War God Supreme

Chapter 1055: Leave the Void Hall

All strong men watched Li Lingtian's true yuan land.

Zhenyuan shot down on the steps. I saw a weak breath flickering at the position where the steps were originally placed.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find this breath.

Li Lingtian didn't find it at the beginning, but he found this breath after glancing at the consciousness. When he saw this breath, he was relieved a lot.

Then I asked You Zhicheng about the scroll and the sapphire, because the sapphire should come here with You Zhicheng and Zhao Yu.

But in this place, he did not see sapphire, which is what he was curious about.



"Hiss, hiss."

"Whirring whirring!"


The space of the hall shivered continuously, and the strong wind raged.

However, the space is not as broken as the previous two, nor does it have a strange suction.

But on the side of the hall, there was a clear sound.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the past, only to see a glimmer of light on the top of one side of the hall.

The light is dazzling, this is the light of the blazing sun.

Seeing this ray of sunshine, everyone was excited.

Gradually, the light became wider and wider, and finally a hole of one meter in size was formed.

Seeing this hole, all the strong men flew towards the hole.

But Li Lingtian was stunned, because he and Liu Yiyi could leave, but the one-meter-sized hole, the pterosaur beast could not pass through at all.

"Swoosh, swish."

"Whoosh, swish, swish."

A sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the strong men in the hall all flew towards the entrance of the cave. In a blink of an eye, the eight martial **** strong men disappeared outside the entrance of the hall.

Li Lingtian glanced at the hole and grabbed it with one hand.

Collect all the treasures of the destroyers on the ground and put them in a storage bag, and then put the storage bag into the dragon ring.

These strong men are all martial gods, and their fortunes are against the sky. It is also a formidable wealth to gather the wealth of the spiritual stones and treasures of these strong men.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian stretched out his hands, and the fifth heavy day was displayed.

The power of the fifth soaring sky shocked the sky, and after reaching the triple **** of martial arts, some of his magical powers of cultivation reached the level of realm.

These supernatural powers come in handy.

Just as the hands merged together, a breath of destruction spread.

At the same time, a beam of light bombarded the hole fiercely.


A shocking explosion appeared, and the hard hole was destroyed by this beam of light.

However, at this time, there were countless patterns in the broken place. Obviously, the top of this hall was reinforced by array.


Li Lingtian saw this situation without any hesitation. Between the waves of one hand, a ruined sword awn bombarded upwards.

Jianmang carried the power of sword with great power.


A click sounded, and the pattern of the hole was shaken.

The pterosaur beast was shaped like electricity, and left the main hall before the opening of the cave was restored. The opening at the top of the main hall became one meter in size.

Moreover, the opening of the cave is getting smaller and smaller, but Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi, the powerful gods of the gods, responded extremely fast. When the entrance of the cave closed, the two had left the hall.

When leaving the main hall, the hole has disappeared.

The place where the two appeared was in the middle of a jungle, and there was no slight difference on the ground. It was impossible to see that there was a hole here, and I did not know that there was a hall below.

The pterosaur beast was waiting on the side, and he was relieved to see Li Lingtian coming out.

Other martial arts strongmen haven't known where they went.

He didn't think about it too much. These strong men are the existence of Wushen Qi Ba Tian Tian, ​​but meeting Li Lingtian's pterosaur beast is nothing.

Now he left the hall and fled to heaven, so he didn't want to be met by Li Lingtian.

"The third scroll is here."

"Just don't know where is here."

Li Lingtian looked around, and the oppressive power of this place was extremely powerful. With his cultivation behavior, he also felt bursts of depression.

Liu Yiyi is even more so. The stronger the oppression force, the greater the pressure.

"According to the oppressive force here, we must have left Yizhongshan and entered into the Zhongshan or Mieshan."

"By the younger brother, what did you say to the Wushen Yae Heaven Strong?"

Liu Yiyi asked curiously.

"Just asked where the sapphire is, and the origin of this scroll."

"This scroll seems to be a total of four pieces. We have already obtained three pieces. The other piece does not know where it is."

Li Lingtian said lightly.

Talk while looking at it, and then take the pterosaur beast to choose one direction to fly.

With the cultivation of Wushen Triple Heaven as the realm, and the powerful anti-Sky divine consciousness, it will naturally not fly in the wrong direction.

According to the pressure of the air, he flew all the way up.

After flying for two hours, the two and the pterosaur beast listened to a mountain depression, their eyes looked at a huge stone tablet, and their faces showed horror.

This stone tablet is the same as the stone tablet that I encountered when I left Shenfeng Palace for the first time, and the breath is exactly the same.

The only thing I encountered for the first time was the three characters of Jiuzhongshan.

Now the stele is engraved with the three characters Qiqishan.

Seventh Mountain

Seeing these three words, both Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi were horrified.

The pterosaur beast has said that the teleportation array can reach the Seventh Mountain, but he has never believed it.

Later, the teleportation team sent them to the main hall, and he was completely unbelieving, and he also saw the scroll.

After seeing the scroll, he was sure that he was still in the heavy mountain.

Because the first scroll was obtained in the Tianzi Pavilion of the Chongshan Palace, the second one was obtained in the Jizishan Pavilion of the Chongshan Mountain, and the third one should also be in the palace of the Chongshan Mountain.

Unexpectedly, this hall is not far away from the Seventh Mountain.

The Void Hall is at all near the Seventh Mountain, that is to say, the Pterosaur Labyrinth Teleportation Array can really be sent to Seventh Mountain.

However, after seeing the three characters of Seventh Mountain, the horror on his face slowly became excited.

Because of this, I came from Yizhong Mountain to Qizhong Mountain, one step closer to Jiuzhong Mountain.

However, the closer it is to Jiuzhong Mountain, the more dangerous it is. At this time, no care should be taken.

"I didn't expect that we would come to the Seventh Mountain."

"What's your plan now?"

Liu Yiyi woke up in horror, watching Li Lingtian, and asked softly.

Although it is very close to Jiuzhong Mountain, I don't know what it looks like.

"We have experienced a lot this time."

"Let's find a place to rest and talk."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment. Now that he has arrived at the Seventh Mountain, he is step by step.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore the spirit to the best state, and then face all the challenges after reaching the best state.

Then, Pterosaur Wild Beast led the way, Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi followed.

Pterodactyl wild beasts, born in the wild, are more adaptable to the outside world than humans.

In places like Jiuzhongshan, humans are rarely encountered at all, and it is easy to find a safe place to rest.

In front of a cave, Li Lingtian cast a few simple forbidden formations and walked into the cave with Liu Yiyi.

Since entering the Chongshan Mountains, the two have hardly rested.

Because the strong or monsters are encountered everywhere, healing is a break when he is in the maze.

As time went on, they also felt a bit tired from the strong Wushen.

In the cave, after Liu Yiyi paved the quilt, Li Lingtian lay on it and slept.

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, Liu Yiyi froze for a moment, her face flushed, and she lay gently beside Li Lingtian, leaning against Li Lingtian, and fell asleep after a long time.

Li Lingtian and they rested at ease, because there was a pterosaur beast outside secretly guarding.

However, in the Seventh Mountain, several martial arts strongmen are inseparable.

Headed by is a **** of warrior with eight characters embroidered in clothes.

Along with him, there are five people in total, all of whom are in the Seventh Heaven, but on the one side there is a strongman at the summit of the Eighth Heaven.

This person is the sapphire, the complete existence of the peak of Wushen Eightfold Heaven.

Five Seventh Heavens plus one Eighth Heaven Strong, surrounded by a half-century, a guqin suspended in front of the half-century, with a mysterious atmosphere floating above the guqin.

And the old man exudes a supreme majesty, and horrible coercion will cover all around.

Wushen Ninefold Heavenly Venerable.

The venerable God of Warrior Nine Chongtian is cultivated to be able to cross the world. It is a top-notch presence in Shenwu Continent.

Among the hundreds of millions of warriors, it is not always possible to produce a respecter of Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

Moreover, although Wushen and Chongtian are both Wushen, there is only a small difference between them, but the gap between them is equivalent to the distance between Wusheng and Zhongshou.

That is to say, Wushen Jiuzhongtian is the venerable among the warriors, invincible in the world, and spreading in all directions.

However, now that the half-century faced several martial gods, the seventh and eighth heavens, his face showed a dignified color.

If in the past, facing several martial arts gods ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappeared with a wave of hand.

However, at this moment, he had to be careful, because a mysterious formation played by several martial arts strongmen around him, he also received secret calculations, and Zhenyuan could only play half.

"Swoosh, swish."

"Whirring whirring."

The air in the space is constantly distorted, and the laws of the six martial arts masters are constantly changing. In the space, a mysterious and gray atmosphere falls, and the entire space is like entering a primitive world.

At the same time, the figures of the six martial arts masters are constantly flashing, and gradually, the six figures are transformed into a gray aperture, which surrounds the half-century.

The old man's eyes stared at the aperture, and the true element of his body slowly climbed up.

There was a pale look on his face, which gradually became blood red, which was obviously a forced operation.



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