War God Supreme

Chapter 926: Longevity Danfang

The next day, Li Lingtian left the pavilion and walked to another palace pavilion.

This is also the first time to leave this place. The look on his face has not changed, but there is a trace of unknown anticipation in his eyes.

The place where the lord of the Lanling Valley lives is in the front pavilion area.

This is what Lan Xiaoman told him. While walking, a lot of surrounding scenes, but this place can't find anything except the strong aura.

It's just not the sound of fighting. With his cultivation behavior, he naturally knows that these people are low-level martial artists.

Soon, came to a living room.

In the living room, there is only one person, a middle-aged blue man.

"Your Excellency is here."

Looking at Li Lingtian's arrival, Lan Yi middle-aged face showed a faint smile and greeted Li Lingtian.

The entire living room is extremely quiet. The middle-aged blue man sits on a chair, just like knowing that Li Lingtian is coming. He is waiting here.


"I want to know some things in the next time, and I also ask the landlord to solve the puzzle."

Li Lingtian walked into the living room without any slight changes on his face. He came to the middle-aged man in blue clothes step by step and finally sat down.

He looked at the middle-aged man in blue clothes and said lightly.

"Your Excellency wants to know, just ask."

"I haven't introduced it yet. In the Lan Lan night, the owner of Lanling Valley."

Lan Xiao looked at Li Lingtian in a relaxed manner, and was also surprised in her heart. In front of him, Li Lingtian had no slight cultivation practice, and there was no slight pressure in front of his Wu Zun.

But when I saw Li Lingtian's lazy look, he did not put life and death in his eyes at all, and then he was relieved. A person who does not even care about life and death is naturally not afraid of anything.

"Also invite the Blue Valley Master to tell me about coming down to Lanling Valley."

"And the specific location of this place, I want to know the most clearly below."

Li Lingtian's tone and voice, and the expression on his face have not changed at all, and the whole person is like a statue.

"What you want to know, I want to know more."

"A lot of things are unclear below."

"This place is called the Luofeng Mountain Range, and it is a coincidence in the Cangnan region, but there are countless families and forces on the Luofeng Mountain Range, and there are many ancestors."

"Lanling Valley is only a small sect in the Luofeng Mountain Range. To put it bluntly, it is a branch of a sect. To survive in the Luofeng Mountain Range, to compete for resources and territory, Lanling Valley is suppressed by other forces and miserable."

"However, things have turned against the sky. It was probably three months ago that a Tsing Yi masked woman took your lord to Lanling Valley and found her next. She wanted to take care of her under the condition of helping Lanling Valley solve the problem. The problem."

"When you came here, your life was almost dead, but after the Tsing Yi masked woman took a pill to you, she left and left a fortune."

"When I left, I said a word."

Lan Xiao heard Li Lingtian's question, his face showed a surprised look, and the color of expectation disappeared without a trace.

But I thought of something that I was afraid of, and I didn't dare to disrespect Li Lingtian in the slightest.

Afterwards, I briefly said what happened during this period. Li Lingtian listened literally without any change in expression on his face, but there was a confused look in his eyes.

"What did you say?"

Li Lingtian asked curiously, could this Tsing Yi masked woman be that slender figure?

Thinking of the slender figure in my heart, a trace of curiosity flashed in my eyes.

"Li Gongzi is a man in Lanling Valley, and the heavenly opportunity cannot be revealed. When Li Gongzi's chance comes, he will see our young lady. This Danfang and longevity recipe can restore Li Gongzi's injury."

"Lan Xiao will forget everything he knows tonight, otherwise the Lanling Valley will disappear."

Lan Xiao smiled bitterly on his face. From beginning to end, he didn't know who the Tsing Yi masked woman was or who Li Lingtian was.

But he felt that the easily masked woman's cultivation practice was so deep that it was terrifying. No one could compare the cultivation practice, even the entire Luofeng Mountain Range.

And he got a wealth of wealth, enough to let Lanling Valley cultivate resources for centuries without worry.

He also helped Li Lingtian find an identity, that is, a relative of Lanling Valley's distant house, and a brother of Lan Xiaoman.

This is also the reason why Lan Linggu called Brother Li Lingtian Li up and down. Although he despised this waste Brother who did not have the slightest cultivation practice, he did not dare to say it because of this relative of Brother Li’s Valley Master.

"Just this sentence?"

"So, I have been sleeping for two months."

Listening to Lan Xiao's words, Li Lingtian's face showed a disappointed look. From beginning to end, he didn't get any news from the woman.

But I knew something I wanted, although I didn't achieve my purpose for the time being, at least now I know my situation.

Next, after understanding some things here, Li Lingtian left Lan Xiao and walked towards his pavilion.

When he left, he also told Lan Xiao that he was still a disciple of Lanling Valley.

With Lan Xiao's cleverness, he naturally understood Li Lingtian's meaning and promised.

Li Lingtian returned to the pavilion and sat cross-legged, his eyes closed slightly.

"What kind of immortality is there? It's so powerful."

"Who is that Tsing Yi masked woman? Who is the lady she said, is it the woman who saved herself?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face showed a curious look. There are so many things I want to know here, but I just can't know.

With his cultivation behavior, it is natural to see that Lan Xiao said nothing false.

Lan Xiaoman's words are not false. All Lanling Valley is really no one knows the identity of the Tsing Yi masked woman, nor does he know the origin of Li Lingtian.

His current cultivation practice is the same as before, Wu Sheng Qi Chong Tian, ​​his strength is the same as before, and there is no slight change.

The only change is that there is a mysterious breath in the body. This breath is formed by his injury suppression, and it is also the immortal medicine that compresses the turbulent magic energy and Zhenyuan together.

It's like pushing poison gas to a place with real elements. Although it's okay for the time being, it's a potential crisis. Maybe it will erupt at some time, and then it will return the injury to the starting point.

The consciousness moved, took out a piece of jade jade, and the consciousness entered into the jade jade.

Suddenly, the expression of calmness and calmness suddenly changed, and his eyes radiated with a fine awn.

"Bapin Shengdan: Changsheng Dan."

"Actually, it is the Changsheng Pill, which is known as the general existence of the Eighth Grade Shengdan. No wonder it is so, no wonder so."

Li Lingtian carefully read the information in the jade jade. The expression on his face kept changing, and finally the consciousness retreated, and he said to himself.

But the voice was so excited, I never thought that the woman in Tsing Yi actually gave him the eternal life Danfang.

You should know that although this longevity pill is only an eighth grade, it is a legendary existence.

The refining method is extremely difficult, the medicinal materials are difficult to find, and the refining conditions are extremely harsh. The medicinal materials for refining Bapin Changsheng Pill have disappeared in Shenwu Continent for hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, this elixir can not only improve the physique of human beings, but also extend longevity and increase lifespan. Every potion can increase countless lifespans, but the potency of this potion is very mild and gradually improved.

The breath in his body has always been his heart disease, and he dared not move it casually.

But now that there is a solution, there is hope, no matter how long it takes to completely solve it, but at least there is a ray of life.

The longevity formula, the longevity formula, is really the only hope for solving the immediate crisis.

"She, I must know, and she is very familiar with me."

"Can save me in that situation and cultivate to the level that has absolutely reached the **** of war, otherwise it will be impossible to resist the breath of destruction."

"It's just that the people I know don't have such a strong cultivation base at all."

"I have learned the longevity formula, but I rarely practice it, and I have ignored it. It seems that I must now practice the longevity formula, learn the recipe of the longevity pill, and look for medicinal herbs."

"Low-key, low-key, must be low-key."

Li Lingtian received the Danfang and booed, a look of anticipation on his face.

Now that my practice is still there, I dare not use it casually, and I have used the sword of Heaven and Dao twice and the field of sword twice. The power of anti-bite is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Shouyuan lost terror, and the damage was extremely powerful.

In the future, you must practice well and cultivate your other means of supernatural powers to the realm, and you can no longer practice supernatural supernatural powers.

However, when you have solved the problems in your body, you will find a solution to the Dragon Ring.

When the time comes, I will reunite with my loved ones. Thinking of this, hope is burning in my heart.

But the expression of the whole person was indifferent, as if the world had nothing to do with him.

Next, Li Lingtian practiced in the pavilion every day. Without the slightest movements in the past, it was completely like an ordinary old man's self-cultivation.

However, no one knows that what he cultivates is the recipe for longevity.

The longevity formula emphasizes the peace of mind, dissolves in nature and follows nature.

Reaching the balance of body and mind, this kind of practice does not greatly enhance the strength, but it is a kind of auxiliary effect to achieve longevity and longevity, and enhance the sublimation of physique and other attributes.

Every day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He only has two things, that is, to learn about Changsheng Pill and practice the cultivation methods of Changsheng Pill.

The second thing is to practice longevity tactics, use the longevity tactics to stabilize the breath in the solid, and strive to use the effect of dripping water through the stone to refine that breath.

Other things have nothing to do with him, eating and sleeping.

However, he is more to communicate with other disciples, these are Lan Xiaoman pulling him.

Gradually, the whole person also changed. Although there was no smile on his face and no change in expression, other people were willing to communicate with him.

No one can see that he has a cultivation base, because the whole Lanling Valley, the most powerful is Lan Xiaowu Zunyi.

And his cultivation practice is the Seventh Heaven of Wusheng. After the enlightenment of heaven and Tao, and the fusion of the five heavenly swords, the whole person has completely achieved the point of returning to the original. Out of his cultivation.

As long as he is willing, no one can see that he has cultivated behavior, and no one can detect his slightest traces with divine insight. ()

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