War God Supreme

Chapter 1059: The old monster in the sun is...

Eight-level elixir, the eighth-level sage pill master can have the opportunity to refine.

Even if it is an eighth-ranking holy pill master, refining eighth-level elixir is extremely difficult, not to mention the Dan Tribulation. Only when the six-element elixir is above the six-level elixir can one encounter it. .

What's more, it's the eight-level variation and excellent medicine. Anything is the existence of the extinction of the Shenwu Continent. The three anti-celestial fusions are the anti-celestial in the anti-celestial.

Even if it is heaven, such a thing cannot be done.

I didn't expect this young man to make the most powerful Ningshen Pill in the Eight-Pill Elixir, but there is still a variation of the unique quality.

No wonder the Danshi Guild granted this young man the first Holy Danshi of the Shenwu Continent. This kind of Dan Dao art, Shenwu Continent has that but it can be compared.

If it weren’t for the youth’s age and Dandao realm restrictions, let alone the first Holy Pill Master in Shenwu Continent, or even the strongest Dandao Daoist in Shenwu Continent, no one would dare to refuse.

Randomly giving the eight-grade variation of the best product Ningshen Pill to others shows that this medicine is not difficult for Li Lingtian.

In shock, he was awakened by Li Lingtian's words.

"If you don't want to die, hurry to refine the Elixir, or else this seat won't help you."

Li Lingtian's voice sounded. After the voice fell, he turned around and left the practice room, and walked out.

Waiting for Li Lingtian to leave, the old monster in the Canyang woke up.

Don't dare to delay anymore, quickly unzip the seal above and throw it into the mouth.

In his eyes, this panacea is undoubtedly a panacea.

Without waiting for his excitement, the power of the peculiar variant Ningshen Pill burst out. Both the mutant and peculiar pill medicines have powers beyond the level of the pill medicine, and there are some magical effects.

At this time, we can only hurry to refining chemical medicine.

Regarding Li Lingtian's unkind words, he didn't pay any attention to it.

There are few people who dare to speak to him like this in Shenwu Continent. In the Cangnan region, no one dares to talk to him like this.

And the other side said something like this, he was not unhappy.

Because he knew that Li Lingtian's words were good, and if they were delayed, it might affect his cultivation behavior.

Not only that, because the other party is qualified to say such things.

Li Lingtian left the practice room and came outside the spaceship.

Seeing Liu Yiyi rest outside, Pterosaur Beast is not here, but he can sense that Pterosaur Beast is nearby.

"Little Brother, who is that person?"

When Liu Yiyi saw Li Lingtian coming out, she asked with concern.

She does not care about others, but she cares about Li Lingtian.

Since Li Lingtian went alone to save people, until now, she didn't know who the half-century was, and she let her little brother help each other.

"The old monster of the Canyang in the Canyon Valley was calculated by the Nanyu Powerful, and he was hit by the Jiutian Bing Soul."

Li Lingtian said lightly, in the light mass in his hand, a tiny sharp edge was wrapped in the light mass.

The light group with the breath of ice and flame, the terrible cold and flame are tempering the edge.

Looking at the sharp edge gives a chilling feeling.

"Canyon Valley?"

"Isn't it one of the four super powers in Canghai?"

"The old monster of the Canyon is the lord of the Canyon Valley, Wushen Jiuzhong Heavenly Sovereign, and one of the Four Great Sovereigns of the Canghai.

"Is this the Jiutian Ice Soul God Needle in your hand?"

Liu Yiyi's face showed a surprised look. This valley of the Canal Sun is one of the four super powers of the Canghai, and the old monster of the Canyang is one of the four great respecters of the Canghai.

I didn't expect that it would be forgotten by someone. My little brother saved this strong man, and I have a friend in the future.

Immediately, she looked at the edge of Li Lingtian's light group and asked seriously.

"Yes, this is the Jiutian Ice Soul God Needle. I'll refine it a little bit, and I might be able to use it by then."

"Since this is so easy to use, I have also created some."

Li Lingtian nodded, a slight smile appeared on his face.

This ice soul needle can make a Wushen Jiuzhong Venerable so fearful, he also wants to see what is powerful, if he builds some, he may really be able to use it in the future.

"What shall we do now?"

"Want to wait for his injury to recover?"

Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian and knew what his younger brother meant, and he would never do things that are not profitable but do not get up early.

But now it is already the Seventh Mountain, and there are many dangers everywhere. If you bring an old sun monster, it must be a drag.


"His injury recovered quickly, at most two or three days."

"When he recovers from his injury, his cultivation will go further. In this way, we will have more hope to leave Jiuzhongshan."

"Moreover, I still have a lot of things to ask him for. After all, a Venerable God of Warrior Jiuzhongtian, I definitely know things that I can't match."

Li Lingtian opened his eyes, looked at the Jiutian Bing Sou Shen Pin in his palm, and said his plan.

The power of Qipin Healing Potion and Bapin Ningshen Pill are enough to restore the old monsters of Canyang to their injuries, and they can be further refined.

His plan, step by step, will definitely not waste a little spirit, let alone seven or eight grades of panacea.

Now, under such circumstances, it is much better to have one more friend than one enemy.

"That's fine. I think it will take a long time to see his injury."

"If there is a helper from Wushen Jiuzhongtian, leaving Jiuzhongshan will be more sure."

Liu Yiyi said happily that she naturally believed in Li Lingtian.

The plans and arrangements of my younger brothers have always been the most effective.

Next, Liu Yiyi rested in the room inside the spaceship, and Li Lingtian also specialized in refining this nine-day ice god.

Pterosaur beasts guarded, he didn't have to worry about anything.

If a strong man arrives, the pterosaur mad beast will stop it, and if the strong man of Nanyu is directly erased.

Although the pterosaur beast is not a human being, it is highly intelligent, and naturally recognizes the Nanyu powerhouse because its clothes are embroidered with codenames.

Time passes day by day.

Li Lingtian was right. Three days later, the old monster from the residual sun came out of the practice room.

Came outside the spaceship and saw Li Lingtian resting in front of the spaceship.

The young man in front of him, although only has the three gods of Wushen, it is indeed the myth of Dan Dao, the first holy princess of the continent.

And it gives people an unfathomable feeling. This is not only the cause of the aura of the First Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, but the strength. Although the realm is only triple, it will definitely not be triple. simple.

Walking step by step to Li Lingtian's side and stopped.

However, Li Lingtian never turned around. This courage and self-confidence made the old blame of Canyang feel admired.

"Congratulations to your cultivation for improvement."

At this time, Li Lingtian spoke.

But there was still no movement, as if everything was under control.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling Tian."

"If it weren't for the help of Ling Tian, ​​the next life would disappear."

"Your Excellency, the First Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, really turned against the sky. I did not expect to die next time, but I met such a character as Lord Tian Tian."

The old monster of Canyang clenched his fists and said sincerely.

It's really difficult to admire a proud person like him.

But now, in the face of Li Lingtian, he had to admire, Wushen Jiuzhongtian, even against the sky, does not have to rely on Master Dan.

And this pill master is also the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, a mythical figure who can refine the unique pill.

"Your exalted prize."

"I don't know what your plan is?"

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a calm tone and no fluctuations.

"I came here this time for the sake of Jiuzhongshan."

"Jiuzhong Mountain is in the Canghai territory, the entrance is in Qingwu Peak of Qingwu Sea, guarded by Qingxiao, but I did not expect that several traitor master brothers of Qingxiao teamed up to hurt him and opened the Jiushan Passage, came here to go to Jiushan peak."

"Qing Xiao told this news to Sanyang Reality, Sanyang Reality told me, as well as Longyang Reality and the concentric big devil, we joined forces to stop Qingqing from destroying them."

"However, I never imagined that they would use secret techniques to gather together and block us in the area of ​​Seventh Mountain."

"Qingmei, Qingzhen and Wuzhen are both the gods of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, and Qingyu and Qingshui are the strongest peaks of Wushen Yazhongtian, as well as Nanyu's Seven Commanders and more than a dozen Wushen Qiutian Tianqiang."

"Later we were defeated by all, and the sapphire's array method was calculated."

"Now, they also think that I have fallen. I naturally cannot let them succeed. Now I have to rush to the top of Jiuzhong Mountain to prevent them from being poisoned by Sanyang."

The old monster of Canyang said faintly, saying that Qingni et al., the look on his face changed.

He wished to demoralize Qing Qing and others, and a **** of war, Yae Tian, ​​dared to use tricks to insinuate him, almost letting him disappear.

Now his injury has completely recovered, the cold poison of Jiu Tian Bing Soul Needle has also been solved, and the cultivation practice has become more refined.

This hatred is not good, and I feel unhappy.

Moreover, this matter is related to the safety of Canghai, and absolutely cannot stand by.

If they lacked themselves, Sanyang would have their hands tied, and might even end up like him. If Sanyang had an accident, Canghai would really be finished.

"Exactly, there is nothing to do here, so let's take a look."

Li Lingtian's tone was calm, but he was shocked.

I didn't expect this Jiuzhong Mountain to be in Canghai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there is also an entrance.

It seems that there are still exits to leave this mountain.

These exports are naturally in the hands of the old blame of the sun.

Since these people are ready to come in, they will naturally be able to leave with confidence. They can just take a look at Jiuzhong Mountain, which can be regarded as a contribution to Canghai.

What's more important is that he has a killing intent on the Nanyu Powerhouse. Last time, the Nanyu Powerhouse almost killed him on the 32nd.

"This is the best."

"If you are going to Ling Tian, ​​things will be easier."

The old monster of Canyang heard the excitement of Li Lingtian and was very excited.

Because of this, the two have the opportunity to communicate and can also bring the relationship closer.

And he is curious about Li Lingtian's strength. Although Li Lingtian is only the triple **** of Wushen, it gives him an unfathomable feeling. ()

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