War God Supreme

Chapter 655: Xuanyin Cave Sky Finger

After the four martial arts strongmen were thrown away, they came right in front of Tianxin and others.

Master Yuntian grabbed it with one hand, and the figure of four people stopped flying, and blood stains on the corner of his mouth kept pouring out.

Between heaven and earth, the breath of destruction slowly calmed down.

However, at this time, the Tianhuo Mountains had been completely destroyed, the flames shook the sky, and the endless flame world continued to chaos.

The Ethereal Pearl is suspended in the air, and the flames are far away from the Ethereal Pearl.

After Li Lingtian said that a panacea was thrown into the mouth, his mind was a little calmer.

His eyes looked at the ethereal pearl suspended in the air, his mind moved, and a stream of light appeared in his eyebrows.

When the streamer appeared in the sky, the golden light was dazzling.

I saw a magical array in front of Li Lingtian, with a mysterious atmosphere. The world and the world became quiet in front of this review.

"God, Divine Array, Divine Array, Divine Array!"

"It's really a **** figure!"

Master Yuntian looked at the divine array in front of Li Lingtian, the look on his face changed drastically, and finally became excited, stuttering out.

He is a holy teacher, naturally understands the treasures of the ancient times, and understands the treasures in the array.

The **** array in front of Li Lingtian was not faked at all. It was naturally shocked to see the **** array.

"Your position is good, but still a lot worse."

Li Lingtian raised his head and looked at the terrified Yuntian, the Holy Array Master, but he was powerful against the sky. He could create countless formations above the heaven level, and even create a god-level formation.

However, Li Lingtian had surpassed the Holy Array Master, and the God-level Array Faith came.

"Are you a templar?"

Master Yun Tian was stunned, and his heart was full of anger. He was loyal to the line all his life. Some people said that he was a great difference from the Holy Array Master. Isn't this a big face?

However, seeing Li Lingtian's lawful decision, the change of the Divine Array has shaken my heart even more.

Because Li Lingtian's technique and decisiveness are incomparably magical, and he is definitely a powerful sacred array teacher.

So I couldn't help asking, with unbelief in my tone.

"The Holy Array Master?"

Li Lingtian glanced at Master Yuntian, a light and confident smile overflowed at the corner of his mouth, and then shook his head.

But this time he shook his head, and he saw Li Lingtian's disdain on his face, and disdain the name of the Holy Array Master.

What this means is that there is nothing great about the Templar Master. In front of him, the Templar Master is too weak.

Seeing this, the look on Master Yuntian's face changed dramatically, and even the Holy Array Master looked down on. Is it the Divine Array Master, the Divine Array Master who can perform the Divine Array at will, and can contact the existence of the ancient Divine Array.

He didn't ask any more, and Li Lingtian didn't speak anymore, but concentrated on the law.


At this time, Li Lingtian said that the last dharma was cast, and a golden beam of light appeared on the Divine Array, with an endless and magical array in the beam.

At the same time, the beam of light shoots toward the ethereal pearl suspended in the air.

"Oh, yell."

There was a chirping sound around the ethereal pearl, and the space was trembling constantly.

Hearing this sound, and the situation in front of the Ethereal Pearl, Master Yuntian was shocked, the expression on his face changed constantly, and finally became ugly.

As a teacher of the Holy Array, he did not see the mysterious prohibition around the Ethereal Pearl, nor did he expect such a terrible prohibition.

And Li Lingtian, as if he had known for a long time.

Is this the gap between the two, is this young man really surpassing the Holy Array Teacher?


The prohibition disappeared and the ethereal pearl was exposed to the space.

Suddenly, there is a ethereal aura between heaven and earth. The endless aura has no attributes. This world is like returning to the original world, but the aura has no attributes.

The world is fresh and quiet, and the flames have calmed down.

"The Ethereal Pearl, this is the power of the Ethereal Pearl."

"What a ethereal pearl."

"This is ethereal spirit."

"The ethereal spirit is really magical."

Suddenly. Everyone exclaimed.

Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and the Ethereal Pearl returned to his hand. Then he performed several ways to display it, sealed the Ethereal Pearl, and then put it into the Dragon Ring.

The ethereal spirit also completely disappeared at this time.

The battle for treasures ends.

The Tianhuo Mountains were destroyed, and countless Wudi Wusheng were almost destroyed.

Tianxin and Tianyi, as well as several martial arts strongmen, looked at it all in loneliness.

Lord Yuntian's eyes were hot, looking at the Divine Array in front of Li Lingtian.

But in the end he was disappointed in his eyes, because this **** array had already recognized the Lord, and it was integrated with Li Lingtian, no one could use it again.

As everyone prepared to leave the Tianhuo Mountains, their faces changed dramatically.

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed a little, and his consciousness moved, and put away the Divine Array.

His eyes looked solemnly at the void, and the other strong men followed Li Lingtian to the void.

In the air, a grid appeared, and there was a strong wind.

The sky became cold between heaven and earth. Even above the Tianhuo Mountain Range, Li Lingtian and others felt this cold, just like being in the Yincaodi Mansion.

Even if Li Lingtian had entered the Underworld, he could not help but shudder at the cold.

Sudden changes, so that the people present are dignified.

All came here for the Ethereal Pearl, and now the Ethereal Pearl is in Li Lingtian's hands, and there will inevitably be another war.

"Li Lingtian, destroy the prince of the Yuege Kingdom, and Ben Sheng will arrest you and be punished."

In the void, a half-and-a-half old man appeared in the grid.

It was like a true **** looking down on the person below, with a cold look on the side of the person below, and finally fell on Li Lingtian.

It seems that this old man still does not know which one Li Lingtian is. After the last inspection, it is determined that the young man in white is Li Lingtian.

But his eyes were full of puzzles. This young man in white was only Emperor Wudi's fivefold heavens, **** the great prince and several guards.

However, Li Lingtian had that breath, the breath left by the killing of the Grand Prince.

"Grab this seat and go back?"

"Ignorant, this seat is the young emperor of the Qingxuan Kingdom, the ruler of the Xiaoyao dynasty, killing the waste, just smoothly."

A look of contempt appeared on Li Lingtian's face, grabbing him back and making a joke.

He was so ignorant that the emperor Qing Xuan Kingdom was little and the ruler of the Xiaoyao Dynasty was still going to be arrested.

Since Qing Xuanguo had such a war, it had already begun to break away from the Moon Song Kingdom, and this guy was so ignorant.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Is it the legendary figure of the Moon Song Kingdom during this time?"

Master Yuntian and Tianxin are all talking to each other. They have never known who this young man is. Now they are called out and finally remember the legendary character of this time.

Now I also understand that only the legendary character can be so averse.

"court death."

A cold Emperor Tianyin face, a martial emperor, dare to resist him so much, is this not an insult to him?

After speaking, with one hand, a shocking coercion came to Li Lingtian with a devastating attack. The shocking attack directly shattered the space and instantly came to Li Lingtian.

"True Dragon Guard."

"Sky Demon Domain."

Li Lingtian was terrified in his heart. He understood that the old man came not for the ethereal pearl, but for the matter of the Grand Prince. He also felt regret in his heart. Heavenly martial arts strongman.

Seeing this old man's attack, my heart shivered.

This old man, cultivation base is much stronger than Fengyun Wusheng, and under a single blow, destroys the world.

The true element in the body runs, the real dragon protects the circulation, the Promise Feathers also opens, and the Celestial Demon Realm is displayed.


With a loud explosion, the destructive attack landed on Li Lingtian.

Wu Sheng super strong, cultivated to be powerful, deep in strength, extremely fast, and completely ignored the distance of space, Wu Di strong did not have the chance to fight back.

The devastating attack shot down Li Lingtian, the Demon Domain was directly destroyed, and the True Dragon Guard was also destroyed.

The whole body like a broken kite was thrown up, and finally fell into the blazing flames, completely swallowed by the flames.

When Wu Sheng's super strong attacked, Wu Emperor's strong didn't have the chance to fight back at all. Li Lingtian had been injured with Wu Sheng's previous battle.

Now even if the defense is on display, it is also hit into the flames with a blow, life and death unknown.

"I heard that the Ethereal Pearl is here too, and several of you will fall."

"Let you know that this is the Heavenly Heaven Sovereign Venerable, the ninth of the Ten Great Saints."

Tianyin Venerable looked at Tianyi and others and said coldly.

But when he looked at Tianxin, the evil smile appeared in his eyes, and he kept looking at Tianxin, and his mouth continued to show his voice.

Seeing this, the look on Tianxin's face was even colder.

The four guards, now repaired to be sealed, are exhausted from the true element, and are not as good as an ordinary warrior.

In the eyes of Venerable Tianyin, several people are all powerful emperors of the Wu Emperor.

"court death."

Tianxin snorted coldly, the cold breath of the whole body changed, and his eyes looked coldly at Venerable Tianyin. Between the whole world, the power of flame shivered quickly.

Quickly rushing towards her, the left hand caught towards the endless flame void, and the invisible flame power entered into the front.

The right hand jade finger made a mysterious gesture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and slowly put it on the eyebrow.

The golden rune flame in the eyebrows exudes ice and cold, and then, a strange flame appears in the fingers, the flame flashes nonstop, like the joy of life.

"Jin Yan!"

Seeing the flames in Tianxin's hands, Venerable Tianyin shuddered in his heart. He didn't know the origin of Tianxin, but he knew a little about the mysterious fire in the world.

And Jin Yan is also one of the most mysterious flames in ancient times, which is recorded in ancient books.

I just didn't expect this black woman to be cold, but she had such a horrible Jin Yan.

Apart from the shock, the true element of the whole body worked.

"Xuanyin Dongtianzhi!"

At this time, Venerable Tianyin did not dare to have the slightest care. At the moment, the shadow of a man’s famous tree, even if the woman in front of him had only Emperor Wu Zhongjiu, but he controlled Jin Yan, and Jin Yan’s terror made him dare not care. ()

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