War God Supreme

Chapter 612: go away

"Don't move these medicinal materials, each kind of medicinal material has its own attributes."

"Leave it to me here. You can find a way to leave."

Li Lingtian saw that Long Da and others were happy, but when they saw that they were going to pick herbs, they quickly stopped.

Not all medicinal materials can be picked at random, because these medicinal materials have attributes.

Moreover, some cherished medicinal materials often have a lot of particularity. If one is not good, the spirituality of these medicinal materials will disappear.

For a Dan master, these are no longer tricks.

"Subordinates and others will do it."

Long Da said respectfully, knowing that Li Lingtian was particular about medicinal materials, and did not dare to move medicinal materials.

After talking, he and Yunhao walked away.

In addition to the Lingyao Garden, there are some passages in this place, and other places are endless colored auras, which can't be seen through them at all.

Needless to say, these colorful auras are forbidden and are also on the edge of the Lingyao Garden.

If you want to find a way out, then you only have to go through which channels.

After Long Da and Yunhao Wusheng left, the Sky Demon King meditated and practiced on the side of the Lingyao Garden to recuperate his injuries.

Li Lingtian looked at this piece of elixir garden with excitement.

However, instead of collecting medicinal materials, he seriously looked at the Lingyao Garden.

The formation of the Lingyao Garden mainly relied on the aura of the sky and countless precious medicinal herbs. Only when the aura is strong can some precious medicinal herbs appear.

These medicinal materials are still in motion for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and even millions of years of medicinal materials also exist.

A million years of medicinal materials, that's the real thing against the sky.

Even if it is not refined into a panacea, you can take it directly to improve your cultivation.

Because these medicinal herbs are against the sky, otherwise they can't live for millions of years. Even if the medicinal herbs are full of aura, they will wither to soil when they reach the limit of Shouyuan.

The Lingyao Garden appeared in this place, which must be related to the aura outside.

Outside is a world of pillars of aura, as well as pillars of divine crystals and spirit stones. Naturally, the aura is rich.

From this point of view, the aura outside is definitely the real eyes eroding the Great Venerable and the Great Demon God Emperor Heaven. The two powerful beings are devil heads, and it is best to suppress them with spiritual weapons.

But the powerhouse behind the suppression of the two powerful is really not simple, there is such a big hand.

I believe that even the entire Shenwu Continent does not necessarily have such wealth.

Moreover, those pillars of spirit stones and divine crystals are simply not a measure of wealth.

The formation of the Lingyao Garden is related to the bottomless abyss. The two positions are actually together. Now the time is also together, so it is natural to see at a glance.

However, he was not a reckless person, and he dared not do it easily to avoid any accident.

While looking at the grade and year of the medicinal materials, while looking for the strange things here, it took two hours to find it, and still nothing was found.

In this way, Li Lingtian was relieved.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Dragon Ring opened, and quickly put innumerable medicinal materials and even the mud into the Dragon Ring.

These herbs are classified according to the year and the degree of treasure.

Even if Li Lingtian was a powerful Emperor Wu, it took more than half an hour to take away these herbs.

After more than half an hour, this is no longer an aphrodisiac garden, but a wasteland without flowers and grass, and no grass has been seen.

The rich aura also disappeared constantly.


The sky oscillated, as if sensing the disappearance of the Lingyao Garden.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian's face showed a bitter smile, and he never expected that such a situation would have occurred, but he never looked at it.

Only at the end did such things happen.

"Little Lord."

"There is a formation in front, Spirit Formation."

At this time, Long Da and Yun Hao Wu Sheng also hurried back. Looking at everything in front of them, they understood what was going on. At the same time, when they looked at the sky, the expression on their faces began to change.

"Spirit Formation."

"Go, go and see."

Li Lingtian glanced at the celestial demon king, then flashed, and quickly flew away into the distance.

Yunhao Wusheng also awakened the Heavenly Demon King and flew away with Li Lingtian.

Soon, Li Lingtian stopped and came to a huge front.

The altar is full of terrifying spirits, and it also carries supreme spiritual pressure.

This spiritual pressure is good, it is the same spiritual pressure on the pillar of the aura above the bottomless abyss.

"You give it a bit, let me try."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand and said to the three of Yunhao Wusheng behind him.

Immediately, the golden light flashed, and the Divine Array appeared in front of him. The Divine Array radiated a faint golden light, and there was a mysterious and simple atmosphere.


With both hands and ten commands, mysterious and obscure tactics appeared in the air. With the appearance of the tactics, the golden light above the Divine Array became more intense.

At the same time, the huge battlefield in front of me, as if he had sensed the **** array, shivered slightly, and the aura began to fluctuate.

The three dragons looked at Li Lingtian's recipe in the back, and there was a look of worship on their faces, but at this time they did not dare to bother Li Lingtian in the slightest.

Because they understand that as soon as they are interrupted, this tactic will be broken, and Li Lingtian will also be bitten by them, and there may be some shocking changes in this battlefield.

The three did not dare to show a little atmosphere, watching Li Lingtian doing nothing.

I don't know how long it has passed, the sky is shaking, and the three dragons are also anxious, but they dare not show it, so as not to affect Li Lingtian.


At this time, the golden light above the Divine Array rose sharply, and it turned into a pillar of light pouring toward the altar.

Suddenly, the spiritual pressure and the golden light on the altar merged together, and a colorful light was emitted. This light was the color world outside.


Li Lingtian drank lightly, woke up the three dragons, and immediately flashed into the colorful light.

When the third dragon entered, the light quickly disappeared.

It disappeared with all four of them, like all these illusions.

"Swoosh, swish."

"Boom, boom."

As soon as the eyes lit up, Li Lingtian and others were happy.

Because he had left the Lingyao Garden and came to the pillar of Reiki.

However, when he was not happy, he showed a horrified look. Spiritual pressure bombarded him, and the shocking aura poured down and bombarded Li Lingtian.

"Dragon Dragon Ring, open!"

Finding such a shocking spiritual pressure and pressure, Li Lingtian was shocked and surprised at the same time, and when the consciousness moved, the Dragon Dragon Ring was opened.

He didn't want to take away the aura of this place, but in the face of the aura's attack, he could only let it go, otherwise he would be crushed and killed here by the aura.

The terrifying aura and aura came quickly to Li Lingtian, but the destroyed aura was directly taken away by the Dragon Ring.

Although Li Lingtian did not suffer a direct attack from Reiki, but knowing the pressure of destruction still made him feel the pain of destruction, but at this time, he could only bear it.

Aura, spirit pressure, divine crystal, pillars of spirit, pillars of spirit stone, all quickly entered the dragon dragon ring.

Li Lingtian's eyes were full of shock, and there was no response.

It was the dragons who raised them, and all eyes were full of surprises, because these auras and divine crystals were enough for them to practice for dozens of lives.


Finally, everything was evacuated by the Dragon Ring, Li Lingtian was also rebounded, a spit of blood spurted out, the look on his face was extremely white, but a light smile appeared on his face.


Just when the aura disappeared, the sky shattered and a hole appeared. The hole was originally only 100 meters in size. The sea water shook like a galaxy.

Immediately, the mouth of the cave collapsed like the Yellow River, and the whole sky shattered, and the sea was destroyed by bombardment.

"The meaning of water!"

Li Lingtian watched the overwhelming seawater pour down. Such power, even the Wusheng Wushen, might be killed.

Seeing such a situation, the three dragons were quickly put into the dragon ring, and the consciousness moved, and the meaning of the water was displayed.

The whole person disappeared, as if evaporated.


The shocking sound of the sky, the ruined waters bombarded, and the earth submerged and disappeared.

Everything disappeared.

The entire mainland-like island was also completely submerged by the sea water falling from the sky, and all the residents were transformed into nothingness.

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian surfaced, but with blood on the corner of his mouth, his face was pale and weak.

In the sight, there is an endless sea everywhere, and no vitality can be seen.


As soon as the consciousness moved, the dragon ring opened, and the dragon and others appeared.

Less than one, all three fell into the waters and became a chicken.

"Sacrifice the spaceship and fly for a while. Let's see where this is."

Li Lingtian said to Longda Zhao that he had just displayed the meaning of water and escaped the ruined water attack.

But after being transformed into the Tao of Water, he was completely integrated into the seawater, and he didn't know the direction at all, so he doesn't even know where it is now.


The spaceship was released, and several people came to the spaceship.

Then the spacecraft flew quickly in one direction. Li Lingtian sat in the room and meditated. He just consumed too much and was injured. So, first adjust the rate.

It took two hours~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian's rate adjustment was completed. Although it was fine, it would take a few days to fully recover all injuries.

After he received the merits, Long Da came up.

"Master, we have left the bottomless abyss, this sea area is the boundless sea area."

"It's just that we have to return to Nandu County for half a month."

After Long Da salute, he said the situation in front of him again. He was also shocked. He didn't expect them to come out like this in the bottomless abyss.

Although it is a bit far from Nandu County, it has safely left the bottomless abyss and received numerous benefits.

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