War God Supreme

Chapter 3401: The roots of troubles

"Hahaha, Lin Kexin, you really are here!"

After seeing Lin Kexin, the leader immediately became happy. If it were not for Lin Kexin's somber face, Li Lingtian would mistakenly think that the two were very good friends.

"Qi Fei, what are you doing here?"

Lin Kexin shouted in a deep voice.

"Of course I came to see you!"

That man, Qi Fei, grinned and said, "Lin Kexin, you are stubborn. It is hard to get the rain and the soul by your Lin family strength!"

"If you are willing to be my concubine, hey, I can let me refining a hail of rain, how?"


After hearing this, Lin Kexin suddenly became angry and whispered: "Asshole, you will die this heart! Even if I die, I won't promise you!"

"Oh, it seems..."

Qi Fei suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes: "Lin Kexin, you are toasting and not eating, eating fine wine!"

"Actually, marrying me is already a very good choice."

Qi Fei suddenly shrugged his shoulders and said: "Even if you don't marry me, after going back, you will have to marry the old immortal of the Zhang family under the threat of the family!"

"Marry me is better than marrying an old immortal!"

Hearing Qi Fei's words, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised and turned to look at Lin Kexin.

Hong Yan is worthy of misfortune!

Lin Kexin can only be considered to be in good shape, not as good as some women Li Lingtian encountered in the Baiying Galaxy, but even so, they can cause two major forces to compete.

Gee, it's true that it's a blessing once, it's true!

"wishful thinking!"

Lin Kexin gritted his teeth and said, "Whether it's you or the Zhang family's old immortality, I won't marry!"

"Not bad!"

Lin Yi also shouted loudly: "I will protect Miss II! Qi Fei, please pay attention to your identity!"


Hearing Lin Yi's words, Qi Fei glanced coldly at Lin Yi and Li Lingtian on the side, and suddenly sneered out loud: "It's interesting, a guard, a running dog of the Lin family, dare to talk to me like this!"

"I think you are impatient to live!"

As the voice fell, Qi Fei waved his right hand, and a cold burst suddenly shot at Lin Yi.

"call out!"

Sharp voice sounded, Lin suddenly chilled behind his back, only to feel terrified in his heart.

"not good!"

Lin Kexin's face also changed, and the Qingshuang Sect's hidden weapons were a must in their galaxy. As long as they shot, few people could resist!

What's more, Qi Fei's strength is the top of the stellar ninth order, Lin Yi is not his opponent at all!

All of a sudden, Lin Kexin was anxious.


However, the cold awn just flew in front of Lin Yi, and it suddenly shivered, and immediately fell to the ground, making a clear sound.


That sense of life's coercion dissipated. Lin couldn't help but take a long sigh of relief. When he looked down, he saw a flying knife with a cold flash, lying on the ground quietly.


Seeing this scene, Qi Fei couldn't help but look down, he quickly looked around and shouted, "Who secretly shot?"

"Below is the disciple of Qingshuang Zongdao flying the elders, give a face! Don't do much business!"

At the next moment, the surging voice spread out.

Qi Fei's eyes kept turning, looking around, but he didn't notice anything.

Dozens of breaths passed, and there was no echo in the air. In an instant, Qi Fei could not help but frown.

What does this mean? It’s hard to do it. It’s the one who secretly shot, and when he heard his master’s name, he retreated?

But if it is retreat, why not say it?

Could it be that if he knew his identity, he would revenge him?

Suddenly, Qi Fei's heart was suspected.

I have to say that Master Qi Fei is a master in this small galaxy. As long as Qi Fei reports his Master's name, he will sell him some face.

So much so that Qi Fei subconsciously believed that everyone would sell his master points to face, and this time, naturally, it was no exception.

At the moment, Qi Fei looked at Lin Kexin and Lin with a smile.

Lin Kexin took a long sigh of relief. She knew that it was Li Lingtian who secretly shot. Otherwise, Lin Yi was not Qi Fei's opponent at all.

Therefore, Lin Kexin was stable and did not fear Qi Fei at all.

"Qi Fei, you'd better leave here as soon as possible! I still have something to go back. If I go back late, our Lin family will not let you go!"


After hearing this, Qi Fei laughed like "haha" and sneered: "You Lin family will not let me go? This is really a big joke!"

"On the basis of your Lin family, dare to confront our Qingshuang Sect?"

"Let me tell you, Lin Kexin, if you don't agree with me again this time, believe me or not, let me tell my master and master, and immediately strike you at the Lin family!"

"Anyway, in this city of Ziyun, there are several families of comparable strength to your Lin family. They are all coveting the position of your Lin family!"

"You... Qi Fei, you are so shameless!"

It is said that Lin Kexin's face suddenly changed dramatically, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Do you really think you can cover the sky with Qingshuang Sect?"

"Hey, then try it!"

Qi Fei raised the corner of his mouth, his face ugly.

However, Lin Kexin was nervous, and unconsciously turned his attention to Li Lingtian.

After she saw Li Lingtian's indifferent look, her heart was relieved.

There is no way, her Lin family is only a small family after all, if Qingshuang Zong wants to shoot against their Lin family, within a day, their Lin family will be completely destroyed!

Qingshuangzong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is one of the most powerful sects in Cuiyun Galaxy!

Therefore, Lin Kexin did not dare to gamble.

After clenching his teeth, Lin Kexin asked in a deep voice: "Qi Fei, what the **** do you want? In addition to marry me, the rest of the conditions are open to you. My Lin family can do everything we can!"

"Ha ha……"

After hearing this, Qi Fei sneered twice and walked slowly to Lin Kexin, said softly: "But your Lin family, besides you, has nothing to attract me!"

"The words are clear. If you marry me, I can help your Lin family to dominate Ziyun City, wipe out all the enemies, and let my master help you refining the smoke and rain. How about it?"

"But if you don't agree...hehe, then today, don't blame me for using it!"

"Um, anyway, there are few people in the Purple Forest, even if I kill you, no one will know!"

Speaking of which, the cold light flashed in Qi Fei's eyes!

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