War God Supreme

Chapter 3453: Blood Domain Demon Reappearance


Amidst the screaming screams, the black mist dispersed, and a terrifying blood demon appeared in front of everyone.

The blood-field demon, all covered with black bone spurs, had **** flesh on its face, blood dripping, and it looked extremely scary.

Some female disciples vomited at the first sight of this blood-field demon.

"His... how come a devil suddenly appeared?"

"Isn't this the Blood Demon Sky Monster? It is said that the Blood Devil Sky Monster is a catastrophe thousands of years ago. It has been expelled by the ancestors. How can it still appear here?"

"No, what about Duan Mubin?"

Everyone was surprised.

Behind them are all the major sects and forces. Naturally, the legend of the blood-field gods can be recognized.

But they didn't know that this **** domain demon was abruptly transformed by Duan Mubin!

Li Lingtian sneered, and his heart immediately firmed up the previous guess. Obviously, the Duanmu family must be connected to those blood-domain demon, otherwise, there is no way for the family to have this means of transforming into a blood-domain demon!

When I looked down, I saw that the eyes of the blood demon were full of blood red, and there was no slight look. Li Lingtian was suddenly awe-inspiring, and the wisdom of Duan Mubin had disappeared!

"Huh, this Duanmu family is also a brain disability. This kind of power will dissipate even the mind after it is used. I really don't understand why they still use it!"

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian stretched his right hand, and at the next moment, the silver-white holy light shone brightly, and the oath of God of War appeared suddenly in his hand.


The blood demon celestial screamed, and suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole area became dark.

At the same time, Bloody Heavenly Devil's two claws waved, and the sharp claws suddenly brought sounds of breaking through the sky, snapping at Li Lingtian.

"Cut me!"

Li Lingtian's eyes flashed coldly, the God of War's oath broke out, and the sharpest sword spirit suddenly swept across and skimmed the sky.


It was only an instant, that sharp sword energy, it passed the claws of the **** demon.


The strange power broke out. At the next moment, the **** field demon suddenly wailed, blood suddenly splashed out on its wrists, two huge palms fell suddenly, and fell heavily on the ground!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but narrow his eyes. If it was just to kill Duan Mubin, then he could achieve his goal with a sword, but his purpose was to force the **** domain demon back and become again. Duan Mubin, and restore his mind.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian doesn't need to be so troublesome.


Suddenly, Li Lingtian thought in his heart that he had thought of a possibility, and he immediately stroked with his right hand.


Zhu Yan suddenly galloped, flapping his wings, purple flames, like a hurricane, suddenly covered the whole blood-domain demon to them!


It was only an instant that the Blood Devil was roaring and struggling constantly, trying to escape from the sea of ​​fire.

However, with Li Lingtian in it, how could it escape?

Whether it was Duan Mulin or Duan Mubin, they swallowed the panacea, and then they burst out with black gas, which can transform themselves into blood field devil. If all the black gas is evaporated?

In this way, is it possible to restore Duan Mubin to their original condition as long as the black gas is dispelled?


"Roar roar!"

The deafening roar sounded continuously.

Blood Soul and others looked at this scene with strange faces. They could feel that the previous sword was even stronger than the elders in their sect that reached the world's master level!

"Huh, it seems that this time, Ling Xiaozong won the game! Wait a moment, no matter what requirements Ling Xiaozong made, you must agree, otherwise, there is only one way to die!"

Blood Soul and other leaders of the forces looked at each other, nodded, and all made their plans.


A moment later, the deafening roar dissipated and replaced by a shrill cry.

The sound was so familiar that it changed the look of Blood Soul and others.

"What's the situation? Wasn't the blood-field demon just burned by the flames? Why is this voice now, like Duan Mubin's voice?"

"It's impossible, just the **** demon of Duan Cai is Duan Mubin?"

Suddenly, Blood Soul and others all thought of this, and his face could not help but drastically changed.

If the Duanmu family can transform into a blood-domain demon, does it mean that the Duanmu family is related to the blood-domain demon?

In an instant, everyone's face was dignified, and even Leng Ming was staring at the flame with both eyes.

If the Duanmu family really has something to do with the Blood Devil, he can foresee that Ling Xiaozong and the Duanmu family will never die!


At this moment, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, and the purple flame dispersed in the sky, revealing the figure.

Suddenly, a ragged figure in his clothes appeared in front of everyone.

At that time, the skin of the man who was burnt by the flames was black, but everyone recognized it, and the figure was Duan Mubin!

"My God, it turns out that the blood-field demon was really transformed by Duan Mubin!"

"Damn, that is to say, the Duanmu family is related to the blood-domain demon? That is the blood-domain demon!"

"How could this be! How could this be?"

At this time, even the guards and disciples of the Duanmu family were panicked.

They are also extremely afraid of the blood-domain demon, but now, it is said that the blood-domain demon is related to their Duanmu family. How can they not panic?

"Hahaha, I did not guess wrong!"

Li Lingtian sneered out loud: "Duan Mubin, your Duanmu family, it really has something to do with the Blood Devil Clan!"

Take back the oath of God of War~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian's figure flashed before appearing in front of Duan Mubin.

"what are you going to do?"

Duan Mubin's pupils shrank sharply, just preparing to move, but his throat hurt. I only felt that my body was light, but I was shocked to find that I had been pinched by Li Lingtian and lifted up.

Suddenly, Duan Mubin felt that breathing was gradually becoming difficult, and the thoughts in his brain were also much confused.

"What should I do?"

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and said softly, "Of course I want to ask you, what is the relationship between your Duanmu family and the blood-domain demon? Why can everyone in your Duanmu family turn into a blood-domain demon?"


Duan Mubin made a difficult voice: "What do you say about the **** devil, I don't know! You don't want blood to spit people!"

"Oh, it seems that you want to try the taste of survival without death!"

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