War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 893: Brothers take a fire

General Drissin's gaze fell on Roz Favlin, his eyes showing a complex look.

(Note: Favelin belongs to the generals of the federal government, received harsh training and transformation from an early age, and was born to survive in battle! He has strength and talent dozens of times more than normal.)

At this moment, the sound of stepping sounded.

Everyone looked over.

A face is full of hideous scars! He walked in with a wild smile on his face.

The general's jacket was casually draped, and he wore a short-sleeved leather jacket inside!

Suddenly everyone's face turned black! Some generals even showed extremely angry expressions and stood up directly! The companion beside him hurriedly grabbed the angry generals, no one thought it was this guy!

"Hello everyone!" The man who walked over said hello to everyone with a penetrating smile on his face.

It's a pity that no one responded to his greetings, which is basically rare, so you can see how annoying this guy is.

"Ah! This is not General Drissin! You are still alive!"

"Regino what did you say!" Suddenly some generals couldn't help but anger.

"You scumbags are still there! But it's really disappointing. I'm all back. You are still the admiral. The lieutenant admiral is really meaningless." Regino didn't care to sneer!

"Thank you for caring, this old bone of mine is okay, I didn't die so early." Drissin said to Regino without anger at all.

"I don't care, I think that if you people are no longer there, it would be too boring for me to be this general. There is no fun." Regino said arrogantly.

"Enough!" Kai Meng stood up and looked at Regino and said, it seemed that Kai Meng was also very disgusted with the man in front of him.

"It's safe! It's safe! I won't say if I don't like it, but today is also a celebration day. I will save the council a little bit of face." Regino said with a laugh.

After speaking, Regino walked to the front row to sit down with Favelyn, leaning on the chair and squinting at Favelyn.

At this time, the twelve generals were already full, and there was only one vacant seat left.

Regino tilted his head to look at the vacant position and twisted his neck and said.

"It seems that there is one lucky one who hasn't appeared yet."

It's a pity that no one paid any attention to him.

The general behind said with a dark face and angrily in a low voice: "Why is this guy appearing here and being promoted to a general? Isn't this guy being abolished and imprisoned in endless prisons, never seeing the sun?"

"why why why?."

"I don't know, I guess it was released by someone!"

"Damn! The people above are crazy! I don't know if this guy is crazy!"

(Note: Regino is a general of the federal government. He was promoted to the position of general a long time ago, but he was inferior in his position! In order to achieve the task, he was suspected of massacre! Defying military orders! Killing colleagues and other countless crimes , The reputation is very stinky! He has been sent to the trial court seven times, but Regino has been loyal to the seven elders of the cabinet, and coupled with his extremely strong strength, he has established countless Hummer credits, and was finally deprived of his military position and entered the endless prison! )

At this time, a person wearing overalls walked in and stared at the position of the vacancy for a moment.

He walked up and asked.

"Excuse me, sir, is there one less person yet to arrive."

"Well, there is indeed one who hasn't arrived." Drissin said.

The staff looked at the generals sitting in a circle, and their expressions became more and more anxious.

"If you don't arrive, you won't arrive. I guess I knew that I had a few kilograms of trash, so I didn't dare to come." Regino sneered.

When the staff member saw Pian Regino, he couldn't help but step back in fear, and said with a little trembling in his body.

"Master Regino is really joking."

At this time, Chitaki slowly walked into the outer lounge in his military uniform, looking at the darkened officer, looking confused, he casually found a spot and sat down.

Chitaki leaned back in his chair, and what Lotherfa Shinki said in his mind constantly echoed.

He understood what Lotherfa Shenhui said, and he also understood the current situation of the federal government, but he could not convince himself.

"Hey brother!"

Chitaki was taken aback for a moment and turned to look over.

An officer sitting on his right, with a cigarette in his mouth, groped his pocket and said to Chitaki.

"Brothers have fire? Borrow fire."

"Isn't it not allowed to smoke here?" Chitaki looked at the officer suspiciously.

The young officer looked embarrassed and hurriedly removed the cigarette from his mouth, and then said to Chitaki.

"Forget, forget."

Chitaki nodded slightly without saying anything.

"Brother, what's your name." The young officer started talking to Chitaki familiarly.

"Icarus." Chitaki replied absently.

"My name is Scottrade. I was originally a garrison team stationed in the third three-star domain. I was fortunate enough to kill a squad of Zerg who came by. Now I am promoted to Captain!" Scott introduced himself with a smile.

"Very good." Chitaki nodded and replied.

"Yo! Scott!" At this time another officer came over.

"Weston!" Scott stood up excitedly, and the two hugged each other.

"Haha! I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you here to give honors?" Weston asked happily.

"Why, I don't even have a third-class meritorious service. I'm giving Mao Xun! It's just waiting for an overall combat meeting after the award is over. How about you?" Scott replied.

"What else can I do, just like you, the third-class merit badge is so rare, you need a high contribution, just think about it, don't dare to ask for it." Weston shook his head and said.

"Yes, but I'm a captain now," Scott replied.

"Haha Captain, you are really out of date, brother, I am now a major, haha!" Weston said, pointing to the medal on his chest.

"I'm rubbing! It's not interesting enough! I'm ascending so fast, and I won't bring my brother." Scott replied.

"How could you forget your brother? This is your friend too." Weston looked at Chitaki.

"Also friend! Icarus!" Scott replied very loyally~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since it is my brother's friend, don't worry, I will cover you in the future! "Weston patted his chest and said to Chitaki.

Chitaki touched his forehead and replied with an ashamed look: "Thank you."

On the high platform of the central square of the World City, rows of government officials began to enter the venue.

After the isolation line on the periphery of the central square, countless people have gathered to watch the ceremony.

At the same time, in the sky, many metal spheres were shooting the scene in 360 degrees without blind spots.

Countless people watched this celebration in various ways.

When everything was ready, Lotherfa Shenhui walked out wearing a long white parliament robe, and he walked to the middle of the podium.

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