War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 864: Crowned

Under the dazzling sunlight, it exudes a dazzling light!

"That's it?" Heindo Hyporian was petrified!

Piles of wealth! Moved down like no money!

The number is so large that their eyes are spent!

"So much wealth!" Karansha felt like she was dreaming, and she could only see this kind of scene in her dream!

Heidijie Hyporian's old face was so excited that he couldn't speak. Even when Hyporian was at its peak, he had never seen so much wealth! Have a fortune! There is hope for everything!

Piles of wealth were piled up in the camp, almost piled up into a hill.

Look at the dazzling wealth! Everyone became very short of breath.

At this time, officials from other refugee countries sneaked over to see this scene, some of them fainted while holding their hearts, while others sat on the ground and howled. Weeping why such a good thing did not fall on them.

Some are very jealous! But seeing those transport mechas, everyone feels desperate!


Suddenly, with a loud noise, a huge figure leaped from the Hippony's ship carrying a giant container, and when it landed, it smashed a deep hole on the ground.

"What is that!" Everyone was watching excitedly, and instinctively shrank together with a little fear.

I saw Blade Destroyer carrying a huge container several hundred meters tall, with a mark on it, and a DCV-03 ecological circulation system.

It hasn't waited for them to recover from the shock.

A giant golden carapace that blinds everyone's eyes jumps down from the ship of the Hippony, with a larger container tied to its body!

"I rub! It's a hell, why your mechas are all killing the Quartet! The show's first kill, why do you become a sad porter when I appear on the scene!" Jessrow driver golden bug mech, big speaker Yelling!

The people who were on the sidelines were petrified! Those who were transporting supplies burst out laughing.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Bilan was driving the Blade Destroyer and said, "Shut up!"

Hear Bilan's voice! The Hyporian personnel present immediately recognized it and uttered a loud cheering.

"His Royal Highness Bilan!"

Chitaki and Belle Rosa stood on the high observatory, nodding their heads as they watched the transportation of supplies.

"Is it very distressed?" Belle Rosa quipped.

"No, it's all things outside of the body, it's them who really don't want to." Chitaki shook his head and replied.

At this time, a large number of exits at the bottom opened, and a dense crowd came out holding the urn and carrying large bags and small bags!

In the onlookers of Hyporian, countless people waved their hands excitedly and shouted for their separated relatives.

"We are here!"

It was as if the crowds in the tide rushed to the onlookers with excitement!

It was the most joyful thing to see everyone in their loved ones excited and crying.

The entire material handling lasted all day!

Standing in the observatory, Chitaki looked at the moving towards the end, and turned his head to speak to Belle Rosa.

"Let's go help Bilan distribute supplies."

"Materials need to be distributed so soon? Isn't this just shipped out, don't count?" Belle Luosha asked.

"Hyporian is now a hundred times worse than you think, so I can't wait. Every second, a large number of people starve to death and die of illness." Chitaki explained.

"That really can't be delayed." Belle Luosha nodded and replied.

Sure enough, as soon as the supplies were delivered, Bilan announced directly!

"Edmond takes orders!"

Edmund replied respectfully: "His Royal Highness Bilan!"

"Start distributing supplies!"

"Yes!" Edmund replied.

The crowd onlookers suddenly burst into enthusiastic shouts: "Long live your Highness Bilan!!!"

"Quiet everyone!" Heidij Hyporian walked out with the support of Karansha at this time and shouted loudly.

Soon the crowd calmed down, so everyone looked over.

"I officially announce now! I will officially abdicate!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, many people showed blank expressions, and many showed panic expressions.

Heidij Hyporian continued to announce at this time: "Be quiet, everyone, I am old! I am unable to lead you to a better future. We Hyporian have been supported by pain until now, God has not abandoned us, God Let us, in the most difficult and desperate time, let my daughter Bilan return to our country! She is the hope of our Hyporian! I officially announce that Bilan will inherit my throne and become the new Hyporian. Queen! Leading us to a bright future! The coronation ceremony in seven days!"

"Queen Bilan!!"

"Your Majesty the Queen!!"

Suddenly the whole black crowd was completely boiling!

Six days later, Chitaki and others followed Bilan and walked in the darkened refugee camp. Every household distributed nutrition bars and supplements!

Every refugee who received nutrition bars and supplements knelt down in tears!

"His Royal Highness, thank you so much. Without you, our family would starve to death."

Bilan directly helped the other party and comforted: "It's okay, it's all over, and the future will get better and better."

After sending out the supplies on the other side, Chitaki walked over to Bilan and said, "This area is almost distributed."

Bilan nodded and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, there is only so much that can be done for you." Chitaki shook his head and replied.

Bilan hesitated and said, "Tomorrow is my coronation ceremony, will you come?"

Chitaki took a deep breath and said apologetically to Bilan, "Sorry, I may not be able to attend. I have been delayed for a long time here. I must go to the Star of Creation as soon as possible. I will take off at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Bilan reluctantly smiled and said, "It's okay, I see, you have stayed here long enough for us, but I'm sorry I can't send you away."

Chitaki said with a bright smile; "You are crowned with peace of mind, I believe you will be an outstanding queen, as for us, we don't have to worry about it."

"Okay." Bilan replied.

At this moment, Karansha came with a group of maids and said to Chitaki and Bilan.

"Sir Chitaki~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sister I'm sorry to disturb you."

"It's okay, something?" Chitaki replied gently.

Karensha lowered her head and said nervously, "Tomorrow is the coronation ceremony of my sister. My sister needs to prepare."

"In this case, let's go first." Chitaki said to Bilan.

Bilan nodded: "Okay."

Chitaki took Belle Rosa and others back towards the Hippony.

Looking at the back of Chitaki and others leaving, Bilan stood there blankly,

"Sister?" Karansha could clearly feel Dao Bilan's reluctance and sadness.

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