War God Supreme

Chapter 3426: Frozen Flying Snake

The emerald green grass swelled like a wave.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Is this a virtual space? How does it look exactly like the real one?

Once again I think of what the actor Cai Qingyun said. In this, you can also improve your strength. Li Lingtian also understood that this place should be similar to the secret realm, and it is likely to be between virtual and real.

I just don't know how to reach Yunqi Galaxy after they pass the trial.


"This is the virtual space..."

At this time, Dao Feiyang also came awake, looked around, and exclaimed: "It feels so real! No wonder, so many people like to try in the virtual space!"


After hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows and asked, "You seem to know some inside information about this virtual space."

"Well, I do know."

Dao Feiyang smiled and said: "Elder Han, they don't know my true identity, so they don't know. In their view, this virtual space is the way to the Yunqi Galaxy, but they don't know that in the Dragon Battle Galaxy This virtual space is the test place for genius disciples from all major forces!"

"This virtual space is extremely special. When you come in, people's bodies will disappear with it, but they will not appear in this space. And after death, there will be no damage, just a headache. ."

"Therefore, all major forces will send internal disciples to try this."

"So it turns out!"

Slightly nodding, Li Lingtian continued to ask: "So what is their strength?"

"Basically, it is between the fifth order of the domain master and the seventh order of the domain master. You should be able to deal with it.

Dao Feiyang looked at Li Lingtian seriously.


Li Lingtian continued to ask, "Do you know where the altar is?"

"I do not know."

Dao Feiyang smiled bitterly: "I haven't reached the condition to enter the virtual space before, and the family has been wiped out. I only know some information about the virtual space, and more specific information, it is not clear."

"It turns out that this is true. I did not guess wrong. You are a member of the Dragon Battle Galaxy. But why do you want me to complete a condition for you in the Yunqi Galaxy to avenge you?"

It is said that Li Lingtian was also surprised. It stands to reason that Dao Fei's enemies should be the dragon battle galaxy. Why should he help deal with the Yunqi galaxy?

"Oh, because the root of our family's demise is in the Yunqi Galaxy!"

Dao Feiyang said helplessly: "This senior, I won't say these words. Are you going to rush to the Dragon Battle Galaxy? Let's move on!"


Li Lingtian knew that Dao Feiyang was reluctant to say anything, immediately looked around and looked carefully.

In any case, you still have to choose a direction first.


However, at this moment, when the wind rang, Li Lingtian suddenly felt a cold breath.

"No, there is a situation!"

With a frown raised, Li Lingtian looked up and saw that the grass around it turned out to be rolling like waves, coming towards them.

"There are giant beasts in the grass!"

Dao Fei's eyes flashed coldly, his wrists reversed, and a sharp long knife suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Drink! Kill!"

The sharp blades burst out of the air and quickly brushed over the grass.

"Poop! Poop!"

Suddenly, blood splattered, and snake-like beasts flew out of the grass.

When Li Lingtian felt slightly, he noticed that the strength of those snake-shaped beasts were all around the second order of the domain master, and the strength of flying with a sword can completely cope with it!


"Oh, uh!"

The fierce Daomang erupted continuously, but Li Lingtian and Daofeiyang were all within ten feet of the body, and they were all sharp.

The little snakes just rushed in, but they were cut into pieces by knife gas.

Blood splashed all over the sky, and the green on the ground was slowly stained with red.


Suddenly, Li Lingtian looked at him, only to see a few giant snakes galloping in the distance.

The giant snakes could no longer be hidden in the grass, so they rushed like that, giving people a strong sense of visual oppression.

"My God! This giant snake is so powerful!"

Almost instantly, Dao Feiyang felt the shock.

He can feel that any one of those giant snakes is stronger than him!

"Senior, it's your turn!"

Swallowing a sip of water, Dao Feiyang retreated directly behind Li Lingtian. He had self-knowledge, knowing that he would not be an opponent and would not be a hero!

"No hurry, wait until they all come together!"

Li Lingtian smiled softly and waved his right hand. Suddenly, a blue light barrier wrapped him and Dao Feiyang.


Suddenly, the sky was full of air, and the flying snakes rushed to Li Lingtian before they continually hit the blue light barrier, making a banging sound.

At the same time, the few giant snakes also came at a very fast speed, but it was only a dozen breathing times, and they came not far away.

Not only that, those flying snakes are already densely piled up completely.

Seeing this scene, Dao Feiyang couldn't help but feel some scalp tingling. He didn't know how Li Lingtian had such a big heart. Looking at so many flying snakes, his appearance didn't change at all.

After all flying snakes and giant snakes arrived, Li Lingtian called out the snow elf.

In fact, Li Lingtian could have used the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, but he thought that he had previously released Wanxuan Shenghuo in the Purple Forest. If it is now exhibited and let Feiyang see the flaw, it will be troublesome.

So, Li Lingtian chose to use other law's original power, which just happened to make him more aware.

In the case where the power in the body cannot be used, the source of the law is Li Lingtian's last killer!


As soon as the snow elf appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the air in the whole space became cold.

Snow fluttering, cold wind piercing, knife flying Yang couldn't help but shivered, could not help but looked at the snow elf with surprise.

"Little boy, it's yours!"

With a whisper, Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, fully mobilizing the original power of the ice law in the body.


Suddenly, the snow elf's eyes opened, and a silvery white light burst out of his body instantly and spread out to the surroundings.


"Click! Click!"

At the next moment, a clear voice sounded, and those flying snakes outside the blue light barrier quickly spread a thick layer of frost on their bodies. Reflect a beautiful light.

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