War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 871: Fire big

In the command room of the Shipney, the operator reported: "The other party has turned on the fire system!"

"Dare they?" Chitaki's brows suddenly frowned, even the mud bodhisattva was three-pointed angry.

"We are locked." The operator reported in a panic.

"Hmph! I'll leave it to you here." Chitaki became angry and turned and walked directly to the fast lane leading to the hangar.

Colimi Shenhui and others will catch up immediately!

The master of the entire Shell Fortress saw that the quasi-star destroyer stretched out its muzzle, and immediately everyone moved away in horror!


Beams of light bombarded the ship of Hippony.

The huge explosion spreads!

In the huge quasi-star destroyer command room, Bruston showed a grimly excited smile.

"Destroy this ship for me!"

When the explosion was over, Bruce's smile stopped in shock! I saw nothing on the surface of the Hippony.

"How is it possible?" Bruce and the others stared with big eyes.

There is a saying that it is good, not to be indecent, and it is just right to use the Hiberny in front of you.

I saw that all the defensive artillery on the right of the Hiberny were turned to aim at the giant ship.


The defensive energy shield on the huge ship collapsed instantly!

At this moment, a beast-like roar sounded!

The Blade Destroyer jumped down from the Hippony, and at the same time there was the golden Golden Worm Mecha!

In addition, Chitaki also flew out in a V-generation plane, Shiradu.

Chitaki controlled Baidu and raised his hand unceremoniously, and a ray of Hayggs shot instantly towards the bow of the quasi-star destroyer!

When Bruce and others in the command room saw it, they got down directly!

Booming huge explosion! A big hole was blasted directly in the bow of that quasi-star destroyer!

"Stop the attack for me!" At this time, a group of garrison mechas rushed over from all directions, and kept issuing warnings!

Kelimi Shenhui rushed out in front of Chitaki Shirato while driving the Shining Blade.

"Hey, don't fight, it's almost the same, that's it!"

Chitaki exhaled deeply, and his good mood was ruined.

On the other side, Bruce got up from the ground, his whole body furious.

At this time, the butler who was following him hurriedly said.

"Master can't attack anymore. The other party's firepower is obviously stronger than ours. It's too narrow here and we can't use the power of the ship at all."

Bruce's entire forehead has blue veins, he still presses the angry flame, it is obvious that they are at a disadvantage now!

At this time, the nobles also rushed over!

In addition, the garrison of the Water Mirror Star separated the two ships with mecha! For fear that the two sides are cramping and firing at each other.

A young girl with short blue hair (Shell Fortress General Meryl) in colonial armor was rushing towards here with a very ugly expression at this time.

For hundreds of years, something of such a bad nature has not happened. There were people in the docking area and the ships attacked each other!

Colimi Shinki said to Chitaki at this time.

"You calm down and go back first. After all, this is the territory of the Federation. It is not easy to do too much. I will take care of the rest!"

"Let's go!" Chitaki said to Bilan and Jessrow. In fact Chitaki was in a good mood, but was also annoyed. Chitaki's barbaric behavior angered Chitaki. The truth in Chitaki's bones is actually very simple, you don't Provoke me, I won't mess with you! But since it hit him, he planned to dismantle the opponent, but Colimi Shenhui said it was not completely unreasonable.

When Meryl rushed to the scene, watching the defense mechas only separated the two ships, and did not take down the troublemaker, she immediately angered.

"Why don't you take them down?"

"No way! Lord Meryl, look at these two ships, all of them are of the Star Destroyer level! And we have transferred their approval information, one is from the Shentian Empire and the other is from the El Roo family! Both! It's not something we can afford! Especially the El Roo family, it's a terrifying existence!" A captain said, wiping sweat on his forehead.

"You mean to forget it?" Meryl's face was also a little ugly.

"It can only be this way, at least they are not continuing to attack anyway. As for the loss of the bill, I think they will not deny it if it is sent to them at that time." The captain explained.

"These bastards! I really want to drive them out." Meryl's teeth itchy.

"Don't, don't! Quiet your breath!"

At the same time, Bruce walked out of the exit, his entire face was green.

The nobles gathered around and asked, "Master Bruce, are you okay?"

Bruce didn't return to them, turned his head to look at the dark star destroyer, his teeth tickled with hatred, but now he can only bear it down, obviously now he can't take the opponent!

"Let's go!" Bruce turned and led the nobles toward the fast passage from Shell Fortress to Water Mirror Star.

(Note: In order to maintain the ecological environment and air of the Water Mirror Star, few spacecraft directly land on the Water Mirror Star, and there is a special glass fast channel between the Water Mirror Star and the Shell Fortress. You can go to the Water Mirror Star. On the road, condescendingly admire the water mirror star scenery.)

At this time, the guards of the Water Mirror Star just wanted to go up and stop Bruce and the others.

It was directly stopped by Bruce's personal guards. The guards who had opinions were knocked over to the ground on the spot. Those guards were extremely arrogant and bad!

When Chitaki returned to the command room for a long time, Belle Rosa said to Chitaki.

"calm down."

"Nothing to be angry," Chitaki replied.

Belle Rosa couldn't help but laughed and said: "I don't even say I'm angry, it's all written on my face."

Chitaki couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. When Belle Rosa said so, his anger disappeared.

Lan Li smiled and walked over to Chitaki and said, "Don't be anxious. I just received a bill. We have to compensate for a fee of 167 million federal currency."

Chitaki suddenly turned black! It's simply a disaster! I haven't found them to lose money yet. When they get it right, they need to pay the bill in reverse.

"This is the result of negotiations between Collimy Shenhui and the person in charge here. This is only 30% of the overall compensation fee. If you have to pay the bulk of it, you will definitely not be compensated if you change it to outside. But now, after all, In the federal government system, we can't get rid of trouble because of this little thing." Lanli added.

"Okay!" Chitaki can only swallow this breath temporarily. In fact, Chitaki doesn't know that he will be so angry these days because of the supply stuff. After all, this is a federal territory, he There is no place to grab, and no place to dig. After all, he only knows these things. After all, he is still poor.

At this time, Colimi Shenhui walked in and said, "Fuck it, but fortunately, the person in charge here doesn't hold him accountable, otherwise it will be pitted."

Chitaki saw Corimi Shinki walking in, turned his head and said to Lanli.

"Hang it on Collimy Shenhui's head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fuck! Why! Don't do that!" Collimy Shenhui had a dumb expression on his face.

Chitaki walked over and patted Collimy Shinki on the shoulder and said, "Good people do it to the end and owe them first! I don't have federal currency now."

"Nima just said that if he didn't have money, he said that he didn't have any federal currency. You are simply cheating me, why don't you look for Rabevis Guanghui." As he said, Colimi Shenhui looked to the side and drank leisurely. Rabevis with coffee.

This guy has been drinking coffee here leisurely since just now, as if it didn't matter to him.

Rabevis Guanghui raised his head and smiled when he heard the words of Colimi Shenhui: "I'm poorer! All you know is my salary! The salary I served in the death front in Feralas is probably not enough. Between the teeth."

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