War God Supreme

Chapter 951: Flame fairy

"Thank you, Brother."

Lan Xiaoman heard Li Lingtian's promise and was immediately very happy. His face was full of smiles and sweet smiles.

Because she knew Li Lingtian's power, as long as Li Lingtian promised, she would do it.

And she just wants a low-level monster to be a mount. With Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior, it is very powerful to catch a monster at will.

"Huh, I thought it would be as simple as the monster to grab it, and don't look at who you are."

A young king of Wu saw that Lan Xiaoman was right next to an ordinary young man, and wanted to come to offer his courtesy. But when he saw Lan Xiaoman's smile, he felt a sudden uncomfortable feeling.

Such a beautiful girl should be around a talented young talent.

"Brother, let's go."

Lan Xiaoman saw Li Lingtian's face without any anger, but looked at the square, completely ignoring the young man.

She knew that Li Lingtian had completely ignored this young man, and the dragon was not an enemy of the ants.

After talking, he deliberately took Li Lingtian's arm and walked towards it.

When Li Lingtian left, he looked at the young man intentionally or unintentionally, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Looking at Lan Xiaoman holding Li Lingtian, Bai Yu's face showed a chill, and he snorted coldly.

Li Lingtian has hated him in his heart. In his eyes, a beautiful girl should belong to him.

It is now an insult to be ignored by an ordinary young man and this beautiful girl.

Li Lingtian ignored all of this, and the two walked towards the exception of the square, because the other people who came to join Piaoyun Valley were all gathered there, and they also stood in several teams.

When the two arrived, there were already a lot of people.

Li Lingtian looked at it a little and saw that there were more than 300 people here, but there were more than 200 girls.

In front of the team, there is a two-meter-high step with six or seven Wuzong strongmen on it, and also carries the Piaoyun Valley logo.


"Ten minutes later, turn off the formation."

At this moment, the only Wuzong man above the steps shouted loudly.

The voice was very loud, spreading throughout the square, and even the disciples above the 3,000 steps were heard.

Hearing this sound, everyone accelerated and came to stand here quickly.

Suddenly, the disciples above the three thousand steps ran quickly, and if they missed it, they would have to wait until the next decade.

Moreover, if the age is over forty and fails to reach the King of Wu, then the opportunity will be lost forever.

In Shenzhou, even ordinary people can reach the martial arts at the age of fifteen, the martial spirit at the age of twenty-five, and the martial king at the age of thirty-five.

If the forty-year-old can't reach Wuwang, it's the waste in the waste.

"Push, push."

"Oh, yell."

Countless footsteps sounded endlessly, and the people who originally admired the scenery on the square also hurried to the team to stand here.

Li Lingtian and Lan Xiaoman were separated, and Lan Xiaoman stood in the women's team.

She is beautiful in her own right, and even among the many girls here, she is extremely outstanding and has become the focus of everyone.

However, Li Lingtian standing in the men's team is not conspicuous, on the contrary it is very ordinary and unremarkable.

The position of the two is similar, but the team is different.

For a moment, there were no more people on the square. All the people came here.

The disciples of Piaoyun Valley also left.


"Huh, huh."

At this moment, there was a muffled sound in the air, and the air shivered.

After this muffled sound, there was also the sound of the monster.

Everyone looked at the sky, and a huge monster was flying from the sky inside the Pianyun Valley.

The monster is not big enough, but the wings are big, and it looks as big as five meters.

The whole demon beast exudes powerful demon qi, the whole body is full of fiery red color.

"Tier 6 Fire Beast!"

"Hey, it's a sixth-order flame beast."

"What a powerful breath."

"It really is a sixth-order monster."

"For the first time I saw such a powerful flame beast."

"Sixth-order monster, only Wu Zun strong can surrender."

"Quiet, quiet."

"This is our law enforcement elder Flame Fairy."

Seeing the fiery flame beast in the sky, countless people suddenly exclaimed, with a look of excitement and dread in his eyes.

All those who came here were disciples of Wu Wangjing, and naturally they were shocked to see the sixth-order monster.

However, several Wuzong strongmen above the steps shouted loudly.

Under the scolding of several Wuzongs, everyone quickly calmed down. If they offended the people of Piaoyun Valley at this time, they wouldn’t want to enter Piaoyun Valley.

At the same time, I also knew that the visitor should be the person in charge of Pianyungu to recruit disciples.


After the flame beast cleared, it landed on the steps, above which stood a woman in a fiery red shirt.

The woman exudes a strong fire breath, at first glance is the fire martial arts strong.

The woman in the flaming red shirt slowly came down from the flame beast, his eyes glanced at all the disciples. Under the eyes of the woman in the flaming red shirt, everyone couldn't help but bow his head.

"Have seen the fairy fire."

On the steps, several Wu Zong strong men saluted the flaming red shirt women respectfully.

"Meet the flame fairy."

The people under the steps, although they are not the people of Piaoyun Valley, are all saluting the flame fairy in order to please the flame fairy.

This movement, the flame fairy showed a satisfied look.

Although Li Lingtian was somewhat reluctant, when he came here, the acting would have to be a little bit more real.

The eyes looked deliberately or unintentionally towards the Fire Fairy. This Fire Fairy is good for cultivation. It looks like it is fifty years old, and it has reached the fourth order of Wu Zun.

At the age of fifty, among the powerful martial arts continents, he was just a child.

After all, these martial emperors and martial saints are still hundreds of years old to thousands of years old, and the martial arts strongmen have reached the age of two thousand years old.

"Piaoyun Valley recruits disciples once every ten years. Those who can enter Piaoyun Valley are talented disciples, or have strong cultivation practices."

"You are all good, and the conditions for recruiting disciples this time are relatively relaxed."

"Leaves over 40 years old, except those with special skills."

"People with special skills can stand aside. The specialties are alchemy, refining tools, formations, medicine, and beasts."

Flame Fairy glanced over all the disciples, and then said, Wu Zun's cultivation practice, although the voice was not loud, but spread the voice to everyone's ears.

When the flame fairy's voice fell, everyone present was surprised.

Because the conditions for recruiting disciples this time are really too low, as long as they reach the age of King Wu or have special skills at the prescribed age.

In the past, most people who came here will be eliminated, and basically all the men who come here will be expelled from Piaoyun Valley.

Suddenly, many genius men are extremely excited, because with their talents and strength, they have definitely risen after Piaoyun Valley. In this way, in such a fairyland-like Piaoyun Valley, it is definitely heaven.

"Disciple Xiao Ping'er, twenty years old, first-order King Wu, water system Wuhun."

"Disciple Suzuran, twenty-three years old, first-order King Wu, Jin Wuwu soul."

"Disciple Bai Yunyun, twenty-two years old, third-order Wu Wang, Jin Wu Wu soul."

"Disciple Lan Yan, twenty-one years old, second-order Martial King, Martial Spirit of Fire."


Suddenly, the team of girls began to step forward one by one, and said their identity information. Several Wuzongs above the steps had a crystal stone in front of them.

The crystal stones shone with dazzling light. After the disciples stated their cultivation and age, the crystal stones would record and check their information.

This crystal stone has the function of checking the cultivation level and age. If it is fake, it will be discovered immediately.

Since then, no one dared to conceal Xiu Wei and his age.

At the same time, the data records of each disciple will be transferred to the upper level, and they will be recorded at that time.

On the other side, all the men also started to sign up.

Say your cultivation name, name, and age, and those with special skills will sign up on the side.

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and then stood aside, because there are special disciples, the treatment is different.

Although he did not want any treatment, at least he did not want to live with other disciples.

"Disciple idyll, twenty-seven years old, fourth-order martial king, martial spirit of the earth system."

"Disciple Nan Fei, 21 years old, Wu Wang fifth order, Jin Wu Wu soul."

"Disciple Yu Hai, twenty-nine years old, the seventh-ranking Wu Wang, the wood-based Wu soul."

"Disciple Lei Yun, twenty-one years old, first-order King Wu, Lei is the soul of Wu."

"Thunder is Wuhun, yes, stand here."

All male disciples have begun to register, but the number of male disciples is much smaller than the number of female disciples, and there are only more than one hundred here.

Compared with more than 400 female disciples, the number of male disciples is pitiful.

One by one, the disciples said their materials and stood on the other side of the steps after the crystal stone inspection.

The disciples here are all the existence of King Wu. If you cultivate to a young age, the talent is better.

However, disciples with mutant talents will be shouted aside.

Mutation talent is that in addition to the invisible Wuhun of Jinmu, Shuihuohu, all others are mutant Wuhun.

"The disciples are good at alchemy, and have the realm of the Great Dan.

"The disciples are good at refining pottery and have some experience in refining mysterious pottery."

"The disciple has an opinion on the battlefield and is good at it."


On Li Lingtian's side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are seven disciples, all of whom have special skills.

After seeing Wu Zongqiang's inquiry, he told his own skills.

"How about you?"

Wu Zong's strong man saw Li Lingtian standing at the end, his face showing a trace of disdain.

For ordinary disciples like Li Lingtian, there is no good look. Although Li Lingtian's cultivation practice is the seventh order of the King of Wu, he is already 27 years old.

In this way, there are no good specialties. At most, these specialties are the refiners, which may be very low.

At the same time, several other disciples also looked at Li Lingtian.

Characters with special skills, no matter when they are, their personalities are somewhat different from ordinary people. Just like Master Dan, the higher the skill of Dan, the more proud the whole person is.

Among these people, there was also Bai Yu, whom Li Lingtian had seen. When he looked at Li Lingtian, his eyes showed contempt. ()

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