area was completely sacred. Thunder wrapped it up.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet people willing to fall into demons here!"

"Your soul has been sold to the devil!"

"I will not allow you to exist!"

Nangong Wentian held the sword in both hands, and the cold voice, like thunder, suddenly reverberated in the air.


The troll also panicked, constantly looking around, as if trying to escape from here.

However, Nangong Wentian did not give it a chance to escape, his hands were raised, and then he chopped off!


In an instant, a dazzling, dazzling and dazzling swordmand flew out of the sky and cut towards the area where the troll was!


Almost at the moment when Jianmang appeared, an invisible force permeated out, holding the troll figure in place!


Jianmang crossed, the next moment, the troll's body, like a giant stone, crashed!


The troll's limbs were torn apart and fell.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a long sigh of relief. They could clearly feel that the magic around them became much thinner.

Obviously, the troll is completely dead!

"Damn, I didn't expect that the Duanmu family could be demonicized!"

The elders looked somber.

They couldn't believe that the Duanmu family, who had always had a good reputation, could be demolished!

Doesn't it mean that the Duanmu family has collusion with the Blood Devil?

If this is the case, the consequences are unimaginable!

The Duanmu family is in charge of many resources. If they collude with the Blood Devil, it will be a ruinous ending for the entire Holy Alliance!

"call out!"

After the magical energy dissipated, Nangong Wentian's figure in the air also dispersed instantly.

The God of War oath lost its support and suddenly fell.

Li Lingtian quickly flew to take the God of War's oath, but he was surprised to find that the power in the God of War's body was suddenly reduced a lot, even the storage of spiritual power was exhausted.

"It seems that the blow just made up, and used up most of the power of the God of War! Hush, the God of War's oath will not be used anymore. It should be able to recover it!

With a long breath of relief, Li Lingtian put away the oath of God of War.

"Are you OK?"

The woman suddenly came behind Li Lingtian and felt it carefully. After making sure that Li Lingtian was not injured, her face softened.

This made Li Lingtian very surprised, who is this woman, whose strength is so high, and also cares so much about him!

"I'm fine, I would like to thank the girl for her assistance this time."

Li Lingtian clenched her fists~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The woman shook her head slightly: "Wait a moment, let's prepare to leave."

"Ready to leave?"

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but stunned. Hasn't he and others already solved that Duan Mulin? Why should I leave?

"The Duanmu family is powerful. If you continue to stay here, accidents will inevitably occur, so you better follow me!"

The woman whispered: "Especially the Dragon Battle Galaxy. After you arrive, the Duanmu family will definitely go all out to kill you!"


It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but hesitated a moment, but soon, Li Lingtian's eyes were firm, isn't it just to kill? What are you afraid of?

When the narrow road meets the brave, Li Lingtian will not retreat without a fight!

If the Duanmu family really wants to target him, he will not flinch. By then, who is the hunter and who is the prey is not necessarily!

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