War God Supreme

Chapter 1033: Shenxi

"How can it be?"

Shenxi looked at Li Lingtian's changes, and his face was horrified.

Because Li Lingtian was in the trap he set, no one could move at all, and his fear and vigilance against Li Lingtian reached a terrible level.

When setting this trap, all possibilities are counted.

Besides, the traps set by human beings are even more powerful, as long as they are done, they will not come up with it.

But Wan Wan did not expect that Li Lingtian could not move in this trap. Now he can move without any restrictions.

This situation was completely beyond imagination, and I immediately understood that Li Lingtian seemed to be imprisoned. In fact, all this was pretended, but it was too late when I thought about it.

I saw that between Li Lingtian's one-handed waving, a whole body of ruinous dark breath broke out, and the black breath bombarded him fiercely.


The black breath controlled by Shenxi could have controlled Li Lingtian's life and death in his own hands, but now Li Lingtian bombarded him with these breaths and spurted blood.

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

"If you control Kendo, this seat wants to kill you, it is not so easy."

"However, you use magic skills, in front of this seat, you are looking for death, haha."

With one hand, Li Lingtian pressed the terrifying breath against Shenxi, and with the other hand, he swung Liu Yiyi away, and Liu Yiyi flew away with Li Lingtian’s palm, breaking away from the endless mysterious breath. Surrounded, came to the passageway.

He looked at Li Lingtian in shock, because the exercises performed by Li Lingtian were not human.

This exercise is exactly the same as the breath that Shenxi now controls, but now Li Lingtian is more powerful than Shenxi.

Because, Li Lingtian's magical skills, the real solution of the Holy Devil.

It turned out that Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi entered the vast abyss and were eroded by a mysterious breath. This mysterious breath is the magic breath.

The demon qi of the demon clan found this situation, Li Lingtian was stunned, but in order to elicit the opponent, he could only pretend to be eroded by the devil qi and could not move.

Liu Yiyi suffered, and he was also uncomfortable, but in order to be foolproof, he could only wait until the Lord came out before starting.

The mysterious breath above this vast abyss is the magic energy, and those arcs are also the magic power array method.

The use of magic skills and formations in front of Li Lingtian is a complete axe.

Seeing Shenxi coming out, Li Lingtian discovered that Shenxi wasn't practicing kendo, but magic skills, powerful magic skills.

Then, following the words of Shenxi, I found the entrances of Tianhan Altar and Shenfeng Palace, got the news I wanted, saw that Liu Yiyi was suffering, and did not wait any longer. She directly exhibited magic skills and bombarded Shenxi fiercely.

Shenxi always thought that the magic power was enough to deal with Li Lingtian. Looking at Li Lingtian's imprisonment, his heart was furious, and he never thought that Li Lingtian was also a strong man who practiced magic power.

It was strange that he did not get bombarded by Li Lingtian when something unexpected happened.



The destructive qi is constantly striking. Li Lingtian now does not need the devil qi in the body at all, but uses the devil qi around him to use the devil qi around him for his own use. After transformation, he bombards Shenxi fiercely.

"Mo Gong, how can you do Mo Gong?"

"You are a strong Kendo, how can you have such a powerful magic skill?"

"You have been pretending to be mean!"

Shenxi felt his magical energy being used by Li Lingtian to bombard him, and the whole person ran away.

However, Li Lingtian's control of the magic energy reached a terrible level.

Under the bombardment of horrible magic energy, the whole person was almost destroyed.

This is nothing, because the shock in the heart is greater than the shock the body takes.

The blood on his face was as if he was going to be caught in a fire, and he looked at Li Lingtian with a dark look, and said in horror.

"Haha, haha!"

"Shenxi, you don't provoke this seat."

"The magic skills of your area are not worth mentioning in front of this seat. The true solution of the Holy Devil in this seat will tremble even if the devil comes."

"You can die."

Li Lingtian laughed loudly, and at the same time, the Holy Demon's true solution was running, and the air of the True Demon was bombarded.

In the spirit of the true demon, there is also the spirit of the holy demon destroyed by the sky. presence.


"It's not that simple to kill the Lord of the Cabinet. Even if the Lord of the Cabinet falls, he will pull you back."

"Nine Killing Demon Skills, Destroy!"

The sadness in Shenxi's heart and the desire to die are all there.

On Kendo, Li Lingtian beat him to death, and finally he had no choice but to practice the magic skill. The cultivation of the magic skill would be stabilized, and the injury was fully recovered.

And the power is more powerful than at the beginning, thinking to torture Li Lingtian slowly.

But Wan Wan did not expect Li Lingtian to be a real devil, and in front of Li Lingtian, he was a little devil.

Encountered such a thing, the whole person has no thought of the head, the whole body's magic works, just want to destroy Li Lingtian.

I can't take care of the others at all. As long as Li Lingtian is destroyed, I can get rid of my hatred.



The demonic power of destruction constantly collides with Li Lingtian's true demon qi, but these devil qi and Li Lingtian's true demon qi and holy demon qi are completely weak.

"You Shenxi Sword Pavilion are all a virtue."

"The wind and rain explode, you want to commit suicide, but in front of this seat, it is impossible."

"You're not in the wind and rain, if you don't use magic skills, you still have the chance to explode, but now you don't even have the chance to explode."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the spirit of the true demon of the holy demon mobilized.

With one hand separated, the air twisted strangely.

The Nine Yintian Demon Finger exploded, and the destroying finger force penetrated the space and shot down at Shenxi's eyebrows.


The blood of Shenxi spurted out, his eyes dull, and the movement of the whole person stopped, the expression on his face was unwilling.

The body slowly softened, and there was no slightest power in the whole body, and the vitality was quickly lost.

Without the support of the master and the slightest resistance, the spirit of the real demon and the spirit of the holy demon suddenly crushed Shenxi.

In an instant, Shenxi disappeared, and even a little breath disappeared.


Li Lingtian watched Shenxi be killed, waved with one hand, suddenly the devil qi and breath of space was stirred.

Soon, all the magical energy and breath turned into a dense black mist, and was finally refined by Li Lingtian.

The air, quiet down, Li Lingtian suspended above the vast abyss, flashing in shape, came to Liu Yiyi's side, looked at Liu Yiyi's horrified eyes, and a smile of comfort appeared on her face.

Reaching for Liu Yiyi, Liu Yiyi returned to normal as a true Yuan cast.

"Sister Yiyi, adjust your interest rate."

Li Lingtian looked at Liu Yiyi and said softly.

Immediately, the palm balances the true element to help Liu Yiyi adjust his breath. He practiced the true solution of the holy devil himself, and completely ignored all the devil qi.

It's like being born in a rich aura world, but Liu Yiyi is a human being, he didn't practice magic skills, he was naturally afraid of the magic energy, and was naturally eroded a lot.

Now he must help her to eliminate the evil erosion, so that in the future, it will not leave Liu Yiyi with the sequela of cultivation.

Liu Yiyi was shocked in her heart, but now she knows that she must first get rid of the magic energy.

Immediately afterwards, the true elements of the two people worked with each other, and the devil qi was removed by Li Lingtian, and finally the devil qi was refined.

In the past ten minutes, Liu Yiyi's magical energy has been refined by Li Lingtian.

"Little Brother, how do you know the demon clan skills?"

Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian with a serious look on his face.

The exercises of his younger teachers are all upright, and they are the most powerful exercises of mankind.

But Wan Wan did not expect that she had practiced the Devil's Xeon exercises, which made her not shocked.

"In the past, when my cultivation level was very low, I entered the Demon Canyon because of some things."

"Countless genius disciples are practicing inside. I am inside. I was chased and killed by countless days. I entered a terrible place and got a space ring. This is the Holy Ring."

"There is a trace of the spirit of the holy demon, there is the true solution of the holy demon, and countless demon demon crystals. Later, I was chased by the demon strong man. In order to avoid the pursuit of the demon strong man, I had to make a last resort. Xia Cultivated the Magic Skill, and escaped the disaster."

"Entering the Heavenly Demon Tower, she met Qingwu's doppelganger, and she gave me the true devil's spirit of the doppelganger. I naturally took control of the true solution of the demon's most powerful holy demon. The true solution of the Holy Devil."

"Once by chance, I met Da Mo Shen Di Tian, ​​who is also the father of Qingwu, who devoured Da Zun to kill me, Da Mo Shen Di Tian saved my life, and he took the devil's mortal spirit into true spirit Give me."

Li Lingtian slowly spoke out everything he encountered.

These are all unintentional, but it has become intentional to plant flowers and flowers and not live~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unintentionally planting willows and shades, achieving a strong strength.

All of this is like being doomed in the midst, but it seems that there are many opportunities.

He did not specifically cultivate the true solution of the Holy Devil, but he automatically controlled the true solution of the Holy Devil.

"So this is ah."

"It seems that this is your destiny."

"But I still admire the sister who dances lightly, and wait for you three thousand reincarnations."

When Liu Yiyi heard Li Lingtian say light dancing, she was also shocked. She didn't expect her younger brother to have such an experience.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to be reincarnated in the upper realm, and there was also a devil princess who was enamoured. The first wait was three thousand reincarnations.

Thinking of these, I can't help but feel sour.

My little brother and sister are surrounded by beautiful beauties, each one of which is full of grounds, and each one is noble and unique. ()

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