War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 907: New Expeditionary Force II

"It's simple, I'm familiar with federal government departments!" Colimi Shenhui promised, patting his chest.

"But our strength alone is not enough." Rabevis Guanghui reminded.

"It's okay, do you remember the request for help from Lord Bradley Shinki? Actually, Lord Bradley Shinki has prepared a second hand in order to prevent this situation?" Chitaki said.

"Damn! When you said that, I remembered that, I didn't expect that guy to be so reliable!" Collim Shenhui said in surprise.

"Master Bradley Shenhui has always been very reliable, otherwise, how could it be possible to guard the death front of Feralas for so many years." Rabevis Guanghui said with a smile.

"Come on, he also did a good job this time." Collim Shenhui said unconvinced.

"In any case, we can take the collective signature letter to find the right country and borrow troops from them. Of course, this process of persuasion will be difficult. We must prove that we have a certain strength, not a death-death project. Plan." Chitaki said.

"Then do it in two parts, one part to prove our own strength. I think the federal government has helped you prove this. No one in the whole world will doubt your ability! After all, your record has been infinitely exaggerated, so We only need to persuade the big countries on the list of signatures for help as the leaders! The rest is easy." Rabevis Guanghui said with a smile.

"This idea is okay, so we can form our own expeditionary force." Chitaki said in approval.

"Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, but it seems that there is no other choice." Collimy Shenhui said.

"Then where do we start first?" Belle Rosa looked at Chitaki.

Chitaki thought for a while and said, "Now that the federal government has been in meetings, we will not seek support for the time being. Let's start with the easiest way to review and approve supplies!"

"Let me take a look at the supply list." Collim Shenhui suddenly remembered and said.

Chitaki opened the bracelet and presented a list.

Looking at the dense list and the demand numbers at the back, the corners of Colimi Shenhui's mouth twitched.

"Are you sure you wrote it right?"

"That's right," Chitaki replied.

"Nima, you are not a ship's supply, but a legion's supply." Collim Shenhui said with a black face, he was quite polite, he didn't spray hard.

"Let me see." Labavis Guanghui walked up and took a look.

After a while, Rabevis Guanghui said solemnly: "So many are not easy to approve, it seems that Collimy Shenhui really depends on the face."

Colimi Shenhui was also a little frustrated. He said, "I will try my best!"

Chitaki thought for a while and said, "You'll know if you try it out. Which department should we go to for approval."

"According to our current situation, we should first go to the Federal Government Strategy Department! First, the Feralas Death Front request for help has been officially delivered, and let them sign the award document first, and then we are holding this document to the Federal Government The two major departments of the Ministry of Materials and the Ministry of Finance and Materials will approve separately! In the end, you will receive full supplies and have money. This is a normal procedure, but I look at your list of supplies. I think it is best to go through the approval directly in the Ministry of Materials. The materials are more practical. If the approval makes money, we have to find a way to buy it, which is very troublesome! And many of your lists are controlled products! Buying is not easy to buy!" Collim Shenhui explained.

"Just do what you said, we will set off now!" Chitaki replied simply and neatly.


Soon the East District of the World City.

The two speed cars came to a halt slowly, Chitaki and others walked down from above, and they saw a towering building on their way! There are people everywhere in front of the building, and they don't look like ordinary people in their clothes. They are all officials and military officers.

"This is the Federal Government Strategy Department! Many things are approved here." Collim Shenhui introduced while leading the way.

Chitaki and others followed in, and they came to the hall smoothly.

There are people everywhere in the whole hall, and everyone is holding a pile of documents for approval.

"So many people? How long are we going to queue?" Pique said, touching his forehead.

"If you think too much, this is the Federation, my territory, let's go directly to their supervisor." Collim Shenhui said confidently.

Chitaki coughed, feeling a little unreliable and asked, "Are you sure."

"You are questioning me. Forget it, don't care about you, I will prove it to you." Collim Shenhui said irritably.

After finishing talking, Colimi Shenhui directly stopped a staff member and said.

"Go call your supervisor out here!"

"Are you?" The worker was also startled.

"Kolimi Shenhui!!" said Kolimi Shenhui blew himself up.

The worker staggered, almost unable to stand still, and hurriedly bowed at ninety degrees.

"Kelimi Shenhui-sama!! I'll call it right away."

After finishing talking, he ran faster than the rabbit, and even fell once in the middle.

When the people around heard the name of Colimi Shenhui, they all walked away! Make room for ample space.

Pique's eyes were so wide that the boss said hell: "Are you so scary? How come these people are so scared!"

"Cut! I'm too lazy to explain it to you." Colimi Shenhui didn't seem to want to explain, and he didn't seem to like it very much.

"It's not what you think. They are not because of how scared Collimy Shenhui is, but because of his surname. Shenhui represents the heirs of God! Don't look at God directly! Haven't heard this sentence? ?" Rabevis Guanghui said with a smile.

"It's too exaggerated," Pique said, touching his head.

"So Collimy basically didn't have any friends since he was a child, which caused him to be idle and painful to get into trouble every day, but he can't be blamed. The status is unequal at the beginning, and natural persons are prone to problems, but this is when he enters the army. After all, it’s much better~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the army is collectively controlled equally. Of course, I am not referring to entering the ordinary army, but being trained by Lord Bradley Shenhui."

"Labavis, you deliberately poked me in the bottom, it's too unkind." Collim Shenhui said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Chitaki said that Rabevis Kokuki said that he found that the expressions of those who walked away were more admired, and Chitaki had seen the glory of the surname Shinki once.

Soon an old man in uniform (Federal Government Strategy Director Banner) hurried over with a group of people, and said breathlessly.

"Kelimi Shenhui-sama!!"

Colimi Shenhui waved his hand and said, "We are here to deliver the task and complete the procedures."

"No problem, please come with us." Banner said with a smile.

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