War God Supreme

Chapter 1036: 9 Chongshan


I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian only felt a tremor, and the whole person fell **** the ground.

Blood spewed from the corners of my mouth, pulling Liu Yiyi unconsciously and flew towards the distance.

But when he discovered the situation in front of him, the look on his face became strange.

Because where he appears, it is a perfect world.

Aura is amazed, wrong, not aura, but the spirit of fairy spirit!

The rich fairy spirit nourishes the surrounding flowers and trees to be green and scented with flowers and birds.

"What is this place?"

"What a terrible fairy spirit!"

Liu Yiyi and Li Lingtian spoke at the same time, with surprise in their eyes.

Because their location is like a trough.

And all around them are huge mountains. The mountains do not know how big or how tall they are.

However, the sun in the sky looks extremely small. This feeling is like being farther away from the sun.

"We were here when we appeared after the destruction of the Shenfeng Palace."

"There has never been such a place in the ancient books, but I can say that this place is definitely not the Cangnan region, at least not the Cangnan region."

Li Lingtian looked around, and the more she looked at, the more shocked her face looked.

Because, he found that the mountains around him seemed to be very close, but the consciousness could not touch the mountains at all, that is to say, these mountains were far away from him.

The place where the two of you are is like a valley, a valley without gaps. Only after you cross this mountain can you see the other side of the mountain, and you may have the opportunity to leave this place.

The only thing that made him feel temporarily reassured is that there is no danger for the time being, and the spirit of fairy spirits is also extremely rich, suitable for cultivation.

"Little brother, look."

At this time, Liu Yiyi exclaimed, and the look on his face changed.

His eyes looked at the colorful Phoenix carving in Li Lingtian's hands.

I saw that this colorful phoenix carving seemed to be alive, and the light above it was quickly compressed, and it was gradually put away.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was also very surprised.

At this moment, the blazing sun in the sky shot straight down like a golden light.

When thousands of golden lights shone on the colorful phoenix carvings, black spots appeared in the air, and the black spots landed very quickly, so fast that Li Lingtian had no chance to react.


With a shocking explosion, the black spot grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge stone monument. It turned out that the black spot was the stone monument.

The stele landed on the ground fiercely, two hundred miles away from Li Lingtian.

However, when the stone tablet was in contact with the ground, it gave a shocking impact force. The impact force caused Li Lingtian to spit out a bit of blood again, and Liu Yiyi's mouth also showed blood.

With Li Lingtian's defense, she was also shocked.

The two looked at the stone tablet hundreds of miles away in horror. The stone tablet was thousands of meters high, and the whole stone tablet was gray, but there were three large characters of seal characters on it.


When he saw the large characters on the stone tablet, both Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi showed a puzzled look.

Seeing Li Lingtian looks like this, Liu Yiyi was even more shocked, because something that Li Lingtian didn't even know was definitely not simple.

After the stone monument landed, the ground giant earthquake calmed down. The stone monument seemed to merge with this place without feeling a bit of disharmony.

The font on the stone tablet gives people a kind of vigour and a kind of nature, just like this stone tablet is born in heaven and earth.

Exuding a strong breath, Li Lingtian Wushen is in the second heaven.

His strength, even Wushen Qizhongtian, dared not surpass him.

Moreover, no one can match his prestige and divine prestige, as well as the various anti-celestial exercises he practiced.

But at the moment, in front of this stele, he seemed too small.

"Kokonoe Mountain!"

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

Liu Yiyi's face was also puzzled. He had never heard of Jiuzhong Mountain.

There is no such place as Jiuzhong Mountain in the Cangnan region, nor such a magnificent place. There is no rumor on the ancient books that there is such a name.

However, this sun is still the outside sun, and this place is too mysterious.

"Little brother, let's take care of the injury first."

Liu Yiyi reminded Li Lingtian that at least he had to stabilize his injury before he could explore this place.

"That's fine, let's leave here first."

"In case something goes wrong, it was too late to escape."

Li Lingtian nodded and agreed with Liu Yiyi's words.

Immediately, Liu Yiyi flew quickly away, flying for half an hour, leaving the stele a full distance away.

However, looking at the distance between the steles, there is not much gathering, and the distance from the mountains does not seem to be far away, but if you want to go to the mountains, it is not a temporary thing at all.

Because this place is really too big, and it's very flat. At a glance, you can see the end of the world.

Finally, the two found a slightly hidden jungle, and Li Lingtian casually cast a formation to hide the two of them.

After doing everything, I started to practice healing.

The injury was not serious this time. The two men adjusted their interest rates for half a day and finally recovered the injury completely.

In addition, here is the spirit of the fairy, and the cultivation and recovery of the true element and the injury are very fast.

After recovering from the injury, Li Lingtian moved his mind and took out the Shenxi Phoenix in the Shenlong Ring. This Shenxi Phoenix was the colorful Phoenix carving obtained in the Shenfeng Palace.

The Shenxi Phoenix is ​​in a colorful color, with ample color on it, crystal clear, and looks like crystal, but it is not crystal.

What kind of material is made, even though Li Lingtian knows a lot about medicinal materials and materials, but I don’t know what this Shenxi Phoenix was made of.

After looking at it for a long time, I found nothing but a magical power on it.

Not to mention what has to do with the lost pearl.

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Liu Yiyi also looked at Shenxi Phoenix all the time, but at last saw the disappointed look on Li Lingtian's face and asked quickly.

You should know that the Piaoyun Valley Fairy Fairy has fallen for this, and the strong man of Shenxi Jiange is also for this Shenxi Phoenix.

Countless strong men have found the secret of the lost pearl for Shenxi Phoenix, but have found nothing now.


"But this Shenxi Phoenix should be related to this place."

"Imagine that we came to the underground chamber, opened the palace, and got the Shenxi Phoenix, then something happened and finally came here."

"And this Shenxi Phoenix caused the stone tablet to land. I feel that this Shenxi Phoenix is ​​a key to coming here. Let's find it here and see if we find anything."

"And, we want to leave here, it's not that simple."

Li Lingtian shook his head, the disappointment on his face gradually disappeared, because at least Shenxi Phoenix was in his own hands.

As long as you find some key, you can find the secret of Shenxi Phoenix, and hope to find the secret of the lost pearl.


"That's the only thing now."

"However, the fairy spirit in this place is extremely rich, and it is also good to practice life here."

Liu Yiyi nodded cleverly and liked the environment here.

While speaking, Meimu glanced at Li Lingtian.

There was a look of anticipation in his eyes, but this anticipation flashed away.

"The environment is really good, but it gives the impression that there are countless crises hidden here, but we have not yet discovered it."

Li Lingtian smiled and then said.

Next, the two flew quickly in one direction.

The whole environment is full of birds and flowers, and the spirit of fairy spirits is extremely rich, just like a fairyland.

The two flew in the air and flew towards the mountains.

However, in Li Lingtian's feeling, there is something wrong with this place.

Because the environment here is excellent, and there is a strong fairy spirit, but there are no powerful monsters here. They are just ordinary monsters. These monsters have low levels, but they all look at their Shouyuan. It is hundreds and thousands, and even Shouyuan has seen tens of thousands of years.

Such a thing made him feel incredible. After all, the monsters that did not cultivate were dead for decades, but they could live for tens of thousands of years.

Time, day by day, flying for a month, finally came to the edge of the mountain.

The two did not come to the edge of the mountain, but were among the mountains.

Now the two people found that the mountain was too big and so small that it made people want to die.

And when I look at the stele again, I can only see a little black spots, and I can't even see the mountains on the opposite side.

I don't know how high this mountain is, because the two of them are already in the mountain, and naturally they can't see the height and face of the mountain.

On this day, the two came to the mountain, and the mountain was completely a world.

Here are all giant trees~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a world formed by giant trees with a diameter of five or six meters.


An ancient road leads directly to the mountains. In front of the ancient road is a cliff with three large characters on it.

Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi looked at the three characters, and the look on their faces began to change.

Because the first stone to be seen is the Jiuzhong Mountain, the cliffs you see now are the Yizhong Mountain, that is to say, this place has at least nine levels, and there are also the Chongshan and Mie Mountains above the Chongshan Mountain.

"Nine-layered mountains, one layer after another, one world a day."

"The highest mountain of Jiuzhong Mountain, Jiuzhong Mountain of the Thousand World."

Just when the two saw the three characters of Jiuzhongshan, a simple atmosphere radiated from the cliff, and a halo appeared at the same time. The halo formed 25 small characters, which were suspended in the air.

In a flash, the small print disappeared, like a dream. ()

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