War God Supreme

Chapter 1020: Retreat


Seeing the dark thing on Li Lingtian's body, he reached out and prepared to take it away.

But by virtue of his Wushen's cultivation practice of the fourfold heavens, there was absolutely no shaking. This situation was completely beyond imagination.


After a while, the look on the face of the Master of Tianyue Palace kept changing.

Various methods have been used, and it is impossible to take this dark thing away.

Seeing such a situation, and seeing Li Lingtian's situation, I dared not delay any more, and took Li Lingtian to leap, and the mud covered the dark things, and quickly left the pit.

When he left, he waved with one hand, a force of destruction exploded, and the soil rose into the sky within a hundred meters. When the two left, the two deep pits were already buried.


Looking at the ruined space, Tianyue Palace Master glanced towards the distance, his figure flashing, holding Li Lingtian and quickly leaving Shenxi Jiange.

The figure that left was swaying constantly, obviously also injured.

In an instant, the main owner of Tianyue Palace had reached the top of the mountain holding Li Lingtian.

I saw nothing on the top of the mountain, but then a magic show was displayed. The top of the mountain changed, and countless formations appeared in front of me. At the same time, I saw the Frost Palace Master and the Star Palace Master inside.

The Master of the Star Palace and the Master of Frost Palace also saw the appearance of the Master of the Moon Palace, and they were very surprised, but their faces immediately changed dramatically.

Because there are countless scars on her sister, and she holds a young man in her arms. This young man is not who his own younger brother is.

It must have been the Sister Sister who appeared during the Shenxi Sword Pavilion battle, and only then met the younger brother.

Now the younger brother and the older sister are both injured, and the younger brother is now unaware of life or death.



The formation started, and Tianyue Palace Master held Li Lingtian into the formation.

After entering the formation, only a little peace of mind.

"Sister, what's going on?"

"How is the younger brother? Why are you here."

As soon as the Lord Tianyue Palace entered the formation, the Lord Tianxing Palace and the Lord Frost Palace hurriedly asked, and then Li Lingtian took over and helped the Lord Tianyue Palace sit down.

Seeing the injuries of Li Lingtian and Tianyue Palace Master, both of them were terrified, the expression on their faces changed.

"My brother and I were injured."

"Son Sword Master appeared in Shenxi Sword Pavilion and had a fight with Junior Brother. He was later injured by wind and rain."

"Fortunately, the sword master was defeated by the younger brother, and the wind and rain blew up."

"Let's leave here first, otherwise other strong men will take advantage of the fire."

Tianyue Palace's face was pale and rude, and he simply said what happened.

She knew that Li Lingtian had arranged a retreat, and this retreat was the two sisters here.

"The swordsman is defeated?"

"The wind and rain exploded?"

The two were stunned, but they awakened quickly. Now that the situation is endangered, they must leave here before talking.

Immediately, the two crushed the jade jade in their hands.

At the moment when the jade jade shattered, the entire formation trembles, and a light and shadow formation appears on the ground. Although it is not a real formation, it can be known that this light and shadow formation is a teleportation formation.

Lord Frost Palace and Lord Star Palace suddenly understood Li Lingtian's explanation. If they encountered any problems, they used this teleportation array to leave.

At that time, even the most terrifying powerhouse could not catch up.



The top of the mountain trembled, and a shining light rose into the sky.

The emergence of this light suddenly attracted the attention of countless powerful people.

The light and shadow altar spins up, and the celestial palace master immediately stands up. The celestial moon palace lord and the frost palace lord, without any hesitation, followed into the light and shadow constellation.



With a whirl, the light and shadow altar disappeared to the top of the mountain.

At the moment when the light and shadow constellation disappeared, Master Tianyue Palace and others also disappeared.


Above the top of the mountain, a power of destruction broke out, and countless formations were completely destroyed at this time.

Formation destruction is equivalent to Wushen detonating himself, the top of the mountain leveled to the ground, the strength of destruction rises to the sky, this strength is enough to make the Wushen strong in a blink of an eye.

The appearance of vigour has blocked countless curious powerhouses.

Looking at the destructive energy in front of him, all the strong men were extremely shocked, and if they went a little further ahead, they became the targets of this destructive energy.

"What a terrifying power."

"It's a very accurate calculation, and this is how it is done step by step."

"This Li Lingtian is too scary."

"It turns out that he has arranged a retreat here, and he has established a teleportation array here."

"It seems that he has been planning for a long time. It is really scary to establish a teleportation array under the eyes of Shenxi Jiange."

"In this way, even if it is not the opponent of Shenxi Jiange, you can escape smoothly, and the formation of the formation, the people behind you will be killed, even if you can't kill, you will lose the opportunity to pursue."

"If you meet this person in the future, you really need to be careful."

"If you underestimate this person, it would be death."

"It seems that I have to be careful about Piaoyun Valley in the future. I didn't expect Piaoyun Valley to hide such a skyward existence."


Countless strong men, suspended in the air, looked at the top of the mountain, their faces changed dramatically.

All of a sudden there was a lot of discussion, and I was afraid and afraid of Li Lingtian.

The scheming and calculation are amazing, and the strength of the means is amazing. Such a character is simply an existence that cannot be provoked.

The **** sword son was defeated, and the wind and rain were forced to explode. This **** of martial arts has broken the iron law of the imperial continent that cannot be crossed.

Shenxi Sword Pavilion is now completely destroyed.

Gradually, all the strong men left, Shenxi Sword Pavilion turned into ruins, and the atmosphere of destruction filled the world.

If you don’t know, you can’t believe that this place used to be a place of super power Shenxi Jiange, but now it is in ruins.



At the edge of the Coral Sea, there is a wave of space, like a wave thrown into the surface of the lake like a wave.

At the moment when this spatial fluctuation appeared, three figures appeared and immediately landed on the ground.

Just after landing, the woman in white spit out blood and her face was extremely pale.

The woman in red hugs a young man, and the woman in purple quickly supports the woman in white.

"Sister, how are you?"

Han Frost Palace Lord looked at Tianyue Palace Lord and asked quickly.

Yes, the few people who appeared were the main owners of the Frost Palace and the Star Palace, as well as the three people of the Sky Moon Palace. The young man held by the Star Palace was naturally Li Lingtian.

Several people opened the teleportation array and left the top of the mountain. When they appeared again, they appeared on the edge of the coral sea.

This was also arranged by Li Lingtian long ago. His position was cultivated, and without disturbing the Shenxi Sword Pavilion, he could only exhibit a short-distance teleportation array.

And this is also through the power of the aura of the best spirit stone, otherwise it will not be transmitted so far.

As long as the teleportation array is turned on, people can be transported to the Coral Sea. In this way, entering the Coral Sea is also conducive to escape.

To be able to do this step, in the Shenwu Continent, there are simply no more people.

"It's okay, this teleportation array is short-range."

"We hurried back to Piaoyun Valley, otherwise the younger brother would be healed."

The main owner of Tianyue Palace shook his head. The most important thing now is not his injury, but his younger brother.

The younger brother has been comatose. As a super strongman, this is impossible, not to mention Li Lingtian.

"This is the Coral Sea, a long distance from Piaoyun Valley."

"Even the three of us can't use the secret technique to leave, we can only control the spaceship."

The Frost Palace Master looked around and determined that this place was the Coral Sea. Then he spoke and said his plans.

The three of them settled down, hurriedly displayed the spacecraft, and quickly flew towards Piaoyun Valley.

The Master of the Star Palace is responsible for controlling the spaceship, the Lord of the Frost Palace is responsible for taking care of Li Lingtian, and the Lord of the Moon Palace is healing himself.

Lord Frost Palace took Li Lingtian into the space inside the spaceship, with a little embarrassment on his face.

Now Li Lingtian is covered with blood stains, and the mixture of dust and blood stains is covered with blood stains. If so, it will not benefit Li Lingtian.

But now I have to change Li Lingtian's clothes, and there are no men's clothes.

Besides, how could a woman who was unstaffed help Li Lingtian change her clothes?

After a deep thought, the expression on her face was determined, but she showed a hint of blush, and she was cold and clear, and she rarely spoke or smiled.

Now the blush on the face is the big girl sitting in the flower chair once.

He took a deep breath and waved his slim jade hand to remove all the clothes on Li Lingtian's body.

Seeing Li Lingtian's healthy and perfect body, the whole person's face was extremely hot.

The first time I saw the body of a man, this body, strength and beauty are completely integrated.

"Wishful and wordy."

"It's wordy, wordy."

There was a subtle noise, and a purple shirt was put on Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian is now in a coma, and his injuries are extremely serious. If he wants to help him get dressed, he will have to contact him.

The red halo on the face of the Han Frost Palace's face, the whole person seemed to be electrocuted.

When he saw the clothes Li Lingtian was wearing, there was a smile on his face, and he couldn't help laughing anymore.

Because this shirt belongs to her, now on the spaceship, there are sisters and three sisters, there is no men's shirt, she can only use her own shirt.

After changing clothes, he sat on Li Lingtian's bed and wiped Li Lingtian's face with silk a little bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know what medicine to use? "

Han Frost Palace Lord looked at Li Lingtian's hand, three rings on his hand.

She understands that this ring is a magical space ring, but now, she can’t open this ring at all, nor dare to open it, because she doesn’t know which one is the dragon ring. If the dragon ring is touched, it will cause the regeneration inside. Just trouble.

However, on the clothes that Li Lingtian changed, he saw a storage bag.

There are several jade bottles in the storage bag. As a strong person, they will put the items that must be used temporarily in the storage bag.

No one knows that that day when the consciousness is exhausted, there is no medicine or treasure. This storage bag is also a temporary item. Open the storage bag and take out the jade bottle.

Every jade bottle is a kind of panacea. She doesn't know these panacea. It is not a panacea for increasing cultivation, but a healing medicine.

But in Li Lingtian's case now, she doesn't even know what medicine to use. ()

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