War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Special meeting

"I'm very glad that you all came as agreed." Lorthemarfa Shenhui said simply and neatly.

"How could it not be the invitation letter sent by the Lord of the Council personally!" Gnard Sharp said with a smile.

"You are polite, we have all been dealing with each other for a long time, so I won't be polite anymore, and go straight to the topic." Lor'themarfa Shenhui said to the five people present.

"No problem." The Star Queen replied with a smile.

"The offensive of the foreign expeditionary army has temporarily ended. You should be very clear about this matter?" Lor'themarfa Shenhui asked.

"I heard that Lord Lothermafa Shenhui was very decisive, threw Broken Heart, and directly killed a large number of troops of the alien race, as well as the patriarchs of the pit killer and alien races!" Fries Luo Kendiman said.

"That's right, the aliens have been badly injured! Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Lor'themarfa Shenhui nodded and said.

"A good opportunity of a lifetime?" The five people present couldn't help but become serious.

"That's right, the Vanguard Forces of the Seventh Elders of the Federal Government Cabinet have established a firm foothold in the tenth star field. Now as long as we send troops and use the tenth star field as a springboard, we can go straight to the stronghold of the alien race! Take down the subsequent star fields. "The Chief of Parliament said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, right? The seventh elders of the Cabinet are firmly established in the tenth star field, but they seem to be more greedy than imagined, and they even blow up the way they go!" Gnard Sharp replied calmly.

"Blowing up the passage is compelling. After all, the situation must be done at that time. Otherwise, if the alien troops return from that passage, the vanguard of the expedition will become the target." Lor'themarfa Shenhui Council Chief explained.

"Lor'themarfa Shenhui-sir, even if what you said is reasonable, it is impossible to change the current reality. We can only watch it. Don't tell me that you plan to fight over the stars one by one, an alien expedition. The army is defeated, but it does not mean it is destroyed. It is still entrenched in the Fifth Star Region. Now we go out and hit the opponent directly. It is not that we are afraid of the opponent. When we defeat the opponent, I don't know how long it will be. , What will happen to the market, or we are hurt again." Fries Rokendiman replied.

"This aspect that you are worried about will not happen." Lorthemarfa Shenhui replied very surely.

Venakli Beh said coldly: "President of Parliament, just say what you want to say, don't hide it!"

"Since the federal government dares to let the vanguard forces blow up the passage, it naturally has a way to deal with it. The first star field has a long-distance star gate leading to the tenth star field, and we can directly reach the tenth star field." Shenhui said.

The five people present glanced at each other, and their expressions were all a bit surprised.

"Since you have a long-distance star gate, the expedition shouldn't be a problem for the government. Why do you want us to come?" Xi Luomeng asked the president of the council.

"That's because the current military strength of the federal government is not enough! I need the support of sitting, as long as the support of sitting, the federal government has the confidence to completely wipe out the foreign race!" Lor'themarfa Shenhui said in a solemn manner.

The five people present frowned slightly, they still underestimated Lothermafa Shenhui's determination.

This guy is not simply thinking about expedition to occupy some star areas, but to completely eliminate the alien race.

The five people present fell into silence one after another, they are all weighing the pros and cons! This is not a joke, besides, Lorthemarfa Shenhui is not in a hurry, he will let the five humans weigh the pros and cons.

After a long time, Xiluomeng·Queen was the first to break the silence and said.

"Master L'othermafa Shenhui is not that I don't support you, but that I feel that the lone army goes deep and wants to eliminate the alien race. I think the probability of the alien dog jumping over the wall is very high. If the expeditionary army folds outside by then, then everything is over."

Gnard Sharp also said: "The aliens have suffered heavy losses, but none of us knows. The aliens occupy the forces in the star field. Your behavior like this, Lord Lothermafa Shenhui, is a bit of a gamble."

"The risk is too high! And once the damage is a little too much." Fries Rokendi said with a smile.

Bruce El Roo temporarily forgot his inner anger, he said solemnly.

"Too radical."

After the four expressed their opinions, Venakli Beh slowly raised his head and asked bitterly.

"What benefit do we get!"

After Lorthemarfa Shenhui was refuted, he was not angry at all. Instead, he said seriously to Venakli Beh.

"As long as you support the government's decision-making, the government will directly and unconditionally cede to you all the planets you lay down forever!"

In an instant Venakli Beh's eyes and face changed slightly! The people present were also a little uncomfortable.

They did not expect Lor'themarfa Shenhui to be so big!

Lor'themarfa Shenhui looked at the changes in the expressions of the five people present and said: "You should know the current situation better than I am. It is not just that the federal government's resources are scarce! Your situation is not much better! We are all on the same boat. If you do not seize this opportunity, countless new families and empires will seize this opportunity, so in the future, will you be able to dominate all of them? Above the country is a new problem."

Gnard Sharp's old face is very solemn, his expression is constantly changing. Before he came to the meeting, he knew that the meeting was not easy to hold! But he didn't expect to drive to this point!

This is for them to choose their future direction! Of course there is also a threat! If you follow Lor'themarfa Shenhui! If it succeeds, it goes without saying! Not to mention anything else, it’s enough temptation just mentioned by Lorthemarfa Shenhui that who lays a new planet and belongs to whom, but if he doesn’t follow him, after he succeeds, it’s obvious that they don’t want to be in this position. They continue to stay here, how can they give up their privileges and identities so easily, who have stayed above the high clouds all the year round.

But they are not stupid! Lor'themarfa Shenhui may not be able to succeed either! In case of failure, all support and bets will be lost! There will be heavy losses!

This is like a gamble! It's not an exaggeration to say that it's blocking their lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lothermafa Shenhui is not in a hurry, and doesn't mean to force them to make a decision at this time.

He said to the five people present.

"You don't need to rush to give an answer! I will give you a month to think! You can measure all aspects. During the time you live in the city of the world, you can look at the strength of the federal government! I think you will naturally Will make a wise choice." Lorthemarfa Shenhui said.

"Okay." Xiluo Meng Hu five people replied at the same time.

Lor'themarfa Guanghui waved his hand, the closed assembly hall opened, and Miam walked in respectfully.

"Arrange for them to rest." Lorthemarfa Shenhui said.

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