War God Supreme

Chapter 1020: Return to Piaoyun Valley

"It's still the Sipin Elixir."

The Lord of Frost Palace saw in the jade bottle that there were some elixirs for rejuvenating the mind, there were also eternal elixirs, and there were other elixirs with unknown names.

However, these elixirs did not dare to use them easily. In the end, they had to choose the Sipin remedy they knew.

A panacea was put into Li Lingtian's mouth, and Zhenyuan worked to melt the panacea.

Time, one second, two days, one day, two days.

After ten days, the spacecraft finally returned to Piaoyun Valley.

After returning to Piaoyun Valley, the spacecraft came directly to the palace of Piaoyu Peak. While returning to Piaoyun Valley, he had notified the owner of the Green Shadow Palace and Liu Yiyi.

The sisters and sisters were waiting outside Piaoyufeng Palace early.

The expression on his face worried about anxiety, I don't know what happened, because the master of the Star Palace was very worried.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the spaceship appeared above the palace.

After the spacecraft stopped, the Master of the Star Palace held the Master of the Moon and floated down, but the Master of the Frost Palace held Li Lingtian and flew down.

Seeing this, Liu Yiyi and the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace showed horrified expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong with Sister Three, Sister Two, Brother Junior and Master Sister?"

"Little Brother, what's wrong with you."

The Lord of the Green Shadow Palace and Liu Yiyi hurried to the three sisters. The look on the master's face was rude and rude, and she was obviously seriously injured.

But Li Lingtian was in the arms of the Frost Palace Master. Although his vitality was not broken, his breath was very weak.

Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian, misty in her eyes.

"Go ahead and say more."

The look on the face of the Lord Frost Palace was cold, without the slightest fluctuation of feelings.

Ten days ago, Li Lingtian was still smart, but now it has become like this. In ten days, Li Lingtian has no signs of turning around. Although she is cold, she cares about her little teacher.

Immediately, several sisters and sisters approached the palace and placed Li Lingtian on the bed.

Looking at the clothes that Li Lingtian was wearing, he knew that it was the owner of the Frost Palace. Although he was funny, he couldn't laugh now.

Because Li Lingtian is now in a coma, a strong man has reached this point, almost dead, and naturally cannot laugh.

"Little sister, look at what immortal medicine little brother should use now."

"The younger brother has been unconscious, and we dare not use the panacea."

After the Frost Palace Master put Li Lingtian on the bed, he quickly said to Liu Yiyi.

On the spaceship, they dare not use the panacea randomly, mainly because Li Lingtian's physique is different from ordinary people, and the injuries are different. If the panacea is used indiscriminately, it will not only be useless to Li Lingtian's injury, but will worsen.

Only Liu Yiyi encountered such a thing. Last time, Li Lingtian was injured, and Liu Yiyi also handled it.

So only accelerated flight back, see what Liu Yiyi has to do.

"I don't know if there is Changsheng Dan on Brother Shi?"

Liu Yiyi was very worried, and wanted to know what happened to Li Lingtian.

But now Li Lingtian must be rescued.

She doesn't know if Li Lingtian still has Changsheng Dan, but she knows that Li Lingtian must have refined Changsheng Dan, or else the breath in Li Lingtian's body will not be solved.

"Yes, I saw Changsheng Pill in his storage bag, but Changsheng Pill is an eight-pin medicine. We dare not give it to young masters easily."

The Frost Palace Master immediately took out the storage bag, took out the jade bottle from the storage bag, and handed the jade bottle containing Changsheng Dan to Liu Yiyi.

"This longevity pill is reserved for younger brothers just in case."

"Otherwise, he will not leave the precious elixir like Changsheng Dan outside."

Liu Yiyi looked at Changsheng Dan and immediately poured out a Changsheng Dan to feed Li Lingtian.

When she looked at Li Lingtian, her eyes were full of pity and tenderness. She was a little bigger than Li Lingtian and had a gentle nature.

And I love Li Lingtian as a little teacher. Now that I see Li Lingtian like this, it is naturally painful in my heart.

"Sister Master's injury will slowly recover as long as she adjusts her interest rate for a while."

Lord Tianxing Palace looked at the nearby Tianyue Palace Master. Although the Tianyue Palace Master was a little weak and the injuries on his body were not light, but compared to Li Lingtian, it was nothing.

"What's going on with Sister II, Sister III, Sister Master and Junior Brother?"

"The strength of the younger brother is hurt like this. What kind of strong man did you encounter?"

Liu Yiyi sat beside Li Lingtian's bed, her jade hands gently touching Li Lingtian's cheek, her eyes were endlessly gentle.

"We will go to Shenxi Sword Pavilion with younger brother."

"We took a two-day break in Yuxi Great City on the way and we met the auction of Wanbao Building in Yuxi Great City. We participated in the auction."

"The young master encountered the precious material Zijin and the egg of Shenfeng. During the auction, his identity was exposed. After leaving, he was designed by the strongman of Duanmujia Wanbao Building to calculate the young master."

"In the end, I was injured by the younger brother. When we arrived, we used the flaming sword and the ice sword to kill the severely wounded strongman, and finally encountered the strongman who was chased on the coral sea, and killed the Healing at Coral Sea after the fourth day."

"Then went to the top of Shenxi Sword Pavilion, and the younger brother left alone after casting the formation, because the ancestor of Shenxi Sword Pavilion came out of the wind and let us respond."

"I didn't expect that Master Sister went to Shenxi Sword Pavilion, and I also met Master Sword. Young Master defeated Master Sword, and was seriously injured by wind and light rain, but later, Junior Master also injured Wind Light and Rain. The sword exploded in the wind and rain."

Lord Frost Palace talked about this period of time. After the top of the mountain, I don’t know what happened to Li Lingtian and Master Sister in Shenxi Jiange, but these days on the spaceship, Tianyue Palace Master has already done things about Shenxi Jiange Have said it carefully.

When Master Tianyue Palace spoke out what was going on, Master Tianxing Palace and Master Hanshuang Palace were terrified.

You have to know that the swordsman is powerful, but Shenzhou is famous, and it is also the super genius of the sword sword pavilion, one of the ten sons of Shenzhou.

The Seventh Heaven of Wushen, together with Kendo, is no weaker than the light and rain of the Eighth Heaven of Wushen.

Li Lingtian defeated the Shenjian son, and was finally counted by Feng Qingyu, and later forced Feng Qingyu to explode. Such a thing, even if he dare not think about it, appeared on Li Lingtian.

"Son swordsman?"

"How did the Sword Sword Master appear in the Shenxi Sword Pavilion? I didn't expect the young master to defeat the Sword Sword Prince. The wind and light rain exploded and destroyed. Now the Sword Sword Pavilion has done nothing."

Both the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace and Liu Yiyi listened to the Lord Frost Palace's words, and their faces were horrified.

I did not expect that such a terrifying thing happened this time, and my little brother was so powerful that he defeated the **** sword son and forced the gods of the eight gods of Wushen to explode.

What is genius? It was the genius who was killed by the younger brother, and Li Lingtian was the evil spirit, the real evil spirit.

All geniuses are scum in front of their little teachers.

"No wonder Junior Brother hurt so badly."

"Shenxi Sword Pavilion is now destroyed. Although Shenxi has never appeared, but has been injured, there should be no threat."

"But after the younger brother's injury is healed, he still has to go to the Shenxi Sword Pavilion to find the secret of the lost pearl."

"Moreover, the younger brother seems to have a treasure left in the Shenxi Sword Pavilion. The master sister can't take it away, she can only bury the treasure, and then she has to get it back."

Immediately, several sisters and sisters began to discuss.

The Lord of the Green Shadow Palace took the Lord of the Moon Palace to leave the Piaoyufeng Palace, and Liu Yiyi stayed in the Piaoyufeng Palace to take care of Li Lingtian.

Although the Pingyun Valley is calm, the forces of dozens of cities north of the Coral Sea, as well as the Luofeng Mountain Range, and countless scattered repairs boiled.

Because the ancestors of the Cangnan region, Shenxi Jiange, the ancestor of the Wuxi Sword Pavilion, achieved the Eighth Heaven Celebration of the God of War.

The cultivation of Wushen Qizhongtian, the strong swordsman, the power and strength are unmatched, no one dares to provoke.

However, I never imagined that this swordsman was defeated by a young man of Wushen, and he was defeated on the swordsman's best swordsmanship.

Feng Qingyu's sneak attack struck the young man when he had no defense, but later Feng Qingyu was injured by this young man, and finally was forced to explode by the young man with kendo.

A God of War, a heavy day, defeated the Master Sword Master before and after, and forced the God of the Eight Gods of the God of War to explode.

Such a terrifying demon is just a young man who does not fall into his thirties, and there has never been such a person in Cangnanyu. No one has heard of the existence of this person.

But now I know that this young man is from Piaoyun Valley.

Piaoyun Valley is only a force in the Luofeng Mountain Range. In the Cangnan region, it is not a big force.

I did not expect that such a figure against the sky appeared in this Piaoyun Valley.

Shenxi Jiange smoke disappeared, only Shenxi never appeared.

However, this Shenxi was beaten to death by this young man three years ago, and is still in retreat for healing.

All this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shocked the powerful people and forces north of the Cangnan region, and secretly investigated Piaoyun Valley, but there was no news from Piaoyun Valley.

Moreover, Piaoyun Valley is dominated by women. There are thousands of disciples in the whole sect, and only a few hundred male disciples.

And several of the elders of the Taishang are women, and cultivation is only the fourfold heaven of Wushen.

But this young man who appeared this time was a few younger brothers of the elders.

Piaoyun Valley's low-key, and countless beautiful female disciples, has long been the paradise envy of countless powerful people in Cangnan region, now there is a strong against the sky, dare not underestimate Piaoyun Valley.

The Luofeng Mountain Range was even more shocked. They already knew the existence of Li Lingtian, and even the powerful of the three major forces were all over.

But no one went to seek revenge, and now I heard this news, I was shocked and glad, but fortunately I did not fight against Li Lingtian.

Even Wushen Yazhongtian and Shenjian son are killed and defeated. If you go to the trouble of Piaoyun Valley, it is to die. ()

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