War God Supreme

Chapter 3429: Into the city

"Are you really a member of Ling Xiaozong?"

Those people were shocked and murmured.

Ling Xiaozong, that is the second superpower in the entire Qianlong Star Field!

Even looking at the top ten stars, Ling Xiaozong is a top-notch force, so for them, it is like a myth!

"Brother Ling Tian... Are you really a disciple of Ling Xiaozong?"

Dao Feiyang looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, and was also full of shock. He was ecstatic in his heart. If Li Lingtian was really a disciple of Ling Xiaozong, why should he not be anxious about his revenge?

Realizing that the sword was flying and the look of the five Cangyan Sects, Li Lingtian could not help but nodded slightly. It seems that Ling Xiaozong was still very powerful against them!

"How is it possible that the people of Ling Xiaozong and the Duanmu family have fixed gathering points? Why are they here?"

With a whisper, they quickly awakened and immediately looked at Li Lingtian carefully. When they realized that Li Lingtian had no Lingxiaozong pattern on her body, they calmed down again.

"If you really belong to Ling Xiaozong, why don't you wear Ling Xiaozong's clothes? Or, is there anything on you that can prove that you are a disciple of Ling Xiaozong?"

I have to say that the name Ling Xiaozong still gave them a great deterrent, otherwise, they would not be so kind.

"Huh, it seems that you are afraid!"

Li Lingtian's face immediately froze: "A group of guys who are bullying and afraid of being hard, how dare they stand by themselves?"

"Oh, today Li Lingtian wants to pass through here. I want to see, who dares to stop me?"

"So you are not a disciple of Ling Xiaozong!"

Hearing the words, the five people of Cang Yanzong immediately became angry: "Good fellow, dare to deceive us! Find death!"

"Brothers, let this **** know to anger our end!"

The five people of Cang Yanzong, who were angry, completely forgot that they could not see Li Lingtian's strength, and shot one after another, attacking Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian be careful!"

Dao Feiyang exclaimed, but he saw Li Lingtian's face indifferent, and his heart suddenly shivered. The original tightly hung heart was also put down.

"Several ants, dare to shoot me! Find death!"

Li Lingtian's expression was indifferent. As his voice fell, the Snow Elf suddenly flew up, his wings fluttered, and at the next moment, countless silver-white snowflakes surged, flying to Cang Yanzong's five people.


Almost instantly, the five people of Cang Yanzong had just felt a chill hit their faces, and their bodies were covered with a layer of frost!

"not good!"

The pupil contracted sharply, his mouth slightly opened, and the words had not been shouted. These five people turned into ice sculptures standing at the gate of the city.


The icy coldness permeated, even the people in the city felt a chill.

But no one would think of a conflict at the gate.

"This... this is dead?"

Seeing the five people of Cang Yanzong turned into ice sculptures, Dao Feiyang twitched the corners of his mouth.

Masters above the fifth level of the five domain masters, instantly become ice sculptures? In this regard, Li Lingtian has not yet shot, just a guy he summoned out does not know what to do, if he himself shot, how powerful would it be?


Li Lingtian said indifferently: "Let's go, we can go in!"

With that, the Snow Elf fluttered back to Li Lingtian's shoulder.

"That one……"

Dao Feiyang hesitated for a moment, or asked, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​are you really a disciple of Ling Xiaozong?"

"I will be there in the Dragon Battle Galaxy."

Although Li Lingtian has not officially worshipped Ling Xiaozong, Jiang Xingfan's sacrifice at that time was touched by Li Lingtian. Therefore, in the heart of Li Lingtian, he already regarded himself as a disciple of Ling Xiaozong.


Wen Yan said that Dao Feiyang was immediately excited. Since Li Lingtian was a disciple of Ling Xiaozong, wouldn't his revenge be easily reported?

After entering the inner city, there were more passers-by.

There are various stalls on both sides, with some medicinal materials, chaotic treasures and the like.

Obviously, there are also trading locations.

Li Lingtian glanced at it and found that there was nothing good, and he didn't care.

A moment later, a luxurious courtyard appeared in front of the two.

In the courtyard, the sound was noisy, and I heard that there were many people in it.

Several guards, guarding the door.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised.

"It seems that it's so greasy! Let's go in and see if we can find news about the altar!"

Looking at each other, Li Lingtian walked to the gate of the mansion with a knife flying.


Li Lingtian and the two had just reached the gate, and the guards at the gate stopped them.

"Who are you? Any invitations?"

The guards looked at Li Lingtian and looked at them. After they realized they couldn't see Li Lingtian's strength, their expressions suddenly became dignified.

"No invitations."

Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and asked softly, "Why, only people with invitations can enter?"

"Neither is it."

The guards shook their heads and said, "Have your strength reached the level 7 of the domain master? This time at the treasure gathering, only people above the level 7 of the domain master are eligible to participate."

"Only the seventh order of the domain master can enter?"

With a frown, Li Lingtian was also interested, and only the seventh-order domain master could participate. There must be important news and some intelligence.

Immediately, Li Lingtian exuded a little power.

The surging power, like Mount Tai, was instantly pressed against the minds of the guards.

"This kind of momentum seems to exceed the seventh order of the domain master..."

Looking at each other, the guards quickly gave up and said respectfully, "This lord, please!"


Slightly nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian entered the mansion with a knife flying.

After entering the mansion, Li Lingtian and the two people saw that dozens of people were divided into dozens of small circles and were happily discussing something.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​these guys don't seem to know all of them, they are all small groups."

Dao Feiyang whispered, "Otherwise, let's go up and close?"

"No need to."

Li Lingtian shook his head and said, "Let's wait and wait for someone to speak out later. Take a closer look, after all, we don't know anything about this virtual space!"


Dao Feiyang burst into tears, and could not help crying and laughing, and think about it, they didn't know anything about this virtual space, even if they knew the news of the altar, there was no way. It might as well stay here a little longer, maybe you will get more news!

While Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang were hanging around in the mansion, several guards were reporting to several people at the door.

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