War God Supreme

Chapter 1049: Yinglong vs Pterosaur



Just as the realm of the sword landed, the No. 32 Wushen Powerful person turned into a blood-red light and bombarded the realm of the sword.

The pterosaur beast also came into the war, but felt the terrifying breath and attack of two human beings. As a monster, the pterosaur beast was shocked by these two breaths and the destruction of the attack.

I did not expect two weak human beings to be so scary.

After a loud roar, he quickly backed away, far away from the spread of the war, huge eyes looked at the blood-red light, and finally looked at Li Lingtian in the void, a strange look appeared in his eyes.



In the air, the blood-red rays and the realm of swords finally collided together.

There was no thunderous explosion, but a subtle sound, like a heavy rain falling on the ground.

The realm of the sword and the blood-red ray met together, paused, and then landed like nothing, and the blood-red ray disappeared into space.

Jiansi Jianmang and Jianqi, the torn void, then the land of the sword landed on the ground, and a two-mile pit appeared on the ground. I don't know how deep the pit is.

Between heaven and earth, it finally became quiet at this time.

The strong wind raged, the breath flew, the demon qi was vertical and horizontal, and the sword qi fluttered.

Li Lingtian is suspended in the air, Pterosaur Wild Beast is also suspended in the air, and Liu Yiyi is suspended in the air.

For a while, there was no sound, no movement.

The atmosphere of the space is extremely depressed. All of this seems so horrible. If other warriors are in it, let alone attack, this suppressed atmosphere will make them crazy.


I don't know how long it took, Li Lingtian's throat was sweet, and a sip of blood spewed out.

The figure also shook, and the long sword in his hand disappeared into the eyebrow, and finally entered Dantian.

When the pterosaur beast saw Li Lingtian's situation, there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

I know that although this human being has killed an opponent stronger than him, he has also been injured. Such a situation is good for himself.



Horrible demon power broke out, and the space was turbulent.

The huge body of the pterosaur beast rose slowly, and the huge wings continued to flap, and every time the flapping, the space was torn into a crack.


Li Lingtian saw the movements of Pterosaur Wild Beast and knew that Pterosaur Wild Beast would not let him go.

The figure flashed, and the figure disappeared in the air. As the figure disappeared, a two-kilometer Yinglong appeared in the air.

With the appearance of Ying Long, the space shuddered even more, as if it could not hold up or it would disappear.

The two-hundred-meter pterosaur beast saw Ying Ling, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, with a trace of fear in his eyes.



"True Dragon Guard."

"True Dragon."

"The power of Yinglong."

"True dragon spirit."

In the air, it kept shaking.

At the same time, the sixth layer of Li Ling's innocent dragon shield was extended to the extreme, and Ying Long was swinging in the air.

The air of the real dragon that destroyed the heavens and the earth erupted from the dragon ring.

The terrifying and powerful Qi of the True Dragon poured into Li Lingtian's body from the 3,000 Qi of the World, and the whole space was suddenly filled with Qi of the True Dragon.


Under the roar, Longwei broke out, and an indiscriminate breath appeared from Yinglong.


The pterosaur beast is also a roar.

Although he was frightened by the true dragon's spirit, pterosaur beasts were naturally belligerent, and there was no fear of the face of the dragon, because it knew that the human of this dragon had changed.

I was shocked by Li Lingtian's true dragon spirit, but this fear was overwhelmed by the militant heart.

"Space torn."

Ying Long, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, roared with a roar, and the huge claws made a tear to the pterosaur beast.

Suddenly, a force of space tearing was drawn towards the pterosaur beast.



Pterosaur mad beast, the monster of the ninth level and the ninth peak, is also the air king known for its strength.

Li Lingtian's Yinglong Power is even stronger, but his cultivation is only Wushen Ertian, which is a few grades weaker than Pterosaur Wild Beast.

And now Yinglong has no advantage at all.

The power of space tearing was bombarded, and the power was dispersed in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, two huge dragons were constantly blasting in the air. Both were powerful in the air. They were extremely terrifying, their power destroyed the world, and their control of space reached an extreme.

This kind of war is the pinnacle of the dragon clan.


"Boom, boom."

"Roar, roar."


The air blasts and roars continuously, and the earth space is constantly destroyed.

Liu Yiyi is thousands of miles away, and also feels the power of destruction tearing the space.

Yinglong's injuries were getting heavier and he was suppressed by the pterosaur beast.

Pterosaur beasts, terrifying coercion constantly crushed Yinglong.

Yinglong can only rely on the power of the true dragon to resist the crushing power of demon power.

"Three thousand dragon spirits, destroy it!"

Li Lingtian felt the threat of death. If he went on like this, even his own body would be destroyed.

The constant sharp turn in my heart has never found a way.

Now even if there is no chance to escape, it can only be attacked by the pterosaur beast.

Thinking of this, rather than being killed, it is not as if it is to die.

Suddenly, the consciousness moved and the dragon ring opened.

The world of three thousand dragon spirits was also opened at this moment, and the dragon spirits of the three worlds before the three thousand worlds were used before.

Now, Li Lingtian displayed the dragon spirit of the fourth world, and the dragon spirit of the whole world came out madly.

Suddenly, the whole world trembles, and the world seems to be ruined by the general unbearable rage.

The pterosaur mad beast was also afraid. It did not expect that Li Lingtian, a human being, was a real dragon family, because only the dragon family had such a terrifying dragon spirit.

This is a real dragon family, a real real dragon.

And its pterosaur beast is just a branch of the dragon clan. After countless generations, there is not much orthodox dragon blood.

Now I encounter a real dragon, even if this real dragon is weaker than it, but the real dragon's qi is pure and powerful.

Even its ninth-order ninth-level pterosaur beast can't bear it in front of this dragon spirit. This is the limitation of race and bloodline. In the face of true blood of the same race, it has no advantage at all.


An unwilling roar sounded, and the power of the pterosaur wild beast devastated the Li Lingtian.

At the same time, Ying Long, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, also exploded into a terrifying dragon spirit. Ying Long's terrifying defense was almost unable to support in front of the fourth world dragon spirit.

At this time, the ruinous dragon gas Longwei bombarded from below as if it had found a breakthrough.

Longwei shook the sky, the dragon's qi disappeared to the ground, and the invisible true dragon's qi slammed down.




In the air, bursts of explosions appeared, and the space within a thousand miles was continuously destroyed.

Everything turned into nothingness, the three thousand dragon spirit world, the fourth dragon spirit world, the power of the dragon spirit of the whole world can be imagined.

The pterosaur beast, with fear in its eyes, was finally bombarded by a strange and invisible dragon.

With a muffled sound, the huge body was bombarded into the ground and finally fell into the ground.

Between heaven and earth, this time it became quiet.

It's just that some dragon qi is constantly crushing and destroying this space. Mountain peaks, trees, flowers, and air are all destroyed.

From the chasing of the No. 32 Valkyrie strongman to the fall of the No. 32 Valkyrie strongman, and now the pterosaur beast was bombarded by the Yinglong into the ground, the whole process only took a moment.


Ying Long's body swayed continuously, as if the smoke had disappeared.

The figure swayed several times, and finally turned into a residual image. The dragon qi filled the space, and the Ying Long disappeared. Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air.

Just when it appeared, a mouthful of blood spewed out, no blood on his face, and the whole person had no strength.

However, after Li Lingtian came out, he ignored the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Rather, the aura of the true dragon flying in the sky is condensed. The dragon air of a world has a small half in his body and a large half of the space, all condensed, and a gray light cluster appears in the palm of the hand. The light cluster is one foot in size.

It seems to be only a foot of gray light, but it exudes the power of destruction.

It gives people a threat of death. After the light group appeared, Li Lingtian stared at the ground. As soon as the pterosaur mad beast came out, a blow to destroy the world would explode, killing the pterosaur mad beast.

"come out."

"This is a dragon family, but now I don't mind slaughtering the dragon once."

Li Lingtian shouted loudly, the blood on his face, and the true element of his body had already been reversed.

If you don't hurry to rest and cook, there will be sequelae of cultivation.

However, there are pterosaur beasts here now, and it is impossible for them to leave at ease. After all, this Jiuzhong Mountain is extremely dangerous. If you do not remove your opponent from the grass, you will leave yourself with troubles.

He didn't want the pterosaur beast to sneak attack behind him.

"I surrender."

"I surrender."

Underground, the sound of the pterosaur beast sounded. Although this sound is a little blunt, it is indeed a human voice.

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard this voice.

I did not expect that Pterosaur Wild Beast would do this, and would submit to him.


"This seat does not need your surrender~www.wuxiaspot.com~I want to play tricks in front of this seat, delusion."

Li Lingtian said aloud, but it counted.

If there is a ninth-order ninth-level monster beast to help, he is equivalent to a helper of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, and it is stronger than the ordinary Wushen Jiuzhongtian Venerable.

However, he is seriously injured now, even if he is in his heyday, he is not an opponent of this pterosaur beast, and if he stays with him, it is definitely a dangerous thing.

"I am willing to hand over one soul and one soul."

The pterosaur mad beast was underground, but he dared not come out, because he sensed the dragon gas in Li Lingtian’s hands. The dragon gas could have improved its cultivation ability, but now it can destroy it.

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