War God Supreme

Chapter 938: Lan Xiaoman's shock

"Changsheng Dan, finally refined."

"It's just that the quality of the gem is not achieved, but the longevity pill that has obtained Dan Jie has already changed."

Li Lingtian looked at the elixirs spinning in the air. These elixirs kept nourishing in the aura in the air. After a full ten minutes, a single hand grabbed a elixirs and came to the front.

There is a mysterious breath on the panacea. This is the breath of heaven and earth.

His eyes carefully looked at the immortality in front of him, and there was a faint smile on his face.

After looking around for a moment, he said to himself, a light expression on his face, and his heart was relaxed, and suddenly the whole body had no strength at all.


Impressed by the consciousness, several dharma decisions were displayed, and the elixir was sealed up, and the elixir was then collected into the jade bottle.

After doing everything, his face was finally at ease.

With one hand waving, the formation was eliminated, and the breath between heaven and earth returned to normal at this time.

After the formation was eliminated, Lan Xiaoman and Lan Xiao also appeared in Li Lingtian’s line of sight. In fact, the two of them had discovered it when they came here. With his divine consciousness and cultivation, even if it was not intentional, it could be Everything within a hundred miles of the radius is clearly seen.

If all the consciousness is displayed, it can be extended beyond tens of thousands of miles, which is the strength of Wu Sheng.

Although ordinary martial arts strongmen can only extend their consciousness about two thousand miles, but his consciousness can extend beyond tens of thousands of miles.

"Congratulations on the success of senior alchemy."

Lan Xiao stepped forward and saluted Li Lingtian with excitement.

Lan Xiaoman also greeted Li Lingtian. The look on her face was a little unnatural. After all, Lan Xiao called his senior, but she called his brother.

Besides, Li Lingtian used to be a waste without cultivation, but now he is an extremely powerful anti-natural force.

"What is your wish, say it."

"This seat leaves here after three months."

Li Lingtian waved his hand, and the look on his face was dull. He was completely unsatisfied with the elixir he had refined.

Although it is an eight-grade panacea, he has long been a saint pill master, and there are no more challenges.

He also probably forgot about it. The Changsheng tactic plus Changsheng Dan can completely solve his own breath within three months. As long as there is no such breath, there is no need to worry at all.

"Thank you senior."

"The first wish of the younger generation is to make the Lanling Valley powerful."

"The second wish is to improve the junior and Xiaoman's cultivation behavior."

"The third wish is for younger juniors."

Lan Xiao was originally curious about what Elixir Li Lingtian had refined, but when Li Lingtian spoke of the three wishes, he was immediately excited.

When three wishes were expressed, the bumps in my heart kept jumping, and I looked at Li Lingtian, paying attention to the change in Li Lingtian's complexion.

Want to know how difficult Li Lingtian is to these three wishes, he can also see part of Li Lingtian's strength.

"If you are strong in Lanling Valley, you must solve other sect forces and let all forces submit to the foot of Lanling Valley. Your cultivation must be improved."

"Three days later, the Maple Sect was erased."

"You will clarify the forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range, and I will erase them one by one."

"The first wish and the second wish are together, and the third wish can be given to Xiaoman."

Li Lingtian said lightly that there was no slight change in the look on his face.

For him, there is no challenge at all. A Luofeng Mountain Range, even if it is strong, that is, the Wushen Powerhouse, then even if the Wushen Powerhouse comes, he can solve it.

"The younger generation followed the instructions of their predecessors, and the forces of the Luofeng Mountain Range were sorted out for you within two days."

Lan Xiao finished his speech, with a smile on his face, and left the pavilion with a respectful salute.

Lan Xiaoman stayed here, and Li Lingtian did not say anything. He walked towards the pavilion.

After returning to the pavilion, Lan Xiaoman's eyes moved swiftly, and a sly smile appeared on his face. He hurried forward, cleaned Li Lingtian's bed, washed a towel, and handed it to Li Lingtian.

"Brother Li, you have to wash your face first and then rest."

Lan Xiaoman's voice is very sweet, and his eyes are very cunning.

After that, he handed the wet towel to Li Lingtian and looked at Li Lingtian mischievously.

In my heart, I was worried, I don't know if Li Lingtian would take it. I want to know that those who are against the sky are all beautiful women, and their characters are very strange.

Although watching Li Lingtian was very kind, it was all before. It was Li Lingtian who did not show his strong cultivation practice before.

"Do you want to be a superpower?"

Li Lingtian took the towel, although there was no smile on his face, but with a hint of natural blandness.

Without giving the slightest pressure, the eyes looked at Lan Xiaoman easily.

"Of course I think."

"If you become a superpower, no one will bully me."

"Brother Li, is your spiritual master?"

Without any hesitation, Lan Xiaoman nodded and answered.

In fact, this world wants to be a strong man, but only one in one hundred million exists to truly become a strong man.

The strong is respected, and without strength there is no dignity.

Not to mention without dignity, even life is in the hands of others, and the life of the weak can only be trampled on.

After speaking, his eyes looked at Li Lingtian with a curious look, and asked softly.

The appearance of being afraid, the appearance of the little daughter's house made Li Lingtian feel in a good mood.

"If you can recognize this, you will know my identity even if you don't know my cultivation behavior."

Li Lingtian glanced at Lan Xiaoman, and immediately moved his mind, and took out a badge with purple gold on it. The faint magical brightness made people dare not ignore it.

The token in his hand was thrown at Lan Xiaoman, also said lightly.

After finishing speaking, handed the towel to Lan Xiaoman.

Subsequently, the whole person sat on the bed cross-legged and began to meditate.

Now he hasn't practiced any other exercises, they are all longevity tactics, no matter when, even when he is back to the true element, they are all practicing longevity tactics.

This has become a habit, at least until the breath in the body is resolved, he will not practice other exercises.

There is no movement, there is no fluctuation of Reiki.

But the aura in the air entered the body silently, and the aura quickly turned into the true element.

The spirit also recovered slowly, and the consciousness also recovered quickly.

But while he was resting, Lan Xiaoman was completely stunned. The look on his face was terrified, as if he had seen ghosts.

"Dan Shi badge."

"Palace of the Holy Master."

"Shenwu Continent's First Holy Pill Master, Li Lingtian!"

"Brother Li is the No. 1 Shengdan Master in Shenwu Continent, and Li Lingtian, an eighth-order Shengdan Master!"

"Eighth-order holy pill master! Eighth-order holy pill master! Exactly eighth-order holy pill master."

Lan Xiaoman began to take the badge in Li Lingtian's hands with doubt. After placing the towel, he began to look at the badge in his hands.

When he saw the badge, he had already determined Li Lingtian's powerful Danshi.

Because only the Lingdan Master has the Dan Master badge issued by the Danshi Guild.

And the name of Li Lingtian was also on the badge, but when he saw the front of the badge, the eyes of the whole person were dull, thinking that he had misread it.

This badge has eight delicate purple gold flowers on it, and there are several words of the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

The eight purple gold flowers represent the eighth-order sacred princess, not to mention the first sacred princess of the Shenwu mainland.

Suddenly, the whole person was completely dumbfounded.

The eighth-order Holy Pill Master, what is that existence, that is the supreme existence, even the martial arts strong must politely surpass the three-point existence.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to be the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.

Although I have never heard the name of the First Holy Pill Master in the Shenwu Continent, but this badge is not fake.

"So it turns out."

"The identity of the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, and who is Brother Li's identity is aloof."

After a long time, Lan Xiaoman finally woke up, and the look on his face was numb. He looked at Li Lingtian meditating and resting on the bed. At this time, Li Lingtian in his eyes, with a dazzling aura, was a supreme existence.

No matter how you look at it, it's very pleasing to the eye, and it's very tall.

After two full hours of meditation and rest, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

In two hours, the true element recovered, and the consciousness and spirit recovered.

But seeing Lan Xiaoman on one side stagnant, jade hand on his chin, his eyes looking into the distance, the whole person was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Looking at Lan Xiaoman, he also thought of his wife and Ji Yi.

"I have an exercise method here, which is suitable for you to practice Wujin Soul."

"However, without my permission, it cannot be taught to others. If I know it, you will understand the consequences."

Li Lingtian walked behind Lan Xiaoman and reached for a light tap on Lan Xiaoman's head.

Suddenly, Lan Xiaoman awakened and said lightly.

When it came to the end, the voice was extremely severe, and the voice carried a bit of coercion.


"Great, great."

"Xiaoman will not teach the exercises to others, nor will he embarrass his brother."

"Right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother, I call you Brother you are not angry?"

Lan Xiaoman saw Li Lingtian awakening her and suddenly felt inexplicably happy.

He was so excited when he heard that Li Lingtian was going to teach her exercises.

Then the girl's curiosity reappeared, looking at Li Lingtian and asked softly.

Looking at Li Lingtian expectantly, it seemed like he was very concerned about Li Lingtian's answer.

"The salutation is just a salutation. Respect does not have to be apparent."

"Moreover, after being honored, the dog you scolded in your heart was bloody."

Li Lingtian didn't go to see Lan Xiaoman at all. For him, respect should come from the heart. If superficial respect, it is not respect at all.

When I was in Xuanzhou before, I brought the world under the control of the Xiaoyao dynasty. The following people and the strong were all respected from the heart. ()

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