War God Supreme

Chapter 3391: Metal Dragon


"What a strong space fluctuation!"

In just an instant, Li Lingtian sensed the rich spatial fluctuations, and quickly opened his eyes. At the next moment, thousands of figures appeared in his eyes.


Around him, full of silvery white brilliance, they were like a sharp arrow, rushing forward with a thunder.

"Are you surprised?"

Just as Li Lingtian was surprised, Jiang Xingfan appeared next to him and chuckled with a smile: "Here is a thousand galaxies away from the Dragon Battle Galaxy. If you use the teleportation method, the power consumed is too strong, even if it is The ninth order of the Lord of the World can't do it, so all parties can set up space wormholes between each star field."

"Star field?"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian was surprised again. Before, he had never heard of the name Xingyu.

"Not bad."

Jiang Xingfan said softly: "Thousands of planets are a galaxy, thousands of galaxies are a star field! The star field we are going to is the Qianlong star field, the dragon battle galaxy is the most powerful galaxy in the Qianlong star field."


Li Lingtian took a breath of air and asked, "What about the stars?"

"Above the stars?"

Jiang Xingfan froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That's not what I know."

"How many star fields are there?"

As soon as Li Lingtian's eyes turned, Shen Sheng asked: "Is the strength of each star field about the same?"

"Well, it's about the same."

Jiang Xingfan grinned and said: "But Ziwei Star Field's strength should be stronger."

"There are ten star fields in total. The Lagerstroemia star field is at the center. The remaining nine star fields are scattered around and surround the Lagerstroemia star field."

I don't know why, Jiang Xingfan always has a special feeling when talking about the Ziwei star field.

It seemed angry, but it seemed helpless.

"It seems that the crape myrtle field is definitely not simple!"

Li Lingtian secretly guessed.

"Well, what we step on is the space ship, which is a world-class treasure weapon that can protect our safety in the space wormhole."

Jiang Xingfan continued: "With your qualifications, it is estimated that you will be dispatched soon. It will be a common thing to travel through the Star Zone at that time. It is best to get familiar with it."

"To be dispatched?"

Blinking his eyes, Li Lingtian began to realize that perhaps the forces in the star field would be a subversive cognition of the cultivation of disciples!

"of course."

Jiang Xingfan proudly said: "Our Ling Xiaozong, even looking at the top ten stars, is also a first-class force, otherwise, we can almost be among the peak forces. Our disciples naturally have to go out and experience more."

"However, you should be careful when going out to practice, because we will not send any strong men to protect you. After leaving the sect, everything will depend on yourself!"

"When you go out to practice, you can plunder resources as much as you can. After going back, you can use those resources in exchange for points, or directly in exchange for the treasure in the sect!"

"There are many treasures in the sect, even the world's treasures. As long as you are strong, the more resources you get, the faster you will become stronger!"

As Jiang Xingfan's words fell, Li Lingtian also figured out Ling Xiaozong's cultivation method.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian was excited, and he was not the kind of person who liked stability, but he longed for life within Ling Xiaozong.

I have to say that Jiang Xingfan took care of Li Lingtian quite a lot, and told Li Lingtian a lot of things to pay attention to, and Wan Tianyu was beside him, and he heard it clearly.

After everything was said, Jiang Xingfan laughed: "Well, it will take about ten days to reach the Qianlong Star Territory. You must practice for a while. Only strength is eternal."

"Thank you Elder Jiang for reminding!"

Several people in Li Lingtian hurriedly saluted. Anyway, an elder Jiang Xingfan could reveal so much news to them, enough for them to thank.

Jiang Xingfan waved his hand and left, heading to the bow to control the operation of the entire spacecraft.

A few people looked at each other in Li Lingtian, and they also started to practice.

Li Lingtian's previous promotion was too rapid, especially the inherent power of various laws, which was extremely unbalanced, resulting in his fusion stunts that could not be displayed.

Therefore, in this practice, Li Lingtian did not improve his realm, but absorbed the inheritance power of the four-elephant beast with all his strength, and merged with the original power of those weak laws.

Under the infusion of the inheritance power of the Four Elephants, the law of Li Lingtian's internal power gradually balanced.

Ten days passed quickly, even Li Lingtian, who was in cultivation, could clearly feel that the fluctuations in the surrounding space became violent.

For a time, Li Lingtian woke up, interrupted the practice quickly, got up and looked around, and suddenly found that Jiang Xingfan was already calling to wake everyone.

Wan Tianyu a few people aside to wake up, Jiang Xingfan also rushed over.


Just preparing to speak, Jiang Xingfan's eyes swept Li Lingtian, but he was surprised and exclaimed: "Li Lingtian, did you break through again?"

"No, there is no breakthrough in your realm...how can you feel that your strength has improved again..."

Jiang Xingfan was amazed. Is this the importance of talent? It was only a short period of ten days. Li Lingtian felt much stronger than before in his feelings.

Even, faintly gave him a sense of danger!

Jiang Xingfan didn't know how this feeling came about, but he was sure that if he had a decisive battle with Li Lingtian, it would be difficult for them to say whether they would win or lose.

But he is higher than Li Lingtian's realm, and has enough experience, so he is not sure, showing Li Lingtian's strength!

"Oh, just a fluke."

Li Lingtian smiled slightly.


Jiang Xingfan smiled bitterly: "Why don't you see other people get lucky!"

Let's just talk about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jiang Xingfan turned his head to look at Wan Tianyu and also raised his eyebrows. He suddenly realized that Wan Tianyu also made progress, although the progress was not obvious.

What surprised him even more was that after Wan Tianyu knew Li Lingtian's promotion, his expression was indifferent, not surprised at all!

He did not know that Wan Tianyu and they were already used to the speed of Li Lingtian's strength increase.

When I first met, Li Lingtian's state was far inferior to them, but now, they can't see the people who have already lost their strength.

"Is it almost here?"

Li Lingtian suddenly asked: "How do I feel that the space here is fluctuating and somewhat unstable!"

"Well, it's normal!"

Jiang Xingfan said with a smile: "After all, the space handover is still very troublesome, just a moment. We will be able to reach the Qianlong Star Territory in less than half an hour. Don’t dare to do it!”

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