War God Supreme

Chapter 1005: 7 Elders fall

"Humph, the Seventh Heaven of the Valkyrie, you can beat it."

"I want to know the details of the deity before I die. It's okay to tell you. The deity is a body of cold and cold, and cultivates the air of Yin and Ming and the air of ice and cold."

The look on the face of the seven elders showed pride, and in the same rank, it also existed against the sky.

I just thought that I had just lost my chance and was attacked by Li Lingtian, and one after another was injured.

When speaking, the body exudes a strange cold air, the appearance of the cold air, the sky keeps solidifying, just like freezing Li Lingtian.


"Seal of the Fa."

In the sky, a destructive seal appeared, and the seal fell down with ruinous anger.

In front of this seal of Fa, the world and earth shivered.

Li Lingtian saw the seal of the Fa, and the look on his face changed.

Because this Fayin reminded him of the three Lingshans encountered in the Dashang Kingdom. In the Yin River, there was a Fayin above the three Lingshans. This Fayin was called the Immortal King Fayin. He spent a lot of effort to change This method was taken away.

Now this Fayin is also in his knowledge of the sea, but he cannot practice.

Those who practice the Fayin seal are all against the sky, and the power of the Fayyin seal is terrifying.

The seven elders in front of me had some imagination with the imprint of Faxiang and the immortal Wang Fayin, all of which were terrifying.

Feeling the air of destruction in the air, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed constantly.

"Chi tomorrow emperor."

Looking at the seal of the Fa phase that had fallen down in the sky, Li Lingtian was not hesitating at this moment. His consciousness moved. A streamer appeared in his hand. When the streamer disappeared, it became a domineering weapon.

There was a mysterious flame of destruction on the weapon, which burned the air.

With one wave of one hand, the real yuan of the whole body was poured into the Chi tomorrow emperor, and the real yuan of the whole body was pumped away.

Between the world and the world, trembling in front of the coercion of Chi tomorrow.

I saw a devastating attack that disappeared in the air, and when it appeared again, it had already hit the seal of the Fa phase.

Suddenly, the seal of Faxiang and the attack of Emperor Chi tomorrow were bombarded together.

The sky was quiet for a short time, but after a short time of silence, the space continued to break apart, and the Emperor Chi tomorrow came first, with Li Lingtian's double attack erupting.




The shock of the sky appeared, and the bursts of space shattered.

Li Lingtian quickly fell down, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were plain.


"Little brother."

"Little brother."

When Li Lingtian was about to fall to the ground, two women appeared strangely in the air.

A woman in red and a woman in purple, in the dark night, the two figures are petite.

Li Lingtian only felt a fragrant wind hit, the whole person was hugged, where the cheeks touched, it was soft and tender, and there was a feeling of fullness.

In sight, I saw a beautiful face.

"Ice Sword of Frost."

"Flame Sword."

"The Great Void Magic."

However, this face didn't pay attention to Li Lingtian, but a burst of flames of destruction erupted.

At the same time, not far away, there was a cold air in the frozen world, two extreme breaths broke out, and the sky was continuously destroyed.

I saw two ruined sword awns in the air. The flames and cold in the sword awns merged together and bombarded in the void.

After the two screams fell, Li Lingtian only felt that the whole person moved inexplicably, and suddenly disappeared in the air.

When it appeared again, it had already reached the sky hundreds of miles away.

From a distance, the destruction between heaven and earth, a cold breath disappeared between heaven and earth, and finally disappeared completely.

Looking at this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed several times.

The seven elders of the seven gods of Wushen have fallen, and the smoke has disappeared, completely disappearing between heaven and earth.

What just happened may seem a long time, but the whole process only lasts a minute.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, the Seven Elders were at a disadvantage, because he did not understand Li Lingtian and used coercion to bombard Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian used the power of heaven and earth and the power of God and the domain of the devil.

Seven elders were injured, the battle of masters, victory and defeat in an instant.

If you go wrong, you lose all.

Li Lingtian made several consecutive moves that made the Seven Elders unexpected.

Even when attacking Li Lingtian, the seven elders thought that Li Lingtian would die, but he did not expect Li Lingtian to have a defensive baby Promise Feather, which made Li Lingtian escape.

"Little Brother, how are you?"

The owner of the Star Palace is holding Li Lingtian. At this time, he has no other ideas at all, but looks at Li Lingtian with concern.

At the same time, I also forgot that Li Lingtian's head was leaning on her holy land, which looked very ambiguous.

Lord Hanshuang Palace also looked at Li Lingtian, not knowing Li Lingtian's injury.

"It's okay, I didn't expect that the God of Martial Arts Seventh Heaven is so terrifying. It's much stronger than the God of Seventh Heaven I met before."

"Even the domain of my sword did not kill him. If it weren't for the power of Chi tomorrow emperor, plus your ice sword and blaze sword, this seven elders will not really fall."

A smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, giving them a soothing smile.

I thought that I reached the pinnacle of Wushen's heavy heaven, and used the terrifying sword realm. Although I haven't killed Wushen's seventh heaven, even the power of Chi tomorrow will not be able to kill it.

According to his improved cultivation strength, compared with the Seventh Heaven in the previous war, the seven elders who have just been killed are definitely the most powerful ones.

Originally, if I wanted to come and reach the Wushen Mirror, if I cast the sword field, I could completely destroy the Wushen six or seven days, but now it is unexpected.

"It's okay."

"Can you fly now?"

The Master of the Star Palace was relieved when he heard that Li Lingtian had nothing to do.

At the same time, I found myself having a tickling chest. I took a closer look and found that Li Lingtian was really indecent with her now. I asked quickly.

Although I play with my little teacher, I also like to tease my little teacher, but now I am still not used to it.

"My real element is exhausted, and I use an anti-celestial pill."

"If you want to restore the true element, you have to practice well for a while, and I have to take care of the injury."

Li Lingtian did not answer the question, but the Master of Frost Palace and Master of Starry Palace understood.

Now my little teacher can't fly at all, but it's not a big deal.

"Let's leave here first."

"Let's find a quiet place to rest."

There was a smile on the face of the Frost Palace Master, and he flew away in a blink of a figure.

The owner of the Star Palace is left holding Li Lingtian, and the Master of the Star Palace is embarrassed for a while. Their sisters and sisters have been together for a long time, and they are naturally very familiar with their sisters.

My second sister must be laughing at her, and she ignored her, deliberately embarrassing her.


Looking at the dark night sky, the Lord of the Star Palace did not dare to stay. His figure flashed, holding Li Lingtian towards the Lord of the Frost Palace.

In a flash, the three disappeared into the dark night sky.

In the air, there is still the breath of destruction of the war, and within a hundred miles of the whole war, there is a mess of destruction.

A few moments after the three people left, a few martial arts strongmen came here and were shocked to see everything in front of them.

"It really is him."

"Seven elders and he are gone, it should be transferred to the battlefield."

"Go, follow the breath, and then help the seven elders."

"Okay, catch up."

Several powerful martial arts strongmen looked at the situation in front of them, and their faces changed several times.

After a little calming down, it was determined who the war was.

Subsequently, several powerful martial arts strongmen quickly chased in one direction, the direction of the pursuit was exactly the direction of the three main stars in the star palace.

"Sister II, thought of a way, someone behind caught up."

The owner of the Star Palace is holding Li Lingtian flying, her smile is hot, she has never been so shy.

After flying for half an hour, Li Lingtian told her that someone was catching up behind her. Although she didn't find out, she knew that her little teacher wouldn't lie, and knew that her little teacher had a great sense.

So he sent a voice to the Frost Palace Master in front of him, and asked the second sister to find a way.

If this flight continues, even if the other party cannot catch up for a while, it will also delay Li Lingtian's interest rate adjustment.

"Come on, there seems to be a sea in front. When we enter the sea, they can't find our breath."

Lord Frost Palace was also surprised when he heard the Lord Star Palace, but at the same time, the consciousness found a sea area in the place thousands of miles in front and unconsciously came to the sea area not far away.

She, who is clever and snowy, naturally thought of the sea area, and used this sea area to make her and others' breath disappear in the sea area.

In this way, the other party can not find their breath.

"But I don't know how to water."

"I am Martial Spirit of the Fire Department, did you deliberately?"

The Master of the Star Palace was relieved when she heard that her sister had a way, but immediately thought of the sea ahead.

She is the Martial Spirit of the Fire Department. If you enter the sea, it will definitely not benefit her.

"Otherwise you are waiting to be chased."

"Hurry up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll take you into the sea below."

The Frost Palace Master froze for a moment, a smile appeared on his face.

My three sisters, they are not afraid of anything, but they are afraid of the sea water, if there is nothing to fly above the sea, but they are scared below the sea.

"Whoosh, swish, swish."

The figure continually shuttled in the air. After a while, the three masters of the Frost Palace came to the sea.

Looking at the endless sea, the Frost Palace Master waved with one hand, protected the three with a breath, and then threw it into the sea.

In a flash, the three disappeared.

Entering the sea water, a staring expression appeared on the face of the main star palace, holding Li Lingtian tighter.

At this time, she had forgotten all this, but allowed the sister to take a swim in the sea. The three of them crossed like a sharp arrow, and the speed was extremely fast. ()

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