War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 861: Sad

Karansha's eyes couldn't hide her admiration.

At this moment, they seemed to feel that Chitaki in front of them was omnipotent.

"Well, can you give us some medicine." A member of the royal family of Hyperion tried to ask.

"No problem, I can also give away a batch of medical equipment." Chitaki replied simply and neatly.

In his eyes, these are the relatives of his familiar companions, and he has never been stingy with relatives.

After hearing Chitaki's answer, there was a commotion among the people present. They were both happy and a little worried, for fear that Chitaki was joking with them.

"What kind of expressions do you have, it's hard to be afraid that this guy will fool you, this guy is richer than you think." Collim Shenhui said helplessly when he saw the complex worried expressions of the people present.

Chitaki sighed deeply, and he couldn't blame them. After all, he had been poor for too long, and the fact that pie fell in the sky would always be unbelievable.

Chitaki said to everyone, "Don't worry, what I just said will definitely be honored. You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it with Bilan!"

"Thank you!" Suddenly everyone reacted and shouted excitedly.

At this moment, Heidijie Hyporian decided to say something to Bilan, but he glanced at Chitaki and the others and suffocated.

Chitaki on the side wouldn't be able to see it, the one who should come will come after all, got up and said.

"If there is nothing to do, I'll go for a walk first." After speaking, we walked out with Belle Luosha to let the air out, and by the way, make some private space for Bilan and others to reminisce about the past.

Pique also walked out at this time.

"Wait for my boss."

Chitaki looked at Pique and said, "It's rare to go home. Don't go to talk more with your lost relatives."

"Actually, I don't have any relatives here, just some distant relatives, the old..." Pique said embarrassedly.

"You kid hesitated and hesitated and said directly." Chitaki replied with a smile.

"The boss, we had a little discussion when we came down, we still want to follow you, boss, you won't want us." Pique said straightforwardly.

Chitaki replied with a smile, "Look at you in a hurry. I haven't said this. If you are willing to follow me, how could I not want you? It's just that you think about it clearly. After all, this is your root. If you follow me, you will face war. You should understand what that means. Maybe we will sink in the starry sky somewhere, or you are unwilling to stay because of the poor conditions here. If you don’t worry about it, you They are all my brothers, and it is impossible for me to leave you nothing."

"No, no, you were the one who led us out of the confusion, we just wanted to follow you, and didn't we say we wanted to avenge Boss Cromi! How can we live in peace here?" Pique said here, The eyes are a little reddish.

"Okay, I will take you wherever I go in the future!" Chitaki stretched out his hand and patted Pique on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"Great, then I won't be a light bulb." Pique left with excitement.

Chitaki looked at Pique's back and shook his head with a helpless smile.

Belle Rosa and Chitaki walked to a rock and sat side by side.

"Is it reluctant."

"I can't stay here all the time, I will leave sooner or later." Chitaki was full of faint sadness, this parting, I don't know how many familiar faces he will have, and never see again.

"Parting is something that everyone has to experience and endure. It can make people mature faster, but there is also good news whether you want to hear it." Belle Rosa said with a smile.

"What good news?" Chitaki asked curiously.

"I won't leave you, is that good news?" Belle Rosa said playfully.

Chitaki smiled dumbly, and his sorrow was diminished a lot, and he smiled back.

"I also have a gift for you."

"What gift?" Belle Rosa asked, blinking curiously.

"You close your eyes." Chitaki said with a smile.

Bellerosha slowly closed her eyes, Chitaki stretched out her hand to embrace Bellerosha and kissed her soft lips.

"I won't leave you either."

There is a touch of warmth in the air.

At this time, after Chitaki and others left, Heidijie Hyporian said to Bilan.

"Follow me to the back, I have something to tell you."

Although Bilan was a little confused, she still followed Heidijie Hyporian to the back of the small hall.

When he came to the small hall at the back, Bilan asked suspiciously.

"Father? What's the matter?"

Heidij Hyporian's old face seemed to make a decision, and he just wanted to kneel down on one knee.

Bilan was shocked to directly help her father.

"My father, what are you going to do."

"Father Bilan, please for one thing." Heidijie Hyporian said with tears streaming down his face.

"Father, say it." Bilan looked at the white-haired Heidije Hyporian with a heart twisted.

"Hyperion is completely decayed in my hands, and I won't be able to live long. After I die, I will really have no face to see my ancestors! Hyporian must not be able to do it this way, now your eldest brother is dead, and the remaining brothers The sisters are either incapable or too young, and don't understand anything! There is no way to take up the now dilapidated Hyporian, now only you can take up this important principle." Heidij Hyporian said.

"Father, I can't do it." Bilan gritted his teeth and replied.

"You promise me, there is no better candidate except you! Only if you become the new queen of Hyporian, this declining country will have a glimmer of hope!" Heidije Hyporian said sadly. .

"But, but I'm really not suitable. As for Hyporian, I won't watch it collapse." Bilan said with difficulty.

Heidije Hyporian shook his head and said: "It's different. We are shrouded in this barren planet, like a parasite. The federal government has raised it for more than two hundred years, and it has long been abandoned! All the spirits have been wiped out and cleaned. , But you are different! Over the years you have grown up, and only you can lead the empire out of this dark age, Bilan, I know this request is too much for you! I bind you here! But here are your relatives, if not With your commitment, this country will really be over, even if your father begs you too much, okay?"

Speaking of this, Heidij Hyporian forced to kneel on the ground.

Bilan also knelt on the ground at this time, supporting Heidijie Hyporian and said, "My father, you get up!"

"If you don't promise me, I won't get up." Heidije Hyporian shook his head and replied.

Bilan bit her lip lightly, and finally said with difficulty.

"I understand. I promise you that I will inherit the throne."

Heidijie Hyporian heard Bilan's answer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and couldn't help crying, and cried.

"God! You still did not give up Hyperion in the end. Thank you for sending my children back when we were most desperate. We still have hope! There is hope for Hyperion!"

Bilan slowly lifted the dysfunctional Heidije Hyporian. She looked at her father's pale hair and wrinkled face. She didn't know what kind of hardship and pain this stalwart man would endure in the past. What kind of helplessness can be forced into this.

At this moment Bilan turned around, not knowing when Heindo Hyporian and Karansha were standing at the door.

They smiled with red eyes, and they heard all the conversation, because the soundproofing effect of this dilapidated building is really bad.

ps: 47 chapters owed + the lord's touch of reward, a total of 48 chapters are owed.

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