War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Hyporian

For a long time, Hybola took the lead and said: "In fact, we don't know where Hyporian is. We are driving here. We have also tried to search for the King's signal, but unfortunately there was no response."

At this time, everyone in the room slowly raised their heads and glanced at each other. They all looked at a loss and didn't know where Hyporian was.

Bilan adjusted his mood and said to Chitaki: "We don't have any information about Hyporian. After all, we have been separated for so many years, and we were in a hurry when we fled, and we didn't agree on contact information."

Chitaki smiled and turned to look at Rabevis: "You can ask the personnel of the Lower God Court Empire to see if they know what to do.

Rabevis Guanghui replied.

"I have the contact information of the intelligence officer of the investigation department accompanying the Shenting Empire Expeditionary Force. We can ask him."

Chitaki nodded and replied: "Okay, you are now connected to the personnel of the God Court Empire, and ask."

Rabevis Guanghui opened his wristband, and the expressions of the people present were a little excited.

Soon at the meeting, a holographic image communication connection succeeded.

An old man in a white military uniform emerged, and the old man saluted Rabevis Guanghui.

"His Royal Highness Rabevis Glorious."

"Sorry, we have something to ask you." Labavis Guanghui replied.

"You say."

"Do you know where the fugitives from Hyporian are?" Labevis Guanghui replied.

"Hyperian? This seems to be a second-level country. This country is not very famous, and has nothing to do with our empire. It does not belong to our refuge country. I don't have this information." The old man explained briefly. .

After hearing this answer, everyone present was a little disappointed.

Labavis Guanghui also had a headache, and it seemed hard to find.

"But!" the old man said suddenly, startling everyone.

"But what?" Rabevis Guanghui asked.

"On the west side of the 3rd Star Territory, there is a huge deserted and livable mining star, that is, the Mataru Mine Stars area! The area over there is a temporary resettlement area divided by the federal government, where a large number of refugees from the refugee country are housed! You can go Look there! Maybe you can find the Hyperion refugees you said.” The old man replied.

Rabevis Kokuki couldn't help looking at Chitaki, who nodded slightly.

Rabevis Guanghui said to the old man: "Thank you very much for your information.

The old man bowed and cut off the communication.

Chitaki looked at everyone present and said, "Everyone knows the situation, what do you think?"

"You can only go to the stars of the Mataru Mine." Bilan thoughtfully replied.

The people present nodded one after another, Chitaki turned his head and said to Lan Li.

"Change the trajectory! Target the stars of the Mataru mine!"

The giant planet numbered EF-13 in the three-star domain, the yellow and shriveled rocky ground, is stationed with an endless crowd of refugees. Seen from the sky, it is black and dense, piece by piece.

From time to time, a gust of wind mixed with dust and sand blows past!

The tents in the refugee camp were screaming loudly! It's no surprise to be blown away by the wind in the next second.

Those refugees who face famine, each with their eyes sitting blankly, and only by not exercising can they reduce their physical exertion!

Mountains of **** pile up around every refugee camp!

There is a very pungent smell in the air!

This situation is not surprising. Although this giant planet is large, it lacks resources. It is reasonable to be able to accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Now, hundreds of billions of people are forcibly squeezed into the entire natural ecosystem. It collapsed directly.

The consequence of the collapse is that everyone can only rely on rescue supplies to survive, and long-term relief will directly cause everyone to become numb, and the entire area is lifeless and lacks vitality.

In a huge refugee camp!

An old man with gray hair and an old face in plain clothes was helped by someone walking in the camp.

Everyone around got up, and there was a trace of excitement in their hollow eyes, and they all rushed over.

At this time, the soldiers following the old man immediately formed a force to block the excited crowd.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"We are starving to death!

"Please give me something to eat!"

"Your Majesty! Please give me something to eat. We haven't eaten for three days. Save our children." Several women with withered faces wailed. (Note: Due to the influx of countless refugees from the Occupied Star Territory, the federal government’s food production system is not enough to operate at full capacity, and the federal government’s resources are showing signs of scarcity and demand exceeds supply.)


Many children and refugees cried directly, and suddenly there was a wailing all around!

The old man showed a heartbroken expression, and he said to a young woman beside him who was supporting him.

"Karansha, what's going on."

Karensha said hesitantly: "Father, the rescue we applied to the federal government for three years has not been approved, and our inventory of materials has been exhausted."

"What about the application six months ago, didn't the federal government officials promise us that we would approve it?" The old man (Heidije Hyporian) was very angry when he heard it.

Karensha Hyporian and others lowered their heads.

In fact, they are also very angry. In order to fight for quota assistance, they are in every way to please the officials!

At a huge price, it turned out to be like this!

"Not good!" At this time, a general hurried over.

"What's the matter?" Karansha asked with a slightly changed expression.

"Princess Karansa! The envoys of Aninwei, Bhumiqa, and Darian! They are all clamoring to see His Majesty Heidijie!" The general said with a very ugly face.

(Note: Aninweiguo~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pu Mijia, the three kingdoms of Darion are the fourth stellar second-tier empires, and both are allies and relatives of Hyporian.)

After Kalanza listened, bit her lip and turned to Heidije Hyporian.

"My father, go and rest first, I'll meet those messengers."

"It's no use going to your Royal Highness Princess Karansha. The third hall of Heindo Hyporian was blasted away by them. They are determined to see the Lord this time." The general said bitterly.

Heidij Hyporian sighed and said, "Let's go, all the guests are here."

Soon after, Heidije Hyporian brought Karansa to a clearing!

I saw a group of people around there.

A middle-aged man wearing a blue robe was constantly saying something to the three thin messengers present with a smile on his face. If there is no accident, the man should be the third highness Heindo Hyporian.

The three messengers with tired and thin faces were not in the mood to speak to Heindo Hyporian.

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