War God Supreme

Chapter 3449: Brotherhood


Amidst the roar, a blood-red palm suddenly appeared in the air, and immediately snapped at the milky light curtain!


Blood-red palm prints skimmed through the air, exuding heart-pounding waves.

I don't know why, even the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect, such as Blood Soul, see the blood red and feel cold in their hearts.

Surrounding the audience, looking at Duan Mubin's face, all became dignified.

This Duan Mubin's strength is so superb, what to do in case of fraud, or do not recognize it?



As the blood-red palm print touched the light curtain, loud explosions were heard, and at the same time, cracks appeared one after another in the crisp voice above the light curtain.

"not good!"

Realizing this, Leng Yiming couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently, and his eyes were full of despair!

He could feel it, the Xuanguang shield was broken!


Almost at the moment when the Xuanguang Shield broke, Leng Yiming shook his body violently, and a big red blood spouted from his mouth.

The meridians in the body are even more painful than heartbreaking lungs, but these pains are far less than the despair in Leng Yiming's heart!

Finished, this time, they are dead!

Not only is he going to die alone, there are so many disciples who can't go back today!

At this time, Leng Yiming couldn't help but regret it. I already knew that I wouldn't fight with this Duan Mubin, or with the people in the sect. In this way, even if I die, I just die myself People, at least not involving others!

Unfortunately, in this world, there is no so-called regret medicine, things have already happened, even if you regret it, it is useless!

Not to mention Leng Yiming, many Lingxiao Sect disciples are desperate.

"Hehe... I didn't expect that we would die in this broken soul cliff today!"

"Eh, but it's worth it, at least, it was with the brothers!"

"Click! Click!"

In the clear sound, the Xuanguang Shield shattered and the light curtain dissipated, showing the figure of Leng Yiming and others.


However, the huge **** palm prints in the air still did not disperse, whistling and photographed Leng Yiming and others.


Aware of this, Leng Yiming's eyes gleamed with blood-red rays, ignoring his own injuries, his feet slammed the ground violently, and the whole person shot like an arrow off the string.

"Frost Fist!"

The fists clenched together, the ice-blue light flashed, and the chilling cold air suddenly spread out, and collided with that blood-red palm print!


The chill was cold, and just a moment, the blood-red palm was sealed to the ice.


The fists landed heavily on the ice cube. At the next moment, the ice cube shattered, and the blood-red palm print was completely gone.


But Yi Ming blew, but his body shuddered violently, and the blood at the corners of his mouth kept seeping out.

Fang Cai, Leng Yiming didn’t recover his injury, so he forcibly urged the Xuanguang Shield, which was already damaging the heart. In addition, the Xuanguang Shield was broken, and the Fang Cai hardly blocked the blood red palm print, making Leng Yiming's body injury more serious. .

If it wasn't for Leng Yiming's idea was strong enough, now Leng Yiming would have laid down on the ground!

"Giggle! Leng Yiming, did not expect that your strength is not bad! You can actually block this trick!"

Duan Mubin sneered: "However, you are already the end of a strong crossbow!"


Wen Yan, Leng Yiming couldn't help but feel desperate. Duan Mubin was right. At this time, he had no strength, even if Duan Mubin was just a normal punch, he couldn't resist!

Because, he is exhausted, and all the spiritual power in the body, as well as the law's original power, are exhausted.

"Hey, Leng Yiming, weren't you arrogant before? Now, why don't you say a word?"

Duan Mubin walked slowly towards Leng Yiming. After staying close to Leng Yiming for three feet, he stopped.

At this time, Leng Yiming was floating in the air, looking at Duan Mubin and others indifferently. As for other Lingxiao Sect disciples, they knelt on the ground and were unable to move.

Although the Xuanguang Shield is powerful, the anti-bite power after it is broken is also very strong. All the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect are full of food!

"Hehe... It seems that today is really the end of my wait!"

Leng Yiming looked down and glanced at him, and immediately smiled bitterly.

"Brother Leng!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother Leng, we had blamed you wrong! We are sorry for you!"

"Yeah, we used to think you were very proud and disdain to be with us. We have targeted you for this! Haha, look now, it's so funny!"

"Yeah, Brother Leng, we are sorry for you! We are so bad for you, but you are willing to give everything to protect us! I was Wang Linle's blind eye, and I didn't see it!"

"If there is an afterlife, we are willing to be brothers with Brother Leng!"

"Good! Brother Leng, it is our pleasure to be able to die with you today!"

The mournful words sounded one after another.

Leng Yiming's eyes were slightly closed, and his heart was moved.

Not to mention them, even the Blood Sword Sect and others who besieged them were silent, their eyes full of envy.

This kind of feeling is the most enviable!


Duan Mubin said with a smile: "What a touching scene! But it's a pity that you are going to die soon. If you want to be a brother, go to hell!"

Duan Mubin's face was full of grief.

Seeing Duan Mubin so crazy, even Blood Soul and others were slightly frowning and dissatisfied.


Take a deep breath and sing coldly: "Duan Mubin, today is a grudge between you and me. If you promise to let others leave, I can die in front of you immediately, how?"

"No, no!"

"Brother Leng, what are you saying!"

"Today's death~www.wuxiaspot.com~Let us all die together, to live, to live together! We will definitely not steal the life!"

As Leng Yiming's voice fell, many Lingxiao Sect disciples exploded and stood up, holding the pain, looking at Duan Mubin's eyes, full of anger.

"Giggle, interesting..."

Duan Mubin sneered, "Leng Yiming, now, you still naively think, I will let you leave?"

"The grudge between you and me is the grudge between the Duanmu family and Ling Xiaozong!"

"A group of ants, please blame you for joining Ling Xiaozong!"

"Today, even if the emperor came, he couldn't save you out!"

"Nine Nether Cracked Claw!"

Along with the bleak voice, Duan Mubin waved his hands, two claws full of yin, and slammed into Leng Yiming's crowd.

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