War God Supreme

Chapter 3415: Go to Qingshuangzong

After solving the hidden dangers of the family, Lin Ruofeng and the two quickly annexed the Zhang family.

Regarding the actions of the Lin family, the other several families have also explored it, but when they thought of the annihilation of the Zhangjia masters a few days ago, and the high-profile knife came, but they disappeared after the silence.

For a while, all the major families in Ziyun City were frightened, and several families were so terrified that they even moved their families away from Ziyun City directly.

Five days later, the entire Ziyun City stabilized.

The Lin family is the only one, and several other families shrink together, it seems that they are preparing something.

Within these few days, Lin Kexin has also been with Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's injury gradually recovered, and his spiritual power has recovered by about 5%, and he can initially mobilize the power in the body, rather than simply using the power of the laws of each department.

Lin Kexin's sister, Lin Keying also recovered, completely awake.

This made Lin Kexin quite happy.

After another three days of effort, Li Lingtian saw that the Lin family's strength had been completely stabilized, and Lin Ruohai broke through to the realm of the domain master, no need to worry about the rest of the family.

"Since that... I should leave here too!"

After making up his mind, Li Lingtian didn't tell Lin Kexin anymore, he left quietly.

As for the road to Qingshuangzong, he had already figured it out.

After the Lin family found out that Li Lingtian had left, they also fell silent.

However, no one in this world will be able to operate normally. Except for Lin Kexin who has been sad for a while, the rest of the people have not been affected at all.


In the sky, Li Lingtian looked down at the Qingshuang Sect, and felt a moment, but did not feel the breath of the teleportation circle. He could not help but raised his eyebrows slightly and was surprised.

"What's the situation? There is no breath to send the circle?"

Li Lingtian was quite surprised. What was the situation? It was impossible. Was the teleportation circle destroyed?

How could there be no breath?

In general, as long as the teleportation array is not damaged, whether it is in an activated or inactive state, it can be sensed.

"It seems that they can only find their leader."

Slightly nodding, Li Lingtian looked around for a moment, and immediately felt several masters of the domain's main realm, and his mouth could not help but arouse.


In the hall, several people are discussing things.

The middle-aged man in the first seat looked dignified, Shen Sheng said: "Dao Feiyang didn't know what happened, he went out suddenly, and now he has been missing for three days!"

"This guy is really uncomfortable!"

"Huh... I don't care about him for the first time. There are still ten years before Baizong Huiwu. Has our candidate been established?"

The middle-aged man led by that sighed: "Last year, the people of the Purple Electric Sect won the first place. We only took a second place and were chased by them in terms of resources. This year, we must win the first place. One, otherwise, the Purple Electric Sect will soon surpass us!"

"Oh, rest assured, Yunpeng has already practiced to reach the realm of the half-step domain. After one hundred Zonghui martial arts begins, he will definitely be able to break through to the first level of the domain master. !"

"That's fine."

The headed man nodded and said: "However, last year there were more than a dozen masters of domain masters. If it was just Yun Peng, we can't take it lightly."

"Han Yun, the disciples who previously entered the forbidden field trial, what is the situation now?"

Hearing the words, another person quickly replied: "Great elder, of the fifteen people, fourteen of them are about to end their cultivation, and one, has been rushing forward, and will break the record that the patriarch Lord broke in that year!"


The elders said with a look of joy: "If he can break the record of the master, he can break through to the first level of the domain master after he can't say it, and wait until Baizong Huiwu begins, hehe!"

"By the way, let you inquire about the news of the Purple Electric Sect, what happened?"

"The elder, the news from the Purple Electric Sect, there are only ten people at the top of the ninth order of the stars. As for the disciples of the main realm of the half-step domain, they did not appear."

"Not appearing, does not mean not."

The elder nodded slightly: "Continue to explore the news, if you can know the specific identity, you may wish to stop the lobbyist in their family."

"If you know yourself and know each other, you can't fight forever!"


"Hahaha, you're right, you know yourself and you are invincible!"

At this time, a hearty laughter suddenly sounded in the hall.



All of a sudden, all the people were alarmed, and they were all on guard.

"Damn, whoever dares to go to our Qingshuangzong!"

The elders clasped their hands in vain. At the next moment, the surging momentum exploded and filled the entire hall in an instant.


A clear voice sounded, and the entire hall was closed.

"Oh? The domain master is only third-order. It can be understood as a genius to the power of the origin of the laws of the earth system to such a degree!"

Indifferent words fell, echoed in the space.


It is said that the elder has twitched the corners of his mouth, he has not felt where the enemy is, but the man in the dark has already seen his ability and state, which is enough to show that the strength of the man in the dark Far more than him!

Suddenly, he was nervous.

"Hahaha, you don't have to be nervous. If I want to kill you, you're already dead!"

The laughter fell, and at the next moment, a figure appeared quietly in the air and caught everyone's eyes.


"How could this be?"

Everyone was amazed. If there was a space channel, they could still understand, but Li Lingtian suddenly showed up without bringing up the slightest fluctuations in space, which made them unable to understand.

"who are you?"

"A man or a ghost?"

Including the elders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all shivered.

"Oh, don't worry."

Li Lingtian smiled and said: "I come to you Qingshuang Zong, there is no bad thoughts, just want to know something."

"whats the matter?"

"Is there a teleportation circle to the Yunqi galaxy in your sect, where is the teleportation circle?"

Li Lingtian laughed: "I want to borrow your teleportation circle, if possible, I can also pay!"

"Borrow teleportation circle?"

With a frown, the elder could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a passing strongman. Since he just wanted to borrow a teleportation circle, it would be fine.

However, the elder elder was just preparing to answer. Outside the hall, the sudden tremor suddenly shook.

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