War God Supreme

Chapter 943: 7 Xuantian Astrology

Chapter 944 Seven Profound Sky Array

The seven elders are all the emperor of Wudi's six-seven days. This kind of practice is in the Luofeng Mountain, and it is definitely a top-notch existence.

Now these strong men have to work together to deal with a young man, all the Maple Sect strong men are very excited.

Lan Xiao and Lan Xiaoman were shocked, and there was a trace of worry on their faces.

The most they saw was the Wu Zun strong man. The Wu Emperor strong man was looking forward to it. Even if Wu Zun was in the ninth heaven, they could not avoid it. When he met Wu Emperor, he could only wait to die.

However, now there are seven martial arts strongmen, or seven martial arts strongmen.

The elders of Feng Muzong teamed up to deal with Li Lingtian together, which is very powerful.

Although I knew in my heart that Li Lingtian was strong, I didn't have much confidence at this time. After all, a young man was not an opponent of the seven martial arts strongmen against the sky.

What's more, Emperor Wu joined forces, the strength is not as simple as one equals two.


The seven martial arts powerful figures spun up strangely, forming a mysterious aperture.

Suddenly, a roar of destruction broke out in the air, and a powerful and terrifying momentum raged on the square. The terror of the Emperor Wudi and the powerful force suppressed the square severely.

All the strong men were unable to move, and there was a horrified look in their eyes.

This is the power of the Emperor Wu Emperor and the power of the Maple Sect Elders.

"Seven Xuantian Yuzhen."

The speed of the seven strong men spins faster and faster, the aperture is more and more powerful, and the aperture gradually rises into the sky.

In front of this aperture, all the strong men had no sense of resistance, and their eyes looked at the aperture with excitement and horror.

In the aperture, a strong voice sounded.

When the sound fell, more domineering power erupted in the sky, and these overwhelming pressures came to Li Lingtian.

Seeing this situation, even if the present Wu Zun strong did not know the overbearing power of the Emperor Wu, but also knew the power of the formation, the seven Wu Emperor strong joined forces to exert the power of the formation to deal with Li Lingtian, how powerful this terrifying coercion.

However, when all the powerful people saw Li Lingtian's situation, the look on his face was shocked.

I saw Li Lingtian's hands on his back, a cloud of light on his face, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked at the aperture in the sky, feeling the terrible coercion.

Faced with this terrifying coercion, I didn't see it at all.

In this case, there was no intention to resist this coercion, nor did he intend to fight with the seven martial arts strongmen.

If you don’t understand Li Lingtian’s mighty person, you will think it’s a fool or you’re terrified.

But these strong men all understand Li Lingtian's horror, defeat Wu Zun without action, defeat Wu Emperor without action, the first two times are exactly the same as they are now.

Now it looks like it is starting to deal with Emperor Wu Zun.

All the strong men are shocked. Isn't this young man looking at the seven martial arts super strong men in the eyes?

Not only they, even the seven martial arts superpowers, were angry when they saw the situation of Li Lingtian.

At the same time, more devastating coercion came from the bombardment, and only by fiercely teaching Li Lingtian could he get rid of his anger.


Finally, in a loud bang, the ruined aperture with ruinous coercion bombarded Li Lingtian in front of him, but when the aperture bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian still did not move at all, and looked at the aperture faintly.

But on his body, a colorful halo appeared automatically, and the halo and the aperture of destruction came together, and a detonation burst was made.

What everyone didn't think of was that Li Lingtian's instinctive defense was so overbearing that he not only resisted the attack of the seven martial arts superpowers, but also bounced off the aperture displayed by the seven martial arts emperors.

The seven Xuantian aerial arrays displayed by the seven martial arts super powers turned into an aperture, but in front of Li Lingtian's defense, the entire aperture was flicked out.

Li Lingtian did not move at all, and there was no slight change in the look on his face. As always, the clouds were light and windy, and the smile on the corner of his mouth remained the same.


At this time, the seven martial arts strongmen appeared again, but the corners of their mouths were covered with blood, and their faces were pale.

His eyes were full of horror and fear. When he looked at Li Lingtian, the expression on his face also twisted.

The pressure of destruction in the air spread out. Although they could not kill the strong men in the square, these strong men were also knocked over by the terrifying pressure.

However, even so, all the strong are looking at Li Lingtian.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian did not shake or move at all.

With his own instinct defense, he can resist the power of Wu Di's joint efforts. What is this powerful practice?

"This seat has given you a chance."

"If you don't know anything, you will be welcome. If you don't want to try it, will the Maple Sect be erased if you don't do it?"

Li Lingtian looked at all the strong guys, and gently opened the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

The look on his face remained the same, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was more intense.

This change in expression suddenly made all the powerful people tremble, even if they didn't understand the young man's habits, but also understood the character of such a terrifying strong man, the thicker the smile, the more terrible the killing.

This voice is very plain, but in everyone's ears, it is like an irreversible oracle.

"Seniors approached the Maple Sect, which made the Maple Sect flourish. Please ask the seniors."

Duan Ziyu had fully understood at this time that the young man in front of him was not an ordinary strongman at all. Even if seven elders joined forces, he could defeat the elders even if he didn't do it. If he shot, he wouldn't be crushed to death like an ant. .

I was also terribly afraid in my heart. I don’t know where this young man is. He is so powerful.

At this time, the elder regiment could not deal with Li Lingtian, so only service was weak.

A world in which the strong respects itself is either strong or has to deal with things. If it meets someone stronger than itself, and it is necessary to succeed, it is to find death.

The seven Wudi elders also stepped forward and saluted Li Lingtian respectfully.

Duan Ziyu is Emperor Wu, and they are also Emperor Wu. They know Li Lingtian's horror. They are definitely not Emperor Wu's mirror.

Even the Emperor Wudi Mirror is also a strong man against the sky like Emperor Wuzhong.

It is also a safe way to call a senior, even if you lose in your seniority, there is no way.

Li Lingtian released his hands from the back, swayed his clothes, and walked forward to the front.

Completely ignoring all the strong men, walking alone in the front, Duan Ziyu and the seven elders of the Wu Emperor can only bow and follow behind.

Lan Xiaoman and Lan Xiao looked at this situation, and they were shocked beyond consciousness. The Li Lingtian in front of him was so powerful that even Emperor Wu of the United States did not bother to shoot.

Or Lan Xiaoman is more lively, even if it is shocked, it is a temporary thing.

Quickly ran to the front and walked beside Li Lingtian.

In this way, the whole situation is very strange. A young man who seems to have no cultivation practice is accompanied by a flower-season girl with a king of mirrors. The two are walking side by side, followed by seven or eight martial arts strongmen, followed by Wu Zunqiang Too.

In this case, the strong of Maple Sect were all stunned, but they dared not say it.

For a moment, under the greeting of Duan Ziyu, Li Lingtian came to the hall of Maple Sect.

After arriving at the main hall, the other strong men all left.

There are only seven elders of Wu Emperor, Duan Ziyu and the woman in red in the hall.

"Senior, please."

Duan Ziyu led Li Lingtian in front of a coffee table and made a gesture of respectfully.

Li Lingtian glanced at Duan Ziyu and slowly sat down.

But several martial arts strongmen and Lan Xiao's father and daughter dared not sit down.

Lan Xiao now understands that even if Li Lingtian is in Lanling Valley, there is no shelf, but he is sensible. In such a situation, Li Lingtian must be respected.

This is a world where the strong man is respected. If he sits down, even if Li Lingtian does not say anything, but he has a bad impression on him, other martial emperors will regard him as rude.

I used to know that Li Lingtian was powerful, but I did not expect Li Lingtian to be so powerful that even Emperor Wu would be respectful.

"This seat doesn't want to stay long."

"This is an exchanged middle-class artifact, and this seat will protect you from the Maple Sect for a thousand years."

After Li Lingtian sat down, there was no wordiness, and he looked at everyone.

Immediately, he took out a slap-sized brocade box and handed it to Duan Ziyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was also used to the respect of these powerful men.

This is what this world is all about. If you are strong, others will respect you. If you are weak, others will trample you.

The respect of the strong is proportional to the status and strength. Even if you don't care about these, you will not change the habit of respecting the strong.

"Senior, your strength is strong, but if you want to exchange it with a middle class artifact, it is really impossible."

"Mid-level artifacts are more cherishable than the missing beads of our Maple Sect, but this treasure is of great significance to my Maple Sect."

"As long as the seniors convince us in addition to their strength, the juniors will not give you this middle-class artifact and will give you the pearl of loss."

Duan Ziyu glanced at the elders, and after speaking, he spoke to Li Lingtian.

The voice was resolute, as if he would rather die together with the lost pearl than to take it out.

Li Lingtian's eyes slowly looked at Duan Ziyu, and the atmosphere in the entire hall was strange and strange.

An invisible force of oppression appeared in the hall, and all of them felt extremely depressed.

"Okay, this seat will convince you."

I don't know how long it took, Li Lingtian spoke, and the strange oppression of the hall suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly everyone looked at Li Lingtian curiously. I didn't know what Li Lingtian could convince the Maple Sect Emperor Wu in addition to his strength.

In addition to strength, to convince Maple Sect is indeed unimaginable.

All of a sudden, several elder Wu Emperors, as well as Duan Ziyu and women in red, including Lan Xiao and Lan Xiaoman, looked at Li Lingtian curiously, waiting for Li Lingtian to come up with a way to convince Maple Sect.

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