War God Supreme

Chapter 3405: Forced palace

In the conference hall, dozens of people are meeting together to discuss what.

The first was alone, his face flushed, and he kept pacing.

Seeing this scene from afar, Lin Kexin suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

"Huh, those **** from the Zhang family, really thought our Lin family was vegetarian!"

"Dare to threaten me! He did not agree with the labor and management, I think he dare to wage war!"

The pacing man jumped like thunder, and his voice was full of anger.

However, the remaining few people all smiled bitterly.

If they were in the past, their Lin family would naturally not be afraid of the Zhang family, but now, the Zhang family doesn’t know that there are several strong stars of the ninth order peak, and the old immortal strength of the Zhang family is almost the same as that of Lin Ruofeng. If they really fight, their Lin family will really not be the opponent of the Zhang family.

Most of their families are the strength of the sixth and seventh stellar stars. Only some people can reach the ninth stellar star, and the peak of the ninth stellar star is already a master.

As for the domain master level strong, it is the head of the family, or the elder level figures in the major sects!

Therefore, the sudden emergence of the masters of the ninth-order pinnacle of the Zhang family is definitely a disaster for the Lin family!

"Cough... homeowner!"

Suddenly, someone said out loud, "We can't take it easy! Originally, after your last breakthrough failure, the vitality was damaged, and the young lady was seriously injured and couldn't wake up. Our family's strength is no longer like before."

"If we fight against the Zhang family again, it will only make other families take advantage!"

"Hahaha, ridiculous, if you don't fight, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Ruofeng's eyes flashed coldly, and the cold-eyed man looked at him, and the words were full of chills: "It's impossible, you want me to marry my daughter to the old undead?"


Hearing the words, the man suddenly became silent and dared not speak again.

"Huh? How dare you speak, tell me!"

Lin Ruofeng jumped like a thunder, turned suddenly, and looked at the rest of the crowd. After he found the awkward look on the faces of these people, he suddenly understood that these guys really wanted to abandon Lin Kexin in exchange for the friendship of Zhang Family!

This made Lin Ruofeng angry and roared: "It's not your daughter who fits the old immortality and wants to marry, so do you pretend to be righteous one by one?"

"Lying trough, labor and capital, or the head of the family! What are you doing? Forced palace, rebellion?"

"Ha ha……"

An elder said suddenly: "Homeowner, you can't push our entire Lin family into the fire pit for your own personal benefit!"

"Yeah, our Lin family is now at a time of ups and downs, and we absolutely cannot fight against the Zhang family!"

For a time, many elders echoed.

Hearing the words of the elders, Lin Kexin's eyes suddenly turned red outside, and his heart was even more painful.

Did these uncles and uncles want to use her life in exchange for their safety?

"Damn, these guys are thinking about something!"

Lin Ruohai also got angry, and immediately shouted out: "Damn, you bastards, are thinking about something!"

"How can we use our loved ones in exchange for family development!"

"Not bad!"

Lin Ruohai also roared: "We are all a family. At this time, we should work together, but your approach is very distressing!"

"Work together?"

It was heard that the elders turned their heads to look around, and when they saw Lin Ruohai and Lin Kexin and Li Lingtian approached, they could not help but show their embarrassment.

Anyway, they are all Lin Kexin's relatives, but before, they forced the palace, want to force Lin Ruofeng to marry Lin Kexin, this time see Lin Kexin again, naturally embarrassed.

But after embarrassment, they did not change their faces, and said without shame: "It is because of the concerted efforts that we want the Lin family to overcome the difficulties, we will say so!"

"Now with the strength of our Lin family, we will not be the opponent of the Zhang family at all. It is not very good to sacrifice all of Kexin alone but to save us all!"


As this sentence fell, Lin Ruofeng suddenly angered, the body's strength surged, and in a short time, everyone stopped speaking.

After all, the strongest among them is only the top of the stellar ninth order. Even if they go together, they will not be Lin Ruofeng's opponents.

"Asshole, you guys, really don't deserve to be human!"

Lin Ruofeng's anger was unstoppable. If it were not because the blood of the Lin family was flowing in these people, he could not help but want to kill them!

"Master Father..."

Lin Kexin's eyes were flushed with tears in his eyes, and he looked at Lin Ruofeng pitifully.

"Ke Xin, you shouldn't be back!"

Lin Ruofeng couldn't help but sigh when he saw Lin Kexin coming back. If he wanted to come, if Lin Kexin wouldn't come back, then others could not force him, and he could only fight against Zhang Family with him.

But if Lin Kexin came back, those shameless guys would surely pester Lin Kexin to force him.

"Father...I have to come back this time!"

Lin Kexin closed his eyes slightly and said softly, "My father, if this time, I must sacrifice me, I am willing to make sacrifices for the family!"

It is said that the other elders in the meeting hall were all happy.


Lin Ruofeng's face changed dramatically: "Asshole, I let you go, not to let you do the self-sacrifice of shit!"

"Impossible! My Lin family, only those who died in battle!"


Touched by Lin Kexin, he could not help crying.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Lin Ruofeng finally found Li Lingtian, and could not help frowning, quickly asked: "Ruo Hai~www.wuxiaspot.com~Who is this kid?"


After hearing this, Lin Kexin couldn't help but change her face, but she knew Li Lingtian's terrifying strength, thinking that her father actually called his boy, he was nervous, and quickly shouted: "Father, this is my benefactor. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I am already dead in the Purple Forest!"


"Purple Yulin?"

"You actually went to Zi Youlin!"

Suddenly, Lin Ruofeng was shocked. Previously, he thought that Lin Kexin had left Ziyun City, but did not expect that Lin Kexin actually went to Zi Youlin!

Within the Purple Forest, there are many fierce beasts, and he will die a little carelessly, so when he hears Lin Kexin, he is shocked and scared.

After the reaction, Lin Ruofeng also carefully looked at Li Lingtian.

However, with such a look, Lin Ruofeng's face changed dramatically.

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