War God Supreme

Chapter 3434: Robbing treasures

"Great, Tian Yuan appeared!"

Seeing the bright, dazzling light, Zhou Xun was very excited, and in exclamation, he soared into the air and flew towards the light.

Li Lingtian's eyes were slightly closed, and he felt a little, feeling that the light was filled with the power of space fluctuations. Obviously, these heavens should be the outside power, the opportunity for those who came to try.

Otherwise, it will not be the force of spatial fluctuations.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​shall we follow suit?"

Dao Feiyang blinked and looked at Li Lingtian nervously.

"of course."

With a frown, Li Lingtian's sleeve robe flicked, and his body looked like a ghost, and he immediately appeared beside Zhou Xun.

Several people like Zhou Xun have been used to Li Lingtian's haunting behavior. In addition, at this time, they put all their attention on Tian Yuan, and did not care too much.

Li Lingtian looked down and saw that the surrounding areas were covered by bright light. In that light, there was a piece of whiteness, and even he couldn't see exactly what was inside.

But it can be clearly sensed that there is nothing in it, and if it falls into it, it will definitely die!

The power of space can be resisted by people who are not at the domain master level!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Tian Yuan has already started at this time, and from time to time there are several rays of light, flying out of that void, shaking in the sky.

Those lights, which contained energy, Zhou Xun looked at them for a moment, all took a deep breath.

"These are all chaotic treasures, although they are only in the early stages, but it can be enough to show that this is Tianyuan!"

"Hey, Zhang Hai, Liu Mo, you quickly set up the formation."


The two responded with a sound, quickly flew out, and began to fly around Tianyuan.

Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and it seemed that Cang Yanzong was inevitable for the treasure of this abyss, and made many preparations in advance.

Even if he didn't shoot, those guys would definitely not be able to **** the treasure from Cang Yanzong. Unfortunately, he came.

If Cang Yanzong did not draw him, it would be him who got the treasure.


Just when Zhang Hai and Liu Mo started to arrange their formations, some people around discovered the fluctuations here and rushed.

"God, Tian Yuan appeared!"

"Hahaha, finally wait until Tian Yuan!"

The cry of surprise rang continuously.

Dozens of figures quickly came behind Li Lingtian and others.

When those people saw that Zhou Xun and others were there, they calmed down, and immediately stopped speaking, just quietly watching the various rays of light floating in the abyss.


However, with more and more people coming, some weak people have already begun to endure.

"These rays are all chaotic treasures!"

Swallowing a sip, those guys saw Zhou Xun and others just stood indifferently in front of Tian Yuan, did not do it, and all were anxious.

Zhou Xun does not do anything, and they dare not act lightly!

So, the scene calmed down, and nearly a thousand people surrounded Tianyuan, but no one dared to start.

For a long time, some people could not bear it.

"call out!"

A figure rushed out quickly, came in front of a ray of light, and reached out to grab it.


However, the man's hand had just encountered that ray of light, and a strong anti-shock force burst out quickly.

The man had no defense at all, and was immediately sent to Zhen Fei by the force of anti-shock, and there was blood flowing around the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but jumped their eyes.

It seems that in this abyss, although there are many opportunities, it can be dangerous, and it also coexists!

Without enough strength, if you want to get a chance in Tianyuan, it can be described as a nine-death life!

However, everyone is not too discouraged. After all, that person is only the fourth order of the domain master. It is normal to not get the treasure.


Just when everyone was hesitant, the man burst into a scream and caught the ray of light again, his eyes full of firmness.

I don't know why, when he saw the light at first glance, a special feeling rose in his heart.

"Drink! Come to me!"

The light blue light instantly appeared in the palm of the man's palm, and immediately caught the light again.


The light bloomed and the surging spiritual power exploded, but this time, those anti-shock forces did not shock the person back.

"Let me go!"

In the palm of my hand, a violent amount of violence flew, and the light blue light instantly swallowed that light.

After the light had dispersed, a dark tortoiseshell appeared quietly in the palm of the man's palm.


Everyone was envious of seeing the man got a chaotic treasure, but when they saw that there was just a tortoiseshell in the palm of their hand, they laughed out loud.

They can sense that the energy fluctuation contained in the tortoiseshell is extremely low, and it can barely be regarded as the treasure of chaos. Among the crowd, almost everyone's chaotic treasure is stronger than this.

Only Li Lingtian frowned, he felt a special force from the tortoiseshell.

However, Li Lingtian didn't think much about it. After all, Chaos Treasure had no effect on him.


"Finally got it!"

However, after the man got the tortoiseshell, he shouted in excitement.

After the laugh, the talent reacted and quickly covered the tortoiseshell with both hands, looking nervously at everyone around him.

In an instant, everyone around was speechless. Isn't it one of the weakest chaotic treasures? With such a cover-up, I really think someone will rob you?

However, everyone saw that the man got the treasure, Zhou Xun did not move a few people, but also let down their hearts, one after another, rushed towards the light group they fancy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 咻咻咻! "

For a while, countless figures shuttled over the sky, snatching those light groups.

Those light groups are also not fuel-efficient lamps, which contain quite terrifying powers. Not everyone can disperse those powers and get the treasures!

At the same time, Tian Yuan continued to run, and another group of light groups emerged from Tian Yuan, flying slowly.

The rush to rob treasures instantly ignited!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xun couldn't help but slightly twitched the corners of his mouth. In front of it, it was just some appetizers. The more you grab, the more power you consume, and the more happy Zhou Xun will be!

After realizing that no one was paying attention to him, the man who grabbed the tortoiseshell took a sigh of relief, immediately clutching the tortoiseshell tightly, and quickly left Tianyuan.

Li Lingtian glanced far away, but his heart suddenly raised a feeling, it seems that this guy will have great achievements in the future!

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