War God Supreme

Chapter 882: Spirit Earth Beast

"This breath is the spirit of fairy spirits, and it also has the spirit of demon, as long as the fairy beasts who live here all the year round have such a breath.

"In this place, apart from the true breath of human beings, there is only fairy spirit and demon spirit."

"Be careful yourself, don't fall here by the time, it's best if you practice."

A trace of dignity appeared on Li Lingtian's face. Although he said it lightly, he was shocked in his heart. After all, this fairy beast was too scary.

Monsters are all low-level monsters of Shenwu Continent, but fairy beasts are indeed powerful beasts of ancient or mysterious origin.

The strength is many times stronger than the monster, and the two are not in the same order.

The monster beast is tenth and ninth is known as the heavenly beast, but there are holy beasts and **** beasts on top of the heavenly beasts, and the fairy beasts are equivalent to the existence of heavenly beasts.

"Let's practice with four of us, His Excellency Xiao Tianqi and his seven sons protect His Excellency Ling Tian."

Sun Yang is a double **** of Wushen. After he was conquered by Li Lingtian, he was shocked by Li Lingtian's move.

Now encountering such a thing, there are powerful fairy beasts and strong, naturally, dare not carelessly.

After he said, several other strong men nodded and agreed.

The four Wushen double-layers are Sun Yang, Bai Feng, Li Yuntian and Nangong Zi, and the Wushen triple-layer is Xiao Tianqi. Several people have also dealt with a lot of strong men in these days. less.

Moreover, the strong men who can reach the Wushen Realm are all talents against the sky, and all of them are unparalleled in wisdom.

After deliberation, Li Lingtian didn't say anything. He took the six people and flew towards the front. The more they flew inside, the stronger the strong wind in the air.



The shocking explosion was even stronger, and the horrible winds continued to tear the space.

A tremendous amount of dust rose into the sky, and the strong person's real breath and monster breath became more obvious.

Looking at this situation, Li Lingtian and others were flying faster, but they paid more attention in their hearts and dared not have the slightest care.


"Roar, roar."

"Roar, roar."

"Boom, boom."

"Ah, ah!"


The sound of a roar, the sound of an attack on the roar, and the sound of the strong screaming, this place is like **** on earth.

The earth trembles and the space tears.

Li Lingtian and others were shocked. When they were outside, they saw something inside. After coming in, it took two days. It seems that the war has been going on for a long time.

This war is endless and the situation is terrifying.


Finally, a group of people came to the center, but when they saw the scene in front of them, they all sighed with a breath of air.

The powerful people who have reached Wushen are all against the sky. Now, seeing the scene before them can be so shocking, one can imagine the situation in front of them.

I saw that, ten miles away, there was a huge mask, which was about a hundred miles in size.

In the reticle, there were only a dozen of the original thirty-plus strong men.

Moreover, each strong man has a terrible injury, Zhenyuan is also exhausting, and the look on his face is extremely tired.

On the ground, there have been more than a dozen martial arts strongmen falling.

After the fall, the body also carried a terrible injury, which was unsightly.

Similarly, there are hundreds of monsters on the ground, but these monsters have fairy spirits and have reached the level of fairy beasts.

Each monster is 100 meters in size, looks terrifying, and the whole body is filled with a breath of destruction.

More than a dozen martial arts strongmen battled against hundreds of fairy beasts, and no one could stop.

Hundreds of fairy beasts have all reached the ninth level of existence, and even nine-level four or five levels of existence.

Even more frightening is that among these fairy beasts, there is also a gray fairy beast, this fairy beast is only one meter in size, with a terrible earthy breath all over the body, and there is a breath above the head.

I can't see how powerful this fairy beast is, but all fairy beasts are around this one-meter-sized fairy beast, just like this fairy beast is their king.

Moreover, this fairy beast lay on the ground as if it were sleeping, and completely ignored the war outside.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian and others were horrified.


The fairy in the middle opened his eyes and looked at Li Lingtian and others.

Suddenly, the doctor's roar sounded from his mouth, trembling between the world, and the space was constantly torn and collapsed.

At the same time, a mysterious breath landed in the sky, which directly pressed Li Lingtian and others.

"not good."

Li Lingtian looked at the change and exclaimed, wanting to retreat, but it was too late.

Because the reticle did not know when it had become bigger, it was impossible to circle them inside.

And the fairy beast roared with magical and strange power.

Such a method is simply appalling, and it is no different from the one used by the Kudat.


There was a muffled sound, the breath in the sky exploded in the air, and finally disappeared.

However, after this breath exploded, a dozen scary fairy beasts appeared in the air.

This situation directly blinded several people in Li Lingtian.

The breath directly turned into a horrible fairy beast, completely beyond their imagination.

At the same time, this movement attracted the attention of the other strong men. It was exciting to see several strong men coming, but it was desperate to see more than a dozen scary fairy beasts.

The fairy beasts here are simply inexhaustible. After killing one after another, one after another appears. The strong men who have come here have fallen for nearly half, but there are many fairy beasts.

"Spirit Earth Beast!"

Li Lingtian exclaimed in shock, the expression on his face was full of shock, this time, his heart was stunned.

Looking at the appearance of more than ten fairy beasts, Li Lingtian didn't care at all, but his eyes looked blankly at which one-meter-sized fairy beast.

Various powerful anti-celestial beasts, beasts and sacred beasts, and mythical beasts constantly appeared in my mind, but none of them resembled this fairy beast.

However, at the time of being puzzled, I thought of a magical fairy beast among the five elements, that is, the spirit earth beast.

Thinking of this fairy beast, my heart suddenly shocked, the look on his face also changed.

The spirit earth beast is the most magical fairy beast among the five elements.

He does not have the slightest power, but he can summon powerful fairy beasts, and his own voice can be transformed into powerful fairy beasts to attack the enemy.

The two powers of the spirit earth beast are the summoning of fairy beasts, and the terrifying defense, the defense against the sky.

The fairy beast summoned by this spirit earth beast is the ninth order four or five levels. It is itself the ninth order four or five levels. When its level is higher, it will summon a more powerful fairy beast.

And the number of summons is also increasing. If this spirit earth beast becomes stronger, it is simply against the sky.

In this way, it should be just a spiritual earth beast without real maturity.

"Boom, boom."


When Li Lingtian was shocked, Lin Zhirong and others reluctantly resisted the attack of fairy beasts. The power of fairy beasts was miraculous and powerful, and the magical powers of magic were displayed.

The shocking attack made Lin Zhirong barely resist. The six of them practiced their hands and kept losing.

"You resist it first, and you are in a position."

Seeing dozens of immortal beasts attacking the six martial arts strongmen around them, the momentum was violent and the menacing force, and if they delay again, it is certain that Lin Zhirong and others will definitely be killed.

When I came to this place, I couldn't escape, and the fairy beasts could not be killed. There was only one ending, that is, I fell inside.

"it is good."

The look on Lin Zhirong's face was pale, and his Wushen triple sky, although extremely powerful.

But it is only strong in the three gods of Wushen, but there is no way to meet the strong ones in the four or five days of Wushen.

When you meet the strong players in the four or five days, you can only resist at most, or you can escape.

Now these fairy beasts are all the 9th, 4th, and 5th levels of existence, which is equivalent to the strong **** of the four or five days of Wushen, and even more than that.

Fairy beasts are stronger than monsters of the same level, and monsters are stronger than humans of the same level.

The encounter is now a fairy beast, and the cultivation level is much higher than him, and the number is several times of them. Under such strength comparison, there is no chance of being spared at all. The death is only a matter of time.

At this time, I can only rely on Li Lingtian to display his methods. I want to kill these fairy beasts and leave here by my own ability. It is completely impossible.


With a soft drink, the consciousness moved, the brows flashed, and a golden light appeared.

When the golden light appeared, Li Lingtian had already appeared in front of him.

The Divine Array figure appeared in front of me, and suddenly mysterious runes flashed, and Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all.


"Shoot swoosh."

The law appeared in the air, and finally landed on the God Array. The God Array shook at this time, and the golden light became stronger.

All the fairy beasts and the strong men looked at Li Lingtian, completely attracted by the light above the Divine Array.



"Roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the spirit earth beast exploded, seemingly gentle, but the voice was terrifying.

Even the mighty Wushen is deafening in front of this voice.

The spirit earth beast is not okay, Li Lingtian feels bad when called, because all the fairy beasts quickly killed Li Lingtian.

Abandoning the previous opponent and rushing towards Li Lingtian, it seems that the Spirit Earth Beast already knows what big tricks Li Lingtian is going to play, and quickly let the following fairy beasts kill Li Lingtian first.

Li Lingtian was speechless in his heart when he discovered that the spirit earth beast had such wisdom.

Quickly display the Fa-decision, I can only expect Lin Zhirong and others to support it, and wait for him to really show it.

Suddenly, the air in the air was extremely suppressed. Hundreds of demonic spirits were bombarded here with terrifying demon spirit.

Space is also bursting at this time, like the horror of the end of the world. ()

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