War God Supreme

Chapter 1029: Reward Pills

Looking at the Danmaru in front of him, all the strong men were shocked.

This technique is exquisite and exquisite, and this mere knowledge of the hand is not comparable to the strong players present.

Because this requires God's consciousness to do it. The stronger the consciousness, the stronger the strength of the warrior.

What's more, Li Lingtian also said that everyone has a seven-piece gem medicine. What is this concept?

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to say such a big sentence. More importantly, it was done when the words fell.

All the strong men looked at the pill in front of them, and the whole square quieted down for a moment.

The breath was strangely oppressed, so that the mighty Wushen might not be able to bear it.

"Qi Pin Da Huan Dan!"

"A great return to the great."

"It really is a panacea of ​​excellent quality."

"Golden Rebirth!"

"It's really a great medicine."

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe that there was a superb panacea."

"Qipin's best medicine."


After a brief period of silence, the entire square was boiling.

Even if all the strong men present are Wushen, but in the face of the great Dahuan Dan, they are all gaffes.

There was a horrified look on his face, more surprise and excitement in his eyes.

I did not expect to really see the quintessential pill, and it is still a quintessential pill, which is definitely a treasure for the Wushen Powerhouse.

What's more, Li Lingtian's shot is a great medicine, and even more terrifying is that everyone has a great medicine.

After a moment of horror and excitement, they quickly put away the Elixir and carefully packed it into their storage bag, fearing that others would **** it.

"Salute to Lord Ling Tian, ​​the Holy Master!"

"I have seen His Excellency Ling Tian!"

"Lord Tian, ​​the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"Thank you, Lord Ling Tian, ​​Shengdan Master!"

"Shenwu Continent, there is His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the gospel of the warrior of the world."

"In the future, if there is something wrong with His Excellency Shengdan Master, just give a command and go to Tanghuohu."

"Yes, His Excellency Shengdan Master is the first Shengdan Master in Shenwu Continent. Whoever disrespects His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the first deity will not let him go."

"Thank you, Lord Sheng Tian, ​​Master Elixir's panacea."

"Lord Celestial Master Sheng Tian is a miraculous miracle of Shen Dao mainland."


Suddenly, the attitude of countless powerhouses changed from 360 degrees to respect.

Now I really understand how horrible this young man is.

Not only is cultivation astonishing for strength, the ability of this alchemy is also terrifying, and it has broken the ban on Shenwu Continent and refined an excellent medicine.

And it is not one or two, otherwise it will not be thousands of unique medicines.

Such a generous pen cannot be produced by Shenwu Continent, and no one has such courage.

You know, this is a great value for the great remedy. The Shenwu Continent is basically priceless and no market. Even if this elixirs sells for 10 billion, some people will spend their money to buy this elixirs.

Now, Li Lingtian happily gave away thousands of gems to Dan, and he showed no concern.

As the strongest of Wushen, they think it is supreme, but they understand that the distance between Wushen is also great.

Comparing the Wushen Powerhouse with the Holy Pill Master, it is nothing.

In front of the Holy Pill Master, the Wushen Powerful should also politely make three points.

In the Shenwu Continent, there is no sacred pill master of 10,000 martial arts strongmen. The martial arts strongman wants to break through and improve his cultivation ability. More often, he still needs the pill of the holy pill master.

What's more, Li Lingtian is an eighth-order holy pill master, the first holy pill master of the Shenwu Continent, and a holy pill master who has refined a panacea. In this way, his status in the eyes of martial gods is undoubtedly a god-like existence.

The seven-eighth-class gem medicine is only available in Li Lingtian in Shenwu Continent. There is no semicolon in this family.

If we can have some relationship with this Lord Holy Master, there will be an extra road in Shenwu Continent in the future.

Any martial **** is not as good as a holy princess, even worse than an eighth-level holy princess.

Compared with Li Lingtian, the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, they appear small.


"Thank you for your love, thank you very much, if there is anything, you will definitely find help."

"Now, we continue to exchange ideas on martial arts practice."

"I have seen a lot of exercises and classics that I think I have a lot. I still have a little knowledge. If you have any problems with cultivation, talk to them to see if there is any way to solve them."

Li Lingtian smiled, stood up and clenched his fists, which was considered salute.

In fact, his status and identity will not be so polite at all, but in this way, all the strong people not only do not look down on Li Lingtian but more respect.

Such a strong man, the more polite, the more low-key, the more kind, the more terrible the means.

If you don't provoke him, there won't be a little thing. If you provoke him, it will definitely die.

With ambition, means, and strength, this is a true Xeon.

Immediately, the strong men present continued to exchange their experiences in practice. Some things that the strong men could not solve, they also tried to communicate with Li Lingtian.

It soon became clear that it seemed to be communicating with Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian didn't have any cultivation problems at all. Instead, other powerful people who came to communicate had gained a lot.

Basically, there are strong people who have cultivated problems, and they are all solved here in Li Lingtian.

Found this problem, these rumors whispered quietly, and soon knew Li Lingtian's horror.

Horror Li Lingtian's cultivation talents and insights are extremely broad, and there are no cultivation problems that can overwhelm Li Lingtian. Any cultivation problems are solved in front of Li Lingtian.

Some of their cultivation problems were completely a piece of cake in front of Li Lingtian.

At the same time, I also found that the problems they cultivated were simply very simple, but they couldn't be solved. In front of Li Lingtian, all three words were broken.

Gradually, all the powerful people took the opportunity to consult Li Lingtian.

Moreover, the exchange of views has also changed, becoming the Wushen strong to consult Li Lingtian.

All the martial arts strongmen asked Li Lingtian for his cultivation experience, and he asked Li Lingtian to point out the problems of cultivation.

Time passed quickly and unconsciously, it was already afternoon, and the sky gradually darkened.


"It's getting late today, and today's exchange is over."

"Your Excellency Ling Tian said that this exchange will continue tomorrow. If you have any cultivation experience, you can continue to communicate tomorrow. Please return to the original place to rest, and recuperate yourself tomorrow."

Zheng Batian was advised by Li Lingtian, looked at the sky, and then said loudly, with a faint smile on his face.

He did not expect such a day in the Luofeng Mountain Range, so that all the powerful people respect Li Lingtian so much.

In the future, the Luofeng Mountain Range is definitely the most powerful side of the Coral Sea. The outsiders naturally dare not provoke the Luofeng Mountain Range.

Now I have a lot of confidence when I talk. These strong men dare not provoke Li Lingtian, and I want to stay and continue to find Li Lingtian to consult martial arts cultivation experience. If I miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to meet again.

However, Li Lingtian gave these strong men a chance. In this way, the Luofeng Mountain Range was extremely high in the mind of the martial artists.

Engage in both ways, this is the way of imperialism.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Ling Tian, ​​for your guidance."

"Thank you, Mr. Ling Tian."

"Your excellency Ling Tian, ​​you will never forget the next class."

"Come again tomorrow to disturb Ling Tian."


Hearing Zheng Batian's words immediately made countless powerful people feel excited and happy.

In any case, one day is not enough for these powerful people to consult Li Lingtian's cultivation experience.

Now that Li Lingtian can continue to communicate, they naturally know that Li Lingtian gave them the opportunity, and immediately thank Li Lingtian from the heart, and respect Li Lingtian from the bottom of their hearts.

Immediately everyone greeted Li Lingtian and left Piaoyungu Square.

Although I am a little bit reluctant, there is still tomorrow, and I will consult Li Lingtian until tomorrow.

Gradually, all the strong men left Piaoyun Valley.

In the end, Zheng Batian, Yan Tian, ​​and Tianyin Sanren also said goodbye to Li Lingtian. The three left Piaoyun Valley, and other disciples began to manage the square.

Li Lingtian also took the owner of Tianyue Palace and others away and returned to the palace to rest.

"Little Brother, you have no secrets to tell your cultivation experience, do you not worry that they will threaten you after they become enemies?"

The Master of the Star Palace has always been curious, Li Lingtian has given all the martial arts strong instructions on the cultivation methods.

These strong men are not their own. If they become enemies one day, they will dig graves for themselves.


"Sister Three, rest assured that if you are not sure, I will pass on your cultivation experience."

"With their practice, even if they are given a lifetime, they still want to catch up with me. The more I am, the more they fear and respect."

Li Lingtian laughed loudly, and the girls were to be stingy anyway, and be more careful.

He dared to take out his cultivation experience, so he naturally did not worry about these people posing a threat to him.

This is his courage~www.wuxiaspot.com~I have my own consideration for what I do.

The Wushen Powerhouse is not a fool. He understands that Li Lingtian can complete them and destroy them.

"Little brother said well."

"If he can complete him, he can destroy them."

"The more the younger brothers are, the more they are afraid and respected. Although the gods of the continent are respected by the strong, most of the strong will have a trace of loyalty. The younger brothers can treat them like this, and they are not good at fighting against the younger brothers. , It is absolutely necessary to do nothing against the younger brother."

Han Frost Palace nodded and agreed with Li Lingtian's approach.

All of them are strong martial arts warriors, and a few people who can become strong martial arts warriors rely solely on luck.

They are all smart people, and naturally understand the key to it. Li Lingtian can destroy them if he can complete them.

Li Lingtian succeeded them, and in the future Li Lingtian would have another way to go. ()

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