War God Supreme

Chapter 963: Weird Sky Tribulation [No...

"Little sister."

The Master of the Star Palace interrupted Liu Yiyi's contemplation and brought Liu Yiyi back to reality.

"what happened?"

Uncomfortable for a moment on Liu Yiyi's face, thinking that her sister had seen something, she hurriedly asked, and the expression on her face was quickly calm, pretending to be casual.

"What are you thinking, so fascinating."

"Did you find something?"

Seeing the changing face of his little teacher and sister, the planetary palace master occasionally showed a random smile and a trace of anger from time to time, and suddenly felt curious.


"Someone dares to hide in my Piaoyun Valley, which is abominable. I will make him look good by then."

Liu Yiyi answered quickly, and the voice was loud.

This self-righteous and self-righteous, but was glanced at by the second sister.

After being glanced like this, Liu Yiyi felt a bitter smile in his heart, and he was extremely clever. He didn't expect to become a fool at this time. This is not his character.

In fact, the Master of Tianyue Palace and others did not pay attention to Liu Yiyi, but paid attention to the changes in the sky.

This man's breakthrough was shocked.

I didn't expect someone to break through and induce so many auspicious clouds to make such a big movement.



In the sky, a second catastrophe has already appeared.

I saw the originally quiet sky. At this time, two tears were torn, and the ruined Tianwei broke out in the two tears. Tianwei did not hesitate and bombarded directly below.

In front of these two Tianwei, space began to tremble.

The disciples on the square faced Tianwei. Although they were far apart and there was a terrible defense against them, they all felt trembling, fear and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

In front of Tianwei, human beings are born with fear, because Tianwei is unpredictable, and Tianwei has the power to destroy the world.

Not to mention their low-level warriors, even Emperor Wusheng and even Wushen, are afraid of Tianwei, but when Tianwei comes, they have the courage to resist and resist in order to survive.


Tianjie ignored the speed of space and bombarded the courtyard.

The courtyard has long been flattened to the ground, only a faint halo blocked the sight of other powerful people.

In front of Tianwei Heavenly Tribulation, let alone ordinary courtyards without defense, even Li Lingtian's formation must be destroyed.

Now, the formations around him have been completely destroyed, and the whole person has been bombarded by the sky-tribulation.

The two destroyed Tianwei, bombarded them fiercely, and finally disappeared into the body strangely, and completely entered the body.

Finding this strange situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

I was terrified in my heart. I cultivated the prestige of heaven and earth. I did not expect that when the Heaven Tribulation came, it was Tianwei who came down.

It was just that after Tianwei bombarded him fiercely, he also had to attack the sea and the spirit.

Bao Yuan Shou Yi, suffering from Tianwei's ravages, he cultivated Tianwei, naturally

Not as powerful as the real Tianwei between heaven and earth.

Piaoyun Valley, after the advent of the second Tianwei, fell into tranquility again.

Throughout the square, after a brief silence, the voice of discussion sounded again, but the sound was not loud.

Looking at the quietness of the courtyard, it was all curious, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes. In front of such Tianwei Tiankai, I don't know if Li Lingtian could support it.

If it can't be supported, Li Lingtian will disappear, and Piaoyun Valley will lose a chance to become an elder.

"Sister II, do you think this person can break through?"

"This person is a disciple of our Piaoyun Valley. If you say that if he goes to repair and enters our Piaoyun Valley, will the power of our Piaoyun Valley become stronger then?"

"In this way, the forces of Qingyunfeng and Tianyinmen would not dare to easily start us against Piaoyun Valley."

The star of the star palace looked at the woman in purple clothes and asked, this idea has been there for a long time, but it took a long time to say it, because there are many interests between them.

If this person's character is not good, staying in Piaoyun Valley is a scourge, and if this person is an enemy, it is definitely a disaster for Piaoyun Valley.

So, after thinking for a long time, he asked the Frost Palace Master.

The Lord of Frost Palace is the calmest in Piaoyun Valley, and he does things decently, and can be regarded as the think tank of Piaoyun Valley.

"No, this person cannot stay in Piaoyun Valley."

"He is quietly hiding in Piaoyun Valley to practice retreat, and uses our Piaoyun Valley's aura to break through, and his heart should be punished."

The look on the main face of the Green Shadow Palace is also cold. She has changed a lot in this year, and the whole person is like a person.

It's no wonder that she saw that her master left her own life to burn herself and burned her Shou Yuan to save her. She used the pill. It must be a dead end. Even the big Luo Jinxian could not be saved.

It's just that when I thought of the young man with the silver mask, I couldn't help shaking.

If it weren't for the young man, she and Master had fallen into the Shenxi Sword Pavilion. At the moment when she finally entered the crack, she remembered the figure of the young man, but she couldn't see what she looked like.

However, this young man's chic and elegant, as well as the powerful cultivation force, let her feel admiration and admiration.

I just don't know what happened to the young man, whether he was killed by the Lord Shenxi, or escaped with injuries.

The opening of the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace suddenly surprised the other sisters and sisters. The most lively Green Shadow usually moved her killing intentions. It seems that the matter of the Master has always become her pain.

"Let's take a look at that time."

"If he is a casual repairer, he has a good character. If he stays in Piaoyun Valley, he can also become a helper."

"Mainly how to settle him. He is a man. After reaching Wushen, like our cultivation practice, our teachers and sisters are all women, which is inconvenient."

After looking at Green Shadow, Master Tianyue Palace did not directly refuse, nor did he agree.

Instead, he expressed his concerns, mainly because Piaoyun Valley was under pressure from the outside world. Other forces have been suppressing Piaoyun Valley. If Piaoyun Valley has more than one Wushen strongman, there is a trace of hope. Little shows that Piaoyun Valley also has the appearance of Wushen, and the rise of genius.

"Okay, let's see if he can become a martial arts master."

"If not

If you stay in Piaoyun Valley, it will disappear forever. If you can't become a Wushen, it will disappear forever. Piaoyun Valley can't make any mistakes. "

Lord Frost Palace also spoke, and several people agreed to wait until the strong man broke through.

However, it is more difficult for a strong man to break through to Wushen than it is to climb into the sky.

Tens of thousands of martial saints have a chance to get the **** of war, but only one-tenth of them have really broken through.


The calm sky, once again restless.

Finally, in the sight of everyone, there was endless hail and endless thunder and lightning in all directions in the sky.

Between heaven and earth is like entering the end of the world. It suddenly shocked all the strong men of Piaoyun Valley to change their faces.

"Turn on the air ban."

"Everyone resists the sky-tribulation."

At this time, seeing the power of Heavenly Tribulation in the sky, the main body of Tianyue Palace flashed, and quickly came to the middle of the square, waving with one hand, into the formation.

At the same time, it exhibits a powerful True Element, blesses the stability of the formation, and resists the Yuwei of Heavenly Tribulation.

Although the square is far away from the target of Heavenly Tribulation, Yu Wei is powerful and unmatched with one hand. If she does not shoot, her disciples in Piaoyun Valley will be injured.

"Too elder."

"Master of the Grand Palace."

"Master of the Grand Palace."

Suddenly, countless disciples were very excited when they saw the owner of Tianyue Palace.

The status of Tianyue Palace Master is absolutely a god-like existence in Piaoyun Valley.

I didn't expect to see the Master of Tianyue Palace at such a close distance at this time. I was shocked by the beauty of the Master of Tianyue Palace.

The more powerful the woman is, the more perfect the temperament is, and the owner of Tianyue Palace is extremely beautiful. Now it is naturally a goddess.

"Do it yourself."

The Master of Tianyue Palace nodded, and then yelled. Now if all the disciples do not resist, the formation will be destroyed by Yu Wei, and the disciples here will be injured or fall.

Being so scorned by the Master of the Moon Palace, all the disciples understood it, and quickly displayed their true elements, blessing the formation, and resisting the temptation of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The disciples under the king of war are naturally unable to help.

Seeing that the strong men above Wuzong resisted the looting Yu Wei outside, they all felt that they had not worked hard before, and if they reached Wuzong, they would be able to help.


At this moment, an earth-shattering blast appeared, and the ruined Sky Tribulation, landed with endless hail and thunder, and bombarded in front of Li Lingtian.

The original endless hail and thunder, when they landed, entered to condense all the power together.

Such a weird change is completely beyond everyone's imagination, because their formation did not receive Yu Wei, and all the power was bombarded on Li Lingtian.


On the side of Li Lingtian's face, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect that Tianwei Tiankao would swindle~www.wuxiaspot.com~I use this method to deal with him. Such a Tianwei Tiankai is too humane.

"The third Heaven Tribulation, these three Heaven Tribulation, do not know to be stronger than the last time they attacked Wu Sheng

How many times bigger. "

"Cultivation is the way, the harder it is to get to the back, and even the sky will be jealous of this seat."

Li Lingtian said lightly, the look on his face changed.

Now think of a catastrophe together, it is already drizzle.

However, this is also because of the cultivation of things. If the Emperor Wu came to meet such a catastrophe, the third catastrophe would destroy himself.

The sky gradually quieted down.

Master Tianyue Palace and others have also been stunned by this situation, and have never encountered such a thing.

However, they didn't dare to carelessly. Several formation masters quickly strengthened this formation. Only after that person's breakthrough did they dare to cancel the formation.

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