War God Supreme

Chapter 3398: If you do something wrong, you will be punished

"You... didn't you eat all the poisonous meat? How can you stand up?"

Seeing Li Lingtian suddenly stand up, looking at their eyes full of murderous intentions, all of a sudden, the guards were frightened.

To put it bluntly, or they are doing something bad, so they are extremely scared, and they may be out of luck.

Now seeing Li Lingtian who was supposed to die suddenly stand up, their hearts are even more afraid.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian's eyes turned, and he laughed out loud: "The judge in **** knew what you were doing, and didn't take my life, let me come up and treat you all!"


"The judge in hell?"

"No! How could this happen!"

It was said that the few people were terrified, their bodies were shaking, and their hearts were full of remorse.

"Made, don't listen to this kid!"

Suddenly, the stellar seventh-order person gritted his teeth and said, "We have already done this step, how can we go back!"

"Only a fight!"

"Primary three, small five, you two kill Miss Er and Lin Yi, and the rest, come with me, and kill me, this pretending guy!"

With that said, Lin Ada jumped violently. When he shot first, a sword light screamed and screamed at Li Lingtian.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian could not help shaking his head slightly.

But it is the seventh-order sting ants of the stars, dare to shoot him?

Even if Li Lingtian didn't need to defend, but rely on his own, Lin Ada could not hurt Li Lingtian!

With a sigh, Li Lingtian did not retreat, but walked slowly towards the Jianfeng.

At the same time, there was no spiritual power in him.

Not to mention the power of the law.


Seeing this scene, the girl shouted abruptly.

Lin Ada's eyes were bloodshot, and she burst out with a loud voice: "Look for death!"


The whistling sounded almost instantaneously, Lin A's stool was like a sword, cut through the space, and came to Li Lingtian.

At the next moment, the sharp blade slammed on Li Lingtian's shoulder!

"Hahaha, die for me!"

Lin Ada's face showed a frantic look, and immediately grasped the hilt with both hands, and slammed down!


However, beyond Lin A's surprise, with a sharp blade on Li Lingtian's shoulder.

The clothes on Li Lingtian's shoulders were not broken. On the contrary, a crisp sound rang out, and his sharp blade, like a stone, collapsed and splashed all over!



The blade fragments fell to the ground, making a clear sound.

Lin Ada was shocked and couldn't believe what he saw!

"No, how is it possible!"

After seeing this scene, the rest of the guards were all shocked, staying in place and daring not to move.

"Oh my god, the sharp blade, even his clothes are chopped... How is this possible?!!!"

"A miracle! A miracle!"

"Can this be the gods?"

For a moment, the guards were all murmured, their faces full of shock.


Li Lingtian sighed, raised his right hand, and fluttered lightly towards Lin Ada's chest.



As Li Lingtian's right palm came into contact with Lin Ada's chest, the next moment, a powerful force burst out of Li Lingtian's palm.


Almost instantaneously, Lin Da felt that a giant hammer was hammering on his chest, only to feel extremely painful, and the whole body was shot and flew out.

In the air, a spit of blood spewed out.


After landing, Lin A's body twitched violently a few times, even if the spin was gone, no more movement.


Seeing this scene, the rest of the guards couldn't help swallowing a slobber, and they were frightened.

Lin Ada, won't he be killed?

At this time, they looked at Li Lingtian's eyes again, which was full of horror.

This is how they reacted. The person in front of him, even if it was the word of God, came only to take their lives!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Don't kill me! Only Lin A forced us to do it!"

"Yeah, if we don't do it, Lin Ah will kill us!"

The guards knelt and fell to the ground, crying loudly, asking for mercy.

At this time, they knew that Lin Ada was dead, they simply splashed all the dirty water on Lin Ada!

It is said that Li Lingtian sneered in his heart. If it were not for him to hear the complete conspiracy of this group of guys, I am afraid he would really believe them. This acting is simply great!

"What? It was actually planned by Lin Ada..."

Hearing the words of the guards, the young girl twitched in her heart. You know, her father attached great importance to Lin Ada, otherwise, he would not be given the surname Lin!

This is the surname of their family!

Among their families, only Lin Yi and him have this privilege.

"Eh... why is this guy so hard!"

Aside, Lin Yi, who was seriously injured, coughed violently.

Immediately, the girl and Lin Yi looked at Li Lingtian.

Obviously, they are also very surprised, Li Lingtian's identity is actually such a strength!


Li Lingtian glanced at the people and said coldly: "If you do something wrong, you will be punished! Do you commit suicide or do you want me to do it?"


Hearing the words, the guards were stunned for a long time. They never thought that Li Lingtian wanted to do something with them!

Several guards glanced at each other, and immediately clenched their teeth, leaping at the same time, and scattered to escape.

They all knew that, with their strength, they could not cause harm to Li Lingtian, and they looked at Li Lingtian with a pale look. They all knew that he was injured. They simply chose to escape.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but chuckled aloud.

Interestingly, people in several areas of stellar realm who want to escape from his hands are simply delusional!

Take a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian suddenly made a loud noise.


The sharp howling suddenly reverberated in the space.


Invisible sound waves, like ocean waves, quickly swept and spread out.


It was just a few breathing times, and that sonic wave hit the guards.


At the next moment, the guards suddenly felt a violent force pouring into their bodies, almost instantaneously, the meridians in their bodies were suddenly broken and suddenly exploded!


After several loud explosions, their figure was completely dissipated in the eyes of everyone!

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