War God Supreme

Chapter 919: The arrival of the demon

Tianhe Temple, as before, has not changed in the slightest.

Li Lingtian and others entered the Tianhe Temple and finally sat down.

The people who come here are all relatives of the Xuanyuan family and Li Lingtian, and naturally there is no restraint at all.

"Father, mother, aunt and uncle, and sister Qingyue, they also came back with me."

"Xuanzhou's affairs have also been resolved. The entire Xuanzhou is unified. It happened to be back today. I didn't expect to encounter the Demon to attack Tianhe Holy City."

Li Lingtian looked at everyone anxiously and hurled Tang Qingyue out of the Dragon Ring.

And two or three sentences to tell the story of his return.

Suddenly, the space inside the hall shook, and a burst of fragrance appeared.

Huangfu Swift and others appeared in the hall, and Li Suifeng and others were very happy to see that Huangfu Swift and others were there.

All of a sudden, Tang Qingyue and others like to say hello to Li Suifeng and others, and there is a sound of joy in the hall.

Afterwards, Li Lingtian said all of his things in Xuanzhou.

Everyone followed Li Lingtian's experience and changed color, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

Li Lingtian said that when he wiped out a strong enemy, he was all happy and excited, and when it came to danger, he was always worried.

In just one hour, all people have experienced a century. Although these things are all Li Lingtian's experiences, everyone sounds like they have personally experienced them.

Finally, when talking about Li Lingtian's unification of Xuanzhou, when he fought against the ancestors of Yin and Ming, he was very excited.

"I didn't expect Xuanzhou to be unified by you in just four years."

"Your cultivation practice has also reached Wusheng from Emperor Wu."

Xuanyuan Yunhe and others were very sighed. In just a few years, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice had reached a point where people looked up.

The powerful Xuanzhou was also controlled by Li Lingtian, and even the Venerables in the frozen snow were killed.

"However, the stronger your cultivation base is, the stronger your opponent will be."

"The burden will be heavier in the future, the frozen snow will not be willing to give up, the Devil will not be willing to give up, and the Shenzhou Super Family will not be willing to give up.

Li Suifeng also said, now his son Chen Wei has become a strong man against the sky, but he is always his own son, and he should always consider himself and remind his son.

Now I have no way to protect my son, and I will go on on my own in the future.

"Ice Snow and Demon Races will definitely not be willing to give up. Shenzhou, I am definitely going to see it, and I should not hide."

"This time when I came back from Xuanzhou, I was sent to Xuanzhou to take care of it. I also plan to go to Shenzhou after a period of cultivation to see how powerful Shenzhou is."

A trace of self-confidence appeared on Li Lingtian's face. From the beginning of a small warrior, in just ten years, he had already achieved the seventh heaven of Wusheng, covering Qingzhou, Cangzhou and Xuanzhou.

This world is the stage of the strong, both Qingzhou Xuanzhou and Cangzhou have become a thing of the past, and his stage is in Shenzhou.

Only on the powerful stage of Shenzhou can we know the real power.

"Well, you have grown up, just do whatever you want."

"No matter what, you have to think twice, plan and move."

Xuanyuan Chengtian glanced at Li Lingtian, and his face showed a satisfied look. The real strongman grew up in blood and fire, not blindly closed to practice to achieve a certain achievement.

Li Lingtian is an example. A Wusheng Realm kills the Wushen God. Such achievements are not only obtained through cultivation, but also require endless suffering and experience.

Everyone talked in the hall for an hour, and finally Li Lingtian and others returned to the Shenyue Hall.

The Shenyue Temple is very spacious, so there is no problem with them.

Besides, Xuanyuan Yingying has a palace alone, just where Sister Yun Yaoyao lives.

This time Li Lingtian's return, the most happy is the Li Suifeng couple and the Tangzicheng couple, and Xuanyuan Tianming and others.

Li Lingtian's strength is profound, cultivation is strong, and cultivation has produced mysterious and powerful means.

Xuanyuan Yingying also married Li Lingtian, became Li Lingtian's wife, and achieved the Five Elements Eucharist. Xiuwei also achieved Wu Shengqi's Seventh Heaven just like Li Lingtian.

After returning to Tianhe Holy City, Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and others to play in the Tianhe region. With his current practice, he naturally didn't have to worry about someone causing trouble.

When they were in Xuanzhou, they had no chance to go out to play, because Xuanzhou was so powerful, Li Lingtian also wanted to dominate the world.

Well now, Xuanzhou is unified, there is no strong man in the Tianhe Valley, so naturally you can play well.

Because they all understand that after a period of time, they have to go to Shenzhou, the real powerful paradise.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also negotiated with Xuanyuan Yunhe. Tianhe Holy City is now no longer an opponent of the Demon Race, and can only abandon Tianhe Holy City.

Everyone in Tianhe Holy City must leave Tianhe Holy City to survive in Cangzhou.

If you stay in the Holy City of Tianhe, if the Devil comes again, no one can resist.

However, Li Lingtian didn't take away all the people this time, but took away his relatives, as well as the gifted disciples of the Xuanyuan family, and the others stayed in Cangzhou.

Moreover, for the remaining part, he will also cast a giant cross-border array to send these people to Xuanzhou.

However, something that Li Lingtian didn't expect appeared.

Li Lingtian just happened to take Huangfu Yuyan and others to go to Tianhe Holy City to play, but just left Shenyue Temple, his face changed greatly.

"not good."

Li Lingtian looked at the void, the look on his face changed dramatically, and exclaimed at the same time.

"Long Da, hurry up and take your wife, speed."

Feeling the air of horror in the air, Li Lingtian quickly asked Long Da to pick up the Li Suifeng couple, the Tangzicheng couple, and other relatives.

The look on his face was extremely ugly, and I felt regret for a while.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Yun Yaoyao was shocked when he looked at Li Lingtian.

She has never seen Li Lingtian be so shocked, even in the face of His Holiness, it is not like this.

At the same time, other girls looked at Li Lingtian puzzled.

"The Demon Strong is here."

"God is like this, so is God's offer."

"Sister Qingyue, please stay outside. The others will enter the Dragon Ring first, hurry up."

Li Lingtian made a conscious move and shouted all the other girls into the dragon dragon ring, leaving Huangfu Yuyan and others outside.

Because they can help Li Lingtian, and also keep 30 martial arts strongmen outside.

"It's over, it's over."

At this time, Xuanyuan Four Saints and Xuanyuan Tianming also came to Tianhe Shengcheng Square.

With the cultivation of the Four Saints of Xuanyuan, he also sensed the arrival of the crisis.

"Morning, let everyone enter the teleportation array and teleport away in batches, we delay the time."

Xuanyuan Yunhe said aloud, suddenly several methods of law were displayed, and the blessing of the formation continued.

The tens of millions of miles of the entire Tianhe Holy City formation has now been reduced to hundreds of miles in size, because all the people are gathered here.

Some warriors were ordered by Xuanyuan Tianming to retreat and leave Tianhe Holy City long ago.

The people who stayed were all planning to retreat during this time, but they never thought that the demon had come so fast.



Formation blessing, the aura of space is constantly twisted.

This formation has been changed by Li Lingtian. With the cultivation of his Divine Array Master, the reformed formations are powerful and unmatched.

However, the formation is also aimed at ordinary strong under the God of War, to meet the super strong against the sky, the formation can only be maintained for a short time.

"God, what happened."

At this time, Li Suifeng and his wife, Tang Zicheng and others all came to Li Lingtian and watched the start of the shocking formation, as well as the dignified look on Li Lingtian's face.

"The Demon Strong is here."

"Father, mother, aunt and uncle, grandpa, you first enter the dragon ring."

"I will take you out of the Tianhe region and go to Shenzhou."

The expression on Li Lingtian's face was so solemn that he quickly spelt out the situation in front of him.

On the other side, many geniuses and strong men of the Tianhe Holy City teleported from the teleportation array.

But the teleportation array can only send one hundred people at a time, the eight teleportation arrays can only send eight people at a time.

There are 500,000 people in the Tianhe Holy City. These are some geniuses and good disciples. They must be sent out. Otherwise, when the Devil arrives, they will only die.

For so many people, it takes at least one hour to use eight teleportation arrays.

However, now that the Demon Race has arrived, the last time Wu Lingtian was killed by Li Lingtian, he also knows that Li Lingtian is powerful. Now he comes again and is definitely a powerful Devil Race.

"God, how about you, let's go together."

Qin Susu looked at Li Lingtian's solemn expression, and knew that the strong man must be terrified.

If his son stays here, he will definitely suffer.

"Mother, you first enter the Dragon Ring, so I can leave with peace of mind."

"Even if I can't beat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With my strength, I can still escape."

Li Lingtian said seriously, the body's momentum slowly climbed, and his eyes looked at the void.

He could not watch the people of Tianhe Holy City being slaughtered because of him. The people of Tianhe Holy City were only due to his reasons, and they came to the Demon Strong. If he left first, he would stay in his heart. shadow.

Wu Dao wanted to go further and it was delusional, so now, no matter what, he would not leave in front of these powerful men until he had to make a last resort.

"Okay, you guys are careful yourself."

"Yue'er, take care."

Qin Susu nodded, and finally recovered his breath and consciousness. Li Lingtian consciously moved all the people into the Dragon Dragon Ring.

At the same time, looking at the strong men in the distance, I also sighed in my heart. If I am cultivated to reach the realm of the Venerable, I can take these strong men directly away, even if I can't fully take it into the Dragon Ring, at least some of them can be taken away. ()

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