War God Supreme

Chapter 980: The strength of Piaoyun Valley

Qian Shijiao's words suddenly calmed everyone down and looked at Liu Yiyi.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were surprised, did not notice that Liu Yiyi was so beautiful, and began to focus his attention and attention on the Lord of the Frost Palace and the Lord of the Star Palace.

Instead, Liu Yiyi ignored it. After all, in the world of the strong, women are attached.

There are many beautiful women, but they are only attached to men. Most of Piaoyun Valley are female disciples. Now it is normal to have one more beautiful female disciple.

I didn't expect that after looking closely, this girl is more beautiful than the four palace owners.

"Oh, brothers."

"This palace has just been introduced, this is my little sister Liu Yiyi."

"Little Sister has never seen the world, everyone forgive me."

There is a smile on the face of the star palace. She knows that her sister will not speak, and Liu Yiyi will introduce it.

She did not introduce Li Lingtian, because she knew that even if it was introduced, she would be ignored by other powerful people, which would only humiliate her brother.

And Li Lingtian's character also understands that she doesn't like to worry about these people.

But at the end of the introduction, Liu Yiyi didn't pay attention to these strong men at all, but whispered something to Li Lingtian. The two still had a smile. In this situation, all the strong men's faces were unhappy.

It's an insult that a disciple, despite being introduced, ignores the strong man present.

Seeing the situation of her little teacher and younger brother, the Master of the Star Palace quickly apologized.

The people present are all strong, and each one can't afford to provoke.

"It turned out to be Sister Liu Yiyi."

"I have met Sister Liu in the next money exchange."

The look on Qian Shijiao's face was unhappy, and his eyes looked coldly at Li Lingtian, placing his anger on Li Lingtian.

But at this time, it is not good to be rude. After all, being rude in such an occasion seems to have no manners.

If you greet yourself, this sister Liu will definitely not refuse.

"Senior Brother Qian, sister and sister are courteous here."

When Liu Yiyi saw that Qian Shijiao stood up to say hello, it was hard to say anything. She had to stand up and make a profit, and then she sat down and continued to talk to Li Lingtian.

And Li Lingtian did not take a glance at Qian Shijiao from beginning to end.

An awkward expression appeared on Qian Shijiao's face, and the whole person could not step down.

At the same time, the breath on his body also skyrocketed. He looked at Li Lingtian sharply, and now he wished to break Li Lingtian's body into pieces.

A pitifully low-faced little white face, dare to be with such a beautiful sister and sister, let everyone in front of him lose face, it is abhorrent.

"Master Frost Palace, are your disciples of Piaoyun Valley so rude?"

Qian Shijiao's eyes slowly moved away from Li Lingtian's body and looked at the Lord of Frost Palace.

The anger in my heart is now unbearable. The title before and after the name of the Frost Palace Master has changed. At first, there was a cry of Sister Frost, and now the name of the Frost Palace Master.

When speaking, his finger pointed to Li Lingtian, who regarded Li Lingtian as a low-level disciple.

At the same time, my heart is also ashamed, Piaoyun Valley did bring a small white face to his side.

Indeed, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, as long as he doesn't do anything, no one will see through his cultivation realm, let alone he is now Wushen Realm. .

"Brother Qian asked well."

"I also want to ask Brother Zheng if Yunfeng Mountain can ignore me Piaoyun Valley, even if I ignore me Piaoyun Valley."

"Can you not recognize the number of rites?"

"Brother Qian just said that I have no etiquette in Piaoyun Valley. I believe Yunfeng Mountain is thoughtful. I don't think so."

The Jade Master of the Frost Palace held a dharma hand, fluttering the dust gently, closing his eyes and raising his mind, and completely ignored the matter in front of him.

The Lord of the Star Palace has spoken. In fact, no matter when, the two are together. Saying hello to these is the Lord of the Star Palace. The Lord of the Frost Palace rarely talks at all.

The star of the star palace looked at Qian Shijiao, and then looked at Zheng Haotian sitting in the middle position and asked.

The voice is crisp and sweet, but when the voice falls into the ears of all the strong, it feels harsh and unmatched.

For a moment, the square was very quiet, because Piaoyun Valley has always been low-key, did not expect this time the tone is so strong, dare to ask people like Yunfeng Mountain.

"Master of the Star Palace, why do you say this?"

"Yunfeng Mountain, Piaoyun Valley, Blaze Sect and Tianyin Gate are all martial artists in the Luofeng Mountain Range. The four forces jointly support it. How can it be said that Ignore Piaoyun Valley."

"Furthermore, the owner of the Star Palace said that Yunfeng Mountain has no etiquette. Isn't Yunfengshan disrespectful to others? If so, I will definitely apologize personally, but the disciples of Piaoyun Valley seem to be a bit ignorant of the etiquette."

The look on Zheng Haotian's face was extremely ugly, and his body slowly stood up, looking sharply at the main star palace.

The voice was also very cold and fierce, a force of oppression pressed towards Piaoyun Valley, and the atmosphere in the square was very tense.

Yunfeng Mountain has always been the leader of the Luofeng Mountain Range, and now being questioned by Piaoyun Valley, it is naturally uncomfortable, but it will not admit to ignoring Piaoyun Valley in person.

"Brother Brother Zheng apologizes, but Stars dare not dare."

"Brother Qian said in a word that he called my brother a disciple. Isn't this ignoring me Piaoyun Valley?"

"Knowing that he is my younger brother, he still has to call his disciples. Isn't this insulting me to Piaoyun Valley?"

"Even if I am weak in Piaoyun Valley, but my master is insulted by Piaoyun Valley, I am insulted by you, it seems that I am a bit over."

The hot temper and character of the main star of the Star Palace can't help it at this time.

Seeing her teacher brother always being ignored and insulted, she couldn't stand it, but she was very precious to her teacher brother.


"He is your brother?"

"Is it the owner of Piaoyun Valley? Just kidding."

"He is the owner of Piaoyun Valley. It seems that he has not heard of a man in Piaoyun Valley who is the owner of the valley."

Suddenly, the Blaze Sect and Tianyin Gate, as well as the strong man of Yunfeng Mountain, were shocked.

If you don't believe the owner of the Star Palace at all, it's a joke to find a little white face with a low profile to be the master of the valley.

Moreover, Piaoyun Valley has never heard of a man who is a valley owner. There are only four palace owners, and the only valley owner is the misty fairy.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't expect her sister to even say such things.

He was not a valley owner at all, nor did he want to be a valley owner.

Lord Hanshuang Palace also glanced at Lord Tianxing Palace, but did not speak.

For them, it doesn't make any difference whether they are or not. Anyway, this is their own brother.

"Don't Piaoyun Valley report everything to Yunfeng Mountain?"

"Oh, understand, the brother of Tianyinmen should have agreed with Yunfeng Mountain today. Compared with your Yunfeng Mountain, Tianyinmen, whether you think Yunfeng Mountain is strong or Tianyinmen strong, you just ignore this seat. But it's too much to ignore the Luofeng Mountain Range, is it really that there is no one in the Luofeng Mountain Range?"

Li Lingtian raised his head and looked at Zheng Haotian with a chill on his face.

Speaking lightly, although the voice is not loud, they are all heard clearly and the tone is extremely strong.

Shocked, shocked again!

Even if the star of the Star Palace is strong, even a young man with a low cultivation level is also so strong.

Suddenly felt puzzled, even the shrewd Zheng Haotian saw a trace of puzzlement.

When he started talking about the planetary star, he answered very carefully and kept it from leaking, but now this young man is so strong, is there something wrong?

Moreover, this young man inadvertently opposed Yunfeng Mountain and Tianyinmen. If he admitted that Yunfeng Mountain was strong, he would offend Tianyinmen, but he could not weaken his own Yunfeng Mountain. He didn't know how to answer.

"It turns out that Your Excellency is the owner of Piaoyun Valley.

"However, this is a world where the strongest respects you. Although you are a valley owner, you can't sit on equal footing with us."

Qian Shijiao looked at Li Lingtian and wished he had swallowed Li Ling by nature.

Even if it’s the Valley Master, it’s not the God of War, it’s just a junior.

"You don't have to apologize to me because you are not worthy."

"Zheng Haotian, if you speak well, this seat can barely accept."

A slight smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and he looked at Qian Shijiao with disdain.

When speaking, one hand stretched out, and the space suddenly shook strangely, and the breath between the sky and the earth also fluctuated, and the space was trembling like the lake water.

Everyone understands this action, because this method can only be done by Wushen Strong.

Seeing Li Lingtian's means proves that Li Lingtian is a strong warrior.

This young man is a martial arts strongman. Looking at where he sits, it is also the center. Both the Master of the Star Palace and the Frost Palace are based on him.

They naturally did not know that this seat did not come in accordance with their identity at all, but that they sat casually.

It's just that Sister Shi and Li Lingtian have been together for a long time, and the seated position has become a habit.

"you you."

Qian Shijiao was mad by the weather of Li Ling. He was so arrogant that he was said to be unqualified to apologize.

Suddenly the speech also stuttered up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.


"The younger brother is not sensible, please don't be surprised."

"Zheng Mou apologized to your Excellency here."

Zheng Haotian saw his brother still angry here, and suddenly felt even more angry.

The whole person hated Li Lingtian, but in the face of a few powerful forces, he could not get back what he said, and he has always been dripping with water. He did not expect to look away at this time.

It seems to be apologizing, but the tone is not sincere, but it is like a warning.

Everyone knows that Zheng Haotian remembered Li Lingtian, and was remembered by a strong man of Wushen's sixfold heavens.

The strong men of Yunfeng Mountain also looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and wished to slap Li Lingtian into ashes. ()

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