War God Supreme

Chapter 1027: Budo exchange

Gradually, the status of Shengling Master in Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley was also accepted by other powerful people.

The only thing that is unacceptable is Li Lingtian’s horror.

And according to rumors from countless strong men, the elixirs refined by Li Lingtian are of unrivaled quality, and it is difficult to refine some low-level elixirs.

It's unacceptable to get such news. It is difficult for others to refine a high-level elixir, but Li Lingtian's shot is a unique elixir.

Over time, the mountain gate of Piaoyun Valley opened.

Because today is the celebration of Elder Piaoyungu Taishuang’s breakthrough in the double **** of Wushen, and it is also the time to discuss the theory with martial arts.

Cultivation as a celebration of the breakthrough of the realm is to show a power and sect power.

Some time ago, Shenxi Jiange closed its doors and practiced after breaking through the wind and rain. It reached Wushen Eightfold Heaven, and invited countless powerful people to celebrate in Shenxi Jiange.

But it was disturbed by Li Lingtian, and the Excalibur was defeated, and Feng Qingyu was forced to explode.

Now, Li Lingtian Wushen Ertian also holds a celebration, making people feel speechless.

People are more popular than the dead. The general sect gates are only celebrated in the Seventh and Eighth Chongtian, because only the Seventh and Eighth Chongtian are rare in martial arts. It is hard to reach such a state.

The celebration is also reasonable, but Li Lingtian Wushen double day came to hold the celebration, and also invited countless strong people to come to congratulate.

And these strong men have not yet received an invitation letter, they come automatically.

Because Li Lingtian is only the second **** of Wushen, but his strength is terrifying, and it is more terrifying than the wind and light of Wushen.

If you don’t come, you won’t be able to speak in the future.

"Piaoyungu Taishang elders please your Excellency."

"Welcome all of you to Piaoyun Valley. Your presence makes Pengyun Valley flourish."

The mountain gate of Piaoyun Valley opened, and suddenly there was a sound of ethereal sounds of nature in the air. The sound of nature came from Piaoyun Valley. This sound made all the strong people feel calm, no killing gas, no slightest. The heart of competition.

Completely bathed in the sound of this ethereal and beautiful sound of nature, all of a sudden, the strong were stunned.

There was a smile on his face, and the whole person's breath was extremely calm, making people feel no violence at all.

With the sound of the sound of nature, all the powerful people walked towards Piaoyun Valley one by one.

Finally, I came to Piaoyungu Plaza. On Piaoyungu Plaza, the aura was awkward and the mist was hazy. It was like a nine-day fairyland.

Here, Wu Wu's endless coffee tables have been set up, and the neatly arranged coffee tables are arranged neatly.

Seeing such a scene, all the strong men were shocked. The strong men who came here were the first time they came to Piaoyun Valley.

I used to hear that the Piaoyun Valley is as beautiful as a fairyland, and here are women.

Now I finally understand the beauty of Piaoyun Valley, even the wonderland is hard to compare.

After coming to the top of the square, there were disciples who received special receptions, and each of the martial arts strongmen was seated in front of the coffee table according to the cultivation of the realm.

Although the square of Piaoyun Valley is not very large, it is also more than a dozen in size.

Enough warriors who came here sat down. Seeing the reception arrangement of Piaoyun Valley, some of them felt dissatisfied, but they dared not say it.

Because the higher the cultivation level, the more the center.

Cultivation is the lowest, and naturally it is on the edge. This time, the status is high.

"Welcome everyone to Piaoyun Valley."

"I am Piaoyungu, who teaches Luo Yunqing. Today is the celebration of the great elder Li Lingtian's ancestor breaking through the double **** of Wushen. Li Shizu argues with martial arts and welcomes you to communicate with each other."

Luo Yunqing watched countless powerful people come to Piaoyungu Square to take a seat, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

Where has she seen so many martial arts masters?

In the past, Piaoyun Valley had only four or five martial arts strongmen. Even so, it was her unattainable existence, and it was enough for the four forces of Luofeng Mountain to value it.

However, there are now more than three thousand Wushen strongmen, all of them gathered in Piaoyun Valley.

This is completely beyond her imagination. Even if there are so many martial arts masters, even if no one uses the true element, the martial god's pressure and breath alone can suffocate the disciple of Emperor Wu.

However, thinking of Yantian and Tianyin Sanren and Zheng Batian are here, I feel a little relieved, and Li Shizu, who is against the sky, is sitting in Piaoyun Valley.

Some time ago, Li Lingtian gave Zheng Yunfeng three people an elixir. After returning, Zheng Yunfeng used the elixir to retreat.

Moreover, the state has been loosened, and it has reached a breakthrough point. Naturally, it dare not come out. Now we must concentrate on the breakthrough of retreat.

The reception thing is naturally Yan Tian and Tian Yin scattered people, and Zheng Batian is also here. The four forces of the Luofeng Mountain Range. Zheng Yunfeng is breaking through, he can’t come, he can only come again.

Li Lingtian is the master this time, and his status is aloof, so he will not come out to receive him.

"Luo Zhangjiao is polite."

"It is a great honor to communicate with Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"At that time, I still have to ask Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"Lord Tian's reputation is in the Coral Sea, but it is famous."

"Gone with the Clouds, such as Lord Tian Tian, ​​congratulations."

"Congratulations to His Excellency Ling Tian for breaking through the Wushen Double Heaven."


For a while, countless strong men were reluctant to return their salutes. Although Piaoyun Valley let a Wu Emperor receive them, they were not satisfied, but they dared not show it.

If you really offended Piaoyungu Li Lingtian because of these little things, you would lose the gain.

"Haha, haha."

"Everyone, please refreshments first."

Zheng Batian greeted loudly. He naturally knew that these powerful men were not satisfied with Piaoyun Valley, but what about that, even if they were not satisfied, they could only bear it.

However, as a strong man in the Luofeng Mountain Range, he naturally wants to greet him at this time, so that he can also mobilize the atmosphere.

At the same time, let all the strong know that the four forces of the Luofeng Mountain Range are advancing and retreating together.

There is a Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley. If other strong people dare to have any intentions on the Luofeng Mountain, we must consider whether they can bear Li Lingtian's anger.

"Yeah, all of you are strong martial artists."

"It's hard to meet this kind of communication once. If you have experience in cultivation, say it and share it. If you have problems in cultivation, everyone may wish to communicate together, which will greatly help everyone's cultivation."

"Your Excellency Ling Tian also said that you have any cultivation problems. Let's discuss it first. When he comes, he will solve it with everyone."

Tianyin Sanren also catered, and immediately began to communicate with the Wushen Powerful.

All three of them are the Seventh Heavenly God of Martial God. Although not the most powerful in this place, it is enough to suppress a large part of Martial God.

Gradually, the martial arts strongmen in the square started to communicate.

In the Shenwu Continent, warriors rarely speak their own cultivation experience. Similarly, each warrior cultivates on his own and rarely communicates with others.

This is the first time such a powerful exchange event has occurred.

As the saying goes: When three stupid masters become Zhuge Liang, everyone is a martial arts strongman, and after communicating with each other, they all get a lot of benefits.

Often, your own bottleneck is solved by gaining the experience of others. Sometimes, your own experience has become a wonderful way for other powerful people to break through the bottleneck.

"Not bad."

"It turns out so, it turns out so."

"It is so."

"The deity has never thought of a way, it is as simple as that."

"Sure enough, that's how it works."

"I didn't expect the deity to be confused about this summary for hundreds of years. It turned out to be so simple."

"This exchange is really good."

"Yes, this exchange is equivalent to my 100 years of cultivation."

"With such exchanges, everyone learns from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and the speed of cultivation is much faster."

"Going back this time, I will be able to break through the three gods of Wushen."

"Here is the next one. After going back, the next great situation can be improved."


Above the square, there were countless sounds of exclamation, and every strong man's face was filled with excitement.

I never imagined that this exchange was such a big harvest.

At first, these strong men did not want to speak out their own experiences, but gradually they all exchanged ideas with each other, benefiting from each other's strengths.

Slowly, the strong people on the square, three or five in groups, seven or eight together, and even dozens of people communicated together to practice difficult problems.

Most of the strong people have benefited. Only some of the strong people still have unsolvable problems in cultivation, and even these problems cannot be solved by everyone.

Seeing the situation on the square, Luo Yunqing was also shocked. He didn't expect the powerful person who was shocking outside, but when he came here, it became like this.

It seems that every circle is the same, but you haven't touched it.

They are the same among the circles of Wushen. They are no different from the circles of Wusheng. They just look at Wushen. They don’t know the mystery of Wushen and they are terrifying.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The warriors are all human beings, and each family has a hard-to-read sutra. Every strong man has his own pains and problems. Now encountering such a situation, it is naturally very exciting.

Zheng Batian, Yan Tian and Tian Yin scattered people, and were shocked to see this situation.

There is such a day in Luofeng Mountain, only Pingyungu Li Lingtian has such skill and courage.

Except for him, no one could gather so many strong men, nor did he have the courage to come up with a grand ceremony to exchange ideas with martial arts.

With the passage of time, from noon to the noon, the exchange meeting will temporarily stop.

Because this is the time when the celebration really starts. Only after the celebration can you communicate again.

"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng!"

At this time, a beautiful piano sound was again scattered over the Piaoyun Valley, which was very beautiful.

With the appearance of Qin Yin, all the strong men stopped communicating and looked at the sky above Piaoyun Valley. ()

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