War God Supreme

Chapter 913: Leave Xuanzhou

The anti-sky technique has the harm of anti-sky.

The sword of heaven is powerful, but it will consume a hundred years of Shou Yuan.

The sword of **** is terrifying, but it has to hurt itself and let itself bear the power of destruction.

This is the rule of heaven and earth. Li Lingtianxiu is the saint of heaven and earth. As the five-element sacred body, it is the clearest rule of heaven and earth to understand the heaven and the Tao in the heavenly roulette.

No matter what, there are rules and principles, there are domain laws, there are world reincarnations, and there are his tracks.

He practiced a lot of anti-Sky exercises and many magical powers, but these magical powers were beyond his imagination and made his legend.

However, he also understood that many magical powers and treasures were beyond his control.

Unless it is cultivation improvement, only cultivation cultivation improvement, these restrictions will disappear, and the power is more powerful.

For example, the Tianji Ba Emperor Sword in his hands has been tempered, but it can only exert the power of the unique artifact, but this Tianji Ba Emperor Sword is an ancient artifact.

Therefore, all of this must be cultivated into the realm, which is still a lot of restrictions.


In the imperial palace, in a practice room, Li Lingtian constantly waved the law to regulate the injury in the body.

There are also Huangfu Yuyan and others nearby, all of whom will integrate Zhenyuan to stabilize Li Lingtian's Zhenyuan and mind.

The air flowing continuously out of the air, after ten days, Huangfu Yuyan and others all recovered the true yuan, and Li Lingtian also opened his eyes.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​how are you?"

Xuanyuan Yingying spoke first and looked at Li Lingtian with concern.

Even if they personally helped Li Lingtian to heal, he also knew about Li Lingtian's injury, but he was a little uneasy without Li Lingtian speaking in person.

"Okay, finally."

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, and the thought of the anti-bite force in the realm of swords was still a bit scared.

It seems to be a chic sword, but it is not under his control. This sword killed the Yin and Qing ancestors, and the damage he suffered was one-third of the power of the field of swords.

The power of the sword realm, withstand a third of the strength, even his defensive physique, almost fell.

If the other strong men could not exert such a move at all, if this move was not exhibited, they would be killed by the realm of the sword.

Fortunately, he cultivated the Five Elements Taoism, the Five Elements Eucharist, the True Dragon Body and the Heavenly Sword Body, as well as the magic skills and various means against the sky, otherwise he would have fallen long ago.

"In the future, less than a last resort, really can't cast the realm of swords."

"At least I didn't dare to play the realm of the sword casually until I reached the Wushen Realm, and I had to improve my physical defense, so that I could understand the Sky Sword Formation in the Sword of Domination."

"It takes its own hardness to strike iron. Without strong physique and defense, it is impossible to perform these magical powers at all. This is true of the sword of heaven and the field of swords."

Li Lingtian said slowly, the expression on his face was extremely serious.

He has cultivated the eyes of the soul, has a quick mind, and has a powerful sense.

Natural cultivation of magical skills is extremely easy. No matter what kind of practice skills are cultivated, they are ten thousand times more powerful than other strong ones. There are pros and cons. The cultivation of magical skills and skills is too fast. hurt.


"You can see any magical powers at a glance, but you can't keep up with cultivation."

"You have achieved everything by relying on the magic skills of the sky, but cultivation is still not possible, so you must upgrade the realm and cultivate the skills magic skills to the realm."

Huangfu Yuyan also said seriously that they all knew these things, but Li Lingtian was traveling against the sky, and the enemies he encountered were ten million times stronger than the strongmen he met.

"Now that Xuanzhou has settled down, the husband can practice with peace of mind."

"Improve cultivation to the realm, cultivate magical powers and skills to the realm, and completely control these magical powers."

Shun Meier said the same, they are now Wudi Jiuzhongtian pinnacle consummation, and they are also considered to be a super strong in martial arts.

Following Li Lingtian over the years, I have learned a lot.

Next, Li Lingtian asked Huangfu Yuyan and others to go back to practice and prepare to leave Xuanzhou and go to Tianhe.

Xuanzhou's matter was also solved, and other people were needed to take over.

Moreover, he got Xuanzhou, but he attracted powerful opponents, the frozen snow, the Duanmu family and Gongsun family of Shenzhou.

After Huangfu Yuyan and others left, Li Lingtian practiced in the practice room.

See the secrets of the Sword of Domination and the Sword Formation.

A lot of magical powers and problems that have not been solved before have to be solved within this period of time.

Now, Xiu Wei has reached the Seventh Heaven of Wusheng, and has controlled countless magical powers.

God’s Judgment, the fifth heaven, the destruction of the void in the Sky Sword Formation and the Nine Sky Sword Formation.

There are also five elements of Taoism, the ice **** and fire god, and various treasures against the sky.

This practice is three months, and after three months have passed, Li Lingtian has already realized the Destroyer Sword Array.

There is nothing wrong with what he thinks. The Sky Sword Array that he got before is only incomplete, and the magical skills he has cultivated have many problems, and he even leads the method in other directions.

Now, the real Sky Sword Formation appears, and with the body of the Sky Sword, it also comes out.

The first type of annihilation sword array is the world of sword screaming, the second type is the return of ten thousand swords, the third type is the combination of sky swords, the fourth type of void is broken, and the field of swords is the fifth type of annihilation sword array.

However, the real Sky Sword Array is still the Jiu Jiu Sky Sword Array. Only those with the body of the Sky Sword and the talents who are against the sky can realize the Jiu Jiu Sky Sword Array.

In the incomplete Destroyer Sword Array, he realized that the Sisters of the Destroyer Sword and the Destroyer Sword Array were already in the sky.

Now, he finally sorted out some of his means.

Heaven Sword Formation, True Dragon Guard, Heavenly Sovereign King Sword, Shenwu Xuantian Sword, these are the real means of fighting the enemy.

There are also some magical and powerful methods that are also auxiliary functions. As for the true solution of the Holy Devil, it is usually not used, and the treasures of the Underworld are rarely touched.

However, the sword of heaven and the sword of **** are not easy to use.

In general, it is Shenwu Xuantian Sword instead of Dominating Sword.

With the emergence of the Sword of Domination, there are no five major sky swords. Naturally, there are not so many ways to display it, but in this way, you can allow yourself to cultivate various means to the realm and not rely on treasures.

After three months have passed, everything of the Xiaoyao Dynasty has been handled.

The successor arranged by Ming Luo Wusheng has also fully taken over. Li Lingtian has also planned to let Qingyun come here and Nangong Haoming to let them handle the matter here.

However, he also let the Beiming family and some good geniuses in the past to deal with it. Everyone manages one side, but these strengths will be replaced if there is a slight mistake.

"Go, let's go back to Tianhe."

"Go back and practice for a while, then go to Shenzhou to see what Shenzhou looks like."

"Look at who the young Taoist is."

Li Lingtian looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others, with a faint smile on his face.

Now, he has no airy atmosphere, no sense of dust removal, nor the appearance of a strong man. If he doesn't know, he will be regarded as an ordinary person who can't practice.

What's more, Li Lingtian will be regarded as a second ancestor.

Because Li Lingtian had only Wu Wang's cultivation practice, such cultivation practice was considered a good youth handsome in Cangzhou and Qingzhou for a young man.

But in Xuanzhou it was a useless person, busy all his life.

All of this is because of Tiandao Roulette. Tiandao Roulette is on him. With constant understanding, the cultivation of Dao Dao is getting deeper and deeper. The cultivation of the whole body of the whole person is hidden, completely reaching the realm of returning to the original.

However, if the practice is carried out, the whole person will be like a dragon, like a **** of war.

If someone regards him as an ordinary warrior, it is to find death.

However, the warriors in this world are almost always looking for death, because the world where the strongest is respected is all respected by the strongest, and naturally it will not be let go when it encounters bullies.

Later, Li Lingtian called Huangfu Yuyan and others into the dragon dragon ring, disguised himself, and quietly left the Shenyue Holy City.

He didn't know that when he left Xuanzhou this time, there would be a day to come back.

When he left, it was also when he truly embarked on a journey against the sky, and the world was completely violent.

The powerful world of Shenzhou was completely presented to him, and countless disasters awaited him.

Let him understand the real strength of Shenwu Continent, the strong have a heaven for the strong, and the weak are in this heaven for the strong, and their identity is trampled upon.

After leaving the holy city of Shenyue, Li Lingtian flew to the distance quickly.

After flying for half a month, he finally came to the horizon.

After coming to the horizon, Huangfu Yuyan and others shouted out.

This is also because I don’t want anyone to know that they have left Xuanzhou, so that some interested people will let Xuanzhou fall into war again.

"Xuanzhou, which is the largest sea area in the sky, this sea area is endless, and there are not many strong people coming here, and the storm here is huge, and we are playing a large cross-border formation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also covered up, naturally No one knows what we left."

Looking at the horizon, Tang Qingyue showed a happy look on his face.

After coming to Xuanzhou for a few years, I finally want to go back. Although there are my beloved people around, I still miss my parents.

Now that I have to go back, I am naturally very happy.

"Yes, we first flew towards the center of the sea, and after finding the island, we established a large cross-border formation and left here."

Li Lingtian nodded, and then the Dragon General beside him sacrificed the spaceship, and a group of people flew above the spaceship.

The spacecraft flew quickly into the sea. Although there are many powerful men hunting sea beasts in the sea, they did not know that Li Lingtian was on top of this spaceship.

Because there are still a lot of powerful people outside the sky, these powerful people will naturally not provoke trouble.

They did not know that the Tianhe region was also in crisis, and the entire Tianhe region was in a crisis of destruction. ()

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