War God Supreme

Chapter 3437: Destroy good things


As the loud voice exploded, the people who were trapped in the formation were shot.


The surging spiritual power continually erupted from their bodies, and many chaotic treasures screamed and hit the array light curtain.

Suddenly, the burst of tremor shook violently.

"not good!"

Cang Yanzong was shocked, and they didn't expect that those guys would suddenly provoke trouble, and quickly urged the whole body to infuse into the formation.


However, how can their strength suppress the masters of dozens of domain master seventh ranks, and even domain master eighth ranks?

Almost instantly, Cang Yanzong's formation was broken!

"Oh my god! How could this be!"


For a time, Cang Yanzong and others were desperate, which made them feel despair and fear!

Without the formation, with their strength, they can't resist the offensive of so many people. What's more, now that Zhou Xun, the most powerful of them, is still fighting with that stone seal. Where can he get out?


"Zhou Xun, this time, I think you lifted a stone and hit your feet!"

"Do you think we wouldn't think of your formation? We are actually intentional. Only then will you go to conquer that chaotic treasure, so that you will not be able to resist us! Hahaha!"

Speaking of which, those people laughed out loud.

The people of Cang Yanzong became even more desperate. It turned out that before they were just smart.

Surrounding the audience, seeing this scene, they all sneered out loud. In their view, Cang Yanzong was planted in those hands this time!

Dao Feiyang was even more surprised, and murmured: "How is it possible... Didn't they still have the upper hand? Why did they suddenly lose?"

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian smiled lightly and moved his hands a bit, then it was his turn to play!


As the sound of the drink fell, those people tried their best to make a few breaths. Cang Yanzong, except Zhou Xun, was injured and unable to shoot again.


Seeing this scene, those people couldn't help laughing, looking at Zhou Xun's eyes full of jokes.

They did not rush to shoot, after all, the stone seal is the pinnacle of chaos at the peak, and it is extremely laborious to conquer.

They want to wait until Zhou Xun has consumed the power in the stone seal, and then start to do it. At that time, it is easy to clean up Zhou Xun, and it takes no effort to conquer the stone seal. It can be described as two birds with one stone!


Cang Yanzong couldn't see the thoughts of those guys and gritted their teeth, but they were helpless.

In an instant, they put all their hopes on Zhou Xun.

Immediately, they thought of Li Lingtian, turned around, looked at Li Lingtian, and found that after Li Lingtian's expression was indifferent, their hearts were also much smoother.

But they were a little curious, why didn't Li Lingtian shoot?

For a time, above Tian Yuan, it was quiet, and dozens of people were surrounded in the air, staring closely at Zhou Xun and the stone seal.

Being stared at by so many people, Zhou Xun felt nervous.

But this is the crucial moment to conquer the lithograph, and he cannot give up!

"Mad, why didn't Li Lingtian shoot?"

Zhou Xun panicked, he did not understand, why Li Lingtian is still watching the drama until now? Is it possible that he doesn't want to help himself?

But if you give up, you must lose!

After a moment of contemplation, Zhou Xun still gritted his teeth and decided to continue to accept the stone seal.

This time, Zhou Xun put all hope on Li Lingtian!

He just gambled that Li Lingtian would take the shot and help him to intercept those guys!

Otherwise, this time they don't want to fight for the stone seal.

At this point, Zhou Xun stopped thinking about it and consumed the power of the stone seal with peace of mind.

Seeing this scene, those people were all ecstatic. They originally thought that Zhou Xun might choose to give up the stone seal and fight with them. In that case, they might lose a few people.

But they did not expect that Zhou Xun actually chose to continue to consume lithographs, which made them rejoiced and surprised. What was the reason that made Zhou Xun ignore them so much?

Could it be possible that Zhou Xun still has a back hand? Or is it that Zhou Xun has abandoned himself?

At this point in thought, the leaders were all surprised.

Looking at each other, they nodded their heads at the same time and decided to do it to avoid long nights.

If Wan Yixun really keeps his back, then they will suffer!

"Brothers, let's do it together! First destroy Zhou Xun!"


As the voice fell, the surging spiritual power fluctuated, and dozens of chaotic treasures flew to Zhou Xun.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Cang Yanzong and others could not help but exclaimed, his face full of despair.

Dao Feiyang also became nervous, and quickly asked, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​shall we not shoot yet?"

"I have shot."

Li Lingtian glanced at Dao Feiyang, his face lightly.


Hearing the words, Dao Feiyang couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and he was very surprised. When did you shoot?

Turning his head, he saw that the offensive of those people was already close to Zhou Xun.

Everyone in Cangyan Sect was pale with a white look, no blood.

Zhou Xun also clenched his teeth, but he did not give up, still consuming the power of the stone seal.


Everyone laughed out loud, and their eyes were full of excitement. In their eyes, it seemed to have seen the scene of Zhou Xun's defeat.


However, as they laughed, the loud dragon chant sounded.



The space is broken, the ice breath is filled, and dozens of frost dragons appear out of nowhere.


As soon as the dozens of frost giant dragons appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they waved their tails and swayed their bodies, taking all the offensives.


At the next moment, those dozens of frost dragons were sent out by Zhen Fei by a strong attack, but those people's previous offensives were also resisted at all!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but look pale!

"Who, who dares to spoil our good deeds?"

With a chill in his eyes, the spirits of the leading men roared, and a long roar came out.

They will not believe that these frost dragons will appear for no reason.

"Good thing that destroys you?"

Just as everyone looked around, Li Lingtian walked out slowly, and said indifferently: "This is clearly that you have done something wrong with me!"

As the last word fell, Qinglong, who was lingering on Li Lingtian's shoulder, raised his head, and in his eyes, the divine light bloomed, and suddenly, the cold raged!

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