War God Supreme

Chapter 3459: Secret mission


His body flickered, and Leng Yiming's body appeared like a severe electric shock and quickly appeared in front of Zhou Xun and others.

"Eh? Lord Li?"

Zhou Xun blinked, and found that only Leng Yiming came down alone, and could not help but suspiciously.

Leng Yiming glanced at Zhou Xun and said coldly: "Brother Li still has something to do here, let's leave first."

"Zhou Xun, let's leave quickly. Brother Li will leave soon and won't be with you again."


Hearing the words, Zhou Xun could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and his heart was amazed. I just asked where Li Lingtian was, how did you react so much? Still want me to leave!

If it weren't for Zhou Xun to know that he was not Leng Yiming's opponent, I'm afraid he couldn't help it.

But it was he who knew it, so he resisted it.

"Master Li is leaving? What happened?"

But Zhou Xun couldn't help asking.

Immediately, Leng Yiming's voice was cold: "There are some things that you should not ask."

Glancing at Zhou Xun coldly, Leng Yiming said coldly, "Yes, you should leave."

After hearing this, Zhou Xun couldn't help but frown.


It was at this time that several loud explosions suddenly exploded above the altar.

"what sound?"

Suddenly hearing this noise, everyone raised their heads, only to see a figure suspended in the air, raised their hands and burst out a lot of strong power, and bombed toward the altar!


The hot purple flame, the ice-blue ice lance, and the sharp metallic breath continuously bombarded the altar and exploded endlessly.

"This... this seems to be Master Li's attack!"

When everyone saw this scene, they exclaimed loudly. They still knew Li Lingtian quite well.



The sound of Long Yin sounded, and the sound of rumble was rippling. The Green Dragon and Zhu Yan appeared at the same time. The purple flame and the ice blue ice dragon crashed on the defense!

"It really is an adult!"

"It's really Brother Li who will do it again. God, Brother Li actually shot at the altar? What is he doing?"

Originally, everyone only had a little doubt, but when they saw Qinglong and Zhu Yan starting, they no longer doubted. After all, Qinglong and Zhu Yan, only Li Lingtian can make a move.

For a time, everyone was very curious. They are all people of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, and do not know that the altar contains the mysterious passage.



Under such a fierce offensive by Li Lingtian, the altar was finally completely broken. At the next moment, the colorful light bloomed, and suddenly Li Lingtian, the sword flew, and the Qinglong and Zhu Yan, which had not been able to become smaller, were received.

Seeing this scene, Leng Yiming couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "Brother Li, good luck! I hope you can come to the Dragon Battle Galaxy as soon as possible! I can't wait to shoot the Duanmu family!"

"Duanmu family, you can rest assured that I will make you regret for life!"

"Dare to kill my master, you are playing with fire!"

Taking a deep breath, Leng Yiming glanced at the people who were still in shock and talk, and could not help closing their eyes slightly.

"Oh, it's strange, why did Brother Li suddenly attack the altar? Our elders didn't say that the altar appeared to give us God's gift? Why did Brother Li want to destroy him?"

"Yes, why did Brother Li do this? It's hard to do it. It was the elders in the clan who discovered the abnormality of the altar?"

"However, Brother Li's strength is really strong, the altar is indestructible, and was actually destroyed by Brother Li!"

"Nonsense, you don't have to look at Brother Li, but to suppress the existence of so many masters! Huh, I feel that maybe the elders of Waizong are not as powerful as him!"

"Hee hee, it turns out that our Ling Xiaozong is so powerful!"

The discussion started, and Zhou Xun was quite embarrassed. He glanced at each other and left.

After Zhou Xun and others left, Leng Yiming suddenly opened his eyes, drinking lightly: "Everyone be quiet!"

As Leng Yiming's voice fell, everyone stopped speaking and looked at Leng Yiming in surprise.

"Everyone listens to me. After going back this time, don't tell Elder Waizong about the encounter with Brother Li!"

Leng Yiming said in a deep voice: "This time, Brother Li will come in because he was sent by Elder Ziyuan, but this matter cannot be known to too many people."

"If it's not that we are in danger, Brother Li won't help. Huh, so everyone must keep it secret, you know?"

As soon as Leng Yiming finished his speech, everyone exploded.

"My God, I said Brother Li is so strong. It turns out that he is a disciple of Elder Ziyuan!"

"Huh, it turns out that Brother Li is here to perform special tasks! Rest assured, Brother Leng, we will not tell this thing out!"

"Yes, who dare to speak up, who will be finished in the future! Hey!"

Everyone grinned.

Wen Yan, Leng Yiming this is a long sigh of relief.

Silently raising his head, Leng Yiming looked at the altar that had disappeared, and said silently in his heart: "Brother Li, what I can do for you is just so much!!"



Li Lingtian only felt that the space was shattered. He grabbed his hands and flew the knife into the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo. After he felt the down-to-earth feeling again, he opened his eyes.

Shaking his head violently, Li Lingtian glanced around, and this was the realization that the surrounding was all blue slate.

In front of it is a passage with many stone statues.

Li Lingtian took a closer look, only to realize that there was no power left in these stone statues and could not be touched. This was a long sigh of relief.


At this time, Dao Feiyang woke up.

"Huh, where is this?"

"My head is so uncomfortable!"

The knife shook his head violently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After he saw the surrounding scene clearly, he felt depressed immediately.

what's going on?

Shouldn't it absorb power in the altar?

Why did you come here suddenly?

"This is inside the altar."

Li Lingtian glanced at Dao Feiyang and said softly: "The stone statues around here have all been exhausted. It is reasonable to say that they will not be touched, but you should also be careful. If there is a stone statue touched, remember to notify me in time. "

"Huh, as long as we pass this formation, we can reach the Yunqi Galaxy!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian Chang breathed a sigh of relief. After arriving at the Yunqi Galaxy, he must look for clues about Wan Tianyu and them.

"It's almost Yunqi Galaxy..."

Dao Feiyang also squinted his eyes, and in the eyes, cold and cold!

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