War God Supreme

Chapter 3446: Blacklight Shield


Qinglong was transformed into a small dragon plate on Li Lingtian's right shoulder, and Zhu Yan was standing on Li Lingtian's left shoulder.

These two little guys look extremely cute, but in the eyes of Zhou Xun and others, it is very terrifying.

That is a terrifying existence that can destroy the world!

It can be said that with Zhu Yan and Qinglong in existence, even if Li Lingtian does not shoot, no one can resist in this virtual space!

"Let's go, you can go to Broken Soul Cliff!"

"Hopefully, the miscellaneous pieces of the Duanmu family have not yet started, otherwise, I will let them confess for the rest of their lives!"

In the cold voice, the people left like a gust of wind.


Broken Soul Cliff.

The originally silent enemy is now full of hustle and bustle.

Hundreds of people are energetic and converge above the valley.

In the depths of the Broken Soul Cliff, dozens of people bravely supported themselves and sat on the ground on their knees, restoring their own spiritual power.

In front of them, there was a strong figure, like a mountain, blocking it in front.

Although the figure was thin, the body contained great power.


"Leng Yiming, do you catch without a hand?"

In the high altitude, a figure shouted loudly: "If you are stubborn again, don't blame me for the killer!"

"Duan Mubin, do you really think I'm stupid?"

That thin figure, which is Leng Yiming, sneered out loud: "I'm sure, as long as I give up resistance, you will completely kill the killer!"

"Hey, Duan Mubin, our Ling Xiaozong does not have a genius, if you dare to do it, then try it!"

"Even if I die, I will pull you down!"

The icy cold fell with the voice.

Everyone looked down, only to see that Leng Yiming's face was grim, and the red light was flooding in his eyes. Obviously, he was already crazy.

This made everyone's heart awkward and could not help but take a few steps backwards.

Most of them are the helpers Duan Mubin is looking for, not from the Duanmu family. When they do not endanger their lives, they still dare to use their full strength, but now they have come to the Broken Soul Cliff. If they try their best, it is difficult. Bao Leng Yiming and others will not be mad, and then, if they accidentally fall here, it is really finished!

Therefore, most of them flinched.


Aware of this, Duan Mubin couldn't help but change his face slightly, and immediately scolded in his heart: "A group of bastards, I have given you so many benefits, but I am still so counseling!"

After taking a deep breath, Duan Mubin's sudden face was fierce, and he shouted sharply: "Well, since you are committed to death, you will blame me for being cruel!"

"Everyone listens to orders, and all movements are based on the original power. I don't believe it. These guys can sleep without sleep, and I don't believe that their power is endless!"

With a big hand, Duan Mubin backed away, his hands flicked up, and countless humid water filled him, instantly condensing in his hands, forming an ice blue water polo.

"Drink, Frost Palm!"

Pushing with both hands, the icy blue light ball flew to Leng Yiming and others suddenly. At the next moment, the water ball burst suddenly and countless water vapor filled.


At the same time, the cold wind screamed, and when those cold winds blew, they condensed the water vapor into ice, and immediately rushed towards Leng Yiming and others.

Obviously, this was shot by Duan Mubin.

"Everyone shot together!"

With the fall of Duan Mubin's words, everyone shot, either using the original power of the law, or using the chaos to treasure, and for a while, countless majestic powers fell one after another.

"Xuanguang Shield!"

Faced with this offensive, Leng Yiming gritted her teeth, pinching her hands, and at the next moment, a milky light suddenly burst out from Leng Yiming's chest.


The silver light fluctuated, and the next moment, the milky white light spread out abruptly, forming a light curtain!

Almost at the moment when the light curtain was formed, those cold borneols, as well as many fierce offensives, suddenly fell.


The loud explosion sound kept ringing, and the light curtain shuddered, but these attacks were resisted in full.

"Keep going!"

Duan Mubin waved his hand and countless attacks fell one after another.

But Duan Mubin, pulling several others, retreated to the back.

At this time, their faces were extremely pale, and it was clear that Leng Yiming caused them great damage.

"Damn, I didn't expect Leng Yiming to have this treasure in his hand! It must have been left to him by the elders!"

The leading disciple of the Blood Sword Sect frowned, and looked at Duan Mubin suspiciously: "Brother Duan Mu, do you have such treasures in your Duanmu family? Why don't you shoot?"

"Otherwise, if we rely on our attack alone, it will take a long time to break that attack!"


As the disciple of the Blood Sword spoke this sentence, the rest of the people said: "Duan Duanmu, I know that the Duanmu family has a great cause. There must be a treasure to deal with the Xuanguang shield!"

"Just do it early, get rid of them early, feel at ease early, lest you have more nights!"


After hearing this, Duan Mubin snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I want to do it too, but... But this time, our ancestors didn't know what went crazy, they sent all their hands out, and all the treasures were distributed. .. I didn’t assign anything at all.”

"Otherwise, can I tolerate that Leng Yiming flaunts in front of me? Can he live to this day?"


Suddenly, the Blood Sword Sect and others were depressed, but they could only helplessly sigh.

Although there are treasures beyond the peak chaos in their sect, they are all used by the elders. In their identity, they cannot be used at all.

"It seems that I can only slowly consume them!"

"Not bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't believe that cold cry, I really have enough power to use the black shield!"

"When he is exhausted, it is his death!"

"Not bad!"

Duan Mubin also nodded and said, "You can rest assured that as long as you cooperate with me and consume the power of cold Yiming, when he dies, I promise to give you the conditions, I will definitely give you! The third time of the Abyss, I will not look Will rob you!"

"it is good!"

Wen Yan, the Blood Sword Sect looked at each other, eyes full of joy.

As long as Duan Mubin didn't shoot, they would be sure that they would grab the last treasure. As for the last one, they would get a few more fights.

But they did not notice the chill in the depth of Duan Mubin's eyes.

What a joke, the third time Tian Yuan's eyes, but the quasi-world treasure treasure, he will give up?

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