War God Supreme

Chapter 3455: Conspiracy of the domain master

"I...I said!"

Duan Mubin made a painful expression, his face haggard.

That kind of pain is really too much torture. Even if he has experienced various tortures, he can't bear that kind of pain!

"It's better to say no earlier..."

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and said softly: "Finally, what is the relationship between your Duanmu family and the Blood Devil? Why can you change into the Blood Devil?"

"I am not sure as well……"

Duan Mubin shook his head slightly and said helplessly: "My identity is not very high, and I don't know the specific situation. But I know that every child of the family's descendants will be sent to the forbidden place when he is ten years old. In the forbidden land, only those who have obtained the blood and blood of the demon are eligible to continue to practice!"


After hearing this, Li Lingtian's face suddenly became solemn, and his thoughts turned like electricity: "It seems that within the Duanmu family, all the lineages that can be cultivated have the power to change into the blood devil! This is bad, and their strength is strong enough. After that, after transforming into a Blood Devil, the strength will be further improved... Hey, the ancestor of the Duanmu family is said to be the first master of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, and his strength must be extraordinary..."

"If he becomes a blood-domain demon again, I am afraid that there is no realm of the sixth order of the domain master, or even the seventh order of the domain master, it is difficult to defeat him!"

"His... It seems that if you want to destroy the Duanmu family, you can't rely on me alone! At the very least, you must pull Ling Xiaozong!"

As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian continued to ask: "Continue to tell me, what information about the blood devil in your clan?"

"No more."

Duan Mubin shook his head and said: "In addition, there is no more. At first, we did not know that the blood of the blood demon is the blood of the demon of the blood domain, but only one time later, I went out with an elder. When it came to an irresistible crisis, the elder used the power of essence and blood, and I realized that it was the essence and blood of the demon in the blood domain!"

"In our family, there are a few people who know this."


After hearing this, Li Lingtian also understood that the Duanmu family did not dare to tell this thing, otherwise, I am afraid that the rest of the Zongmen and forces have already come to the door!

After all, the Blood Devil is the enemy of the entire Star Territory!

"Continue to say, your Duanmu family, what is the plot for Ling Xiaozong?"

Li Lingtian drank coldly.

"This time, the reason why I will start with Leng Yiming is also the order of the elders of the family! They got news from Leng Yiming and others, and told me to let me lead Leng Yiming to Broken Soul Cliff. And destroy them!"

Duan Mubin laughed bitterly: "Otherwise, I am not alone, I dare not do it! After all, Ling Xiaozong is powerful, and if they come to the door, our ethnic group will definitely not shield me!"

"It seems that within Ling Xiaozong, there are your people!"

Li Lingtian even sneered aloud: "If not, how could you get their clues!"


"How can there be a traitor in our sect?"

However, when hearing Li Lingtian's words, Leng Yiming and others were slightly changed.

Neither of them believed, or did not want to believe, that there were traitors in Ling Xiaozong!

"In addition to this, our Duanmu family has already united many families and Zongmen, and intends to fight against Ling Xiaozong one year later for the domain master to compete!"

"Oh? The domain owner competes?"

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help frowning, but what was the domain master fighting for?

Could it be that it is the battle for the master of the entire Qianlong Star Territory?

"Not bad."

Duan Mubin laughed bitterly: "As for the rest, I don't know. I just know that the elders seem to be well prepared, and they don't take Ling Xiaozong's eyes in mind!"

"Plus, our ancestors are superb, and the lord of the Lingxiao sect is difficult to be our ancestor's opponent!"


After talking, Duan Mubin just begged: "This brother, as far as I know, has already told you, can you give me a happy heart now?"


As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian suddenly stood up and turned away.


The sharp sword gas flickered, and at the next moment, a stream of blood spattered from Duan Mubin's neck.

"Time after time!"

Crimson blood, like a fountain, continuously erupted from Duan Mubin's neck.

The expression in Duan Mubin's eyes also gradually dissipated.

Obviously, Duan Mubin is dead!

Aware of this, many Duanmu family members suddenly sighed in their hearts, and Duanmubin was dead. Then, can they still have a chance to live?


Li Lingtian glanced at everyone, and said softly: "Duanmu family should be damn!"


With the last "death" word falling, instant time, purple flames, and icy blue cold air appeared beside many Duanmu families out of thin air.

"Poop! Poop!"


The cold and flame erupted at the same time, but it was just a few breathing times. Those of the Duanmu family were all killed by fate!


Blood Soul and others looked at the people beside him, all died one by one, all of them trembling, and their hearts were full of horror.

They are afraid that the next person to die will be their turn!

After a moment, Li Lingtian's right hand flicked up, and Qinglong and Zhu Yan flew at the same time, shrinking again, and returned to Li Lingtian's shoulder.

However, there is not a single person, dare to underestimate them!

Especially Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan’s purple flames are so overbearing. They can only feel trapped inside, they can feel that the spiritual power in their bodies is being melted by the flames!

They have no doubt that if they spend more time in this flame, they will be melted by the flame!

This shows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Yan's domineering flame!

"I know, you are all helping Duan Mubin, not the main killer!"

"Moreover, our disciples Ling Xiao Zong did not suffer any casualties, so I won't strike you hard."

Li Lingtian’s voice came out faintly. In a short time, Blood Soul and others all took a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, they hadn’t laid down their hands before. There is no way out!

"However, it is impossible for us Ling Xiaozong to let you fight and fight, and leave!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's words suddenly became awkward.

"Today you want to leave, it's easy, pay a certain price, as long as I am satisfied, you can leave!"

"Otherwise, one person will cut me off!"

A cold chill broke out, and Blood Soul and others suddenly froze behind them, as if falling into an ice cellar!

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