War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 911: Unknown premonition

"Master Bale, I think the council hasn't started so early, and your time should be too late." Chitaki walked out from behind Colimi Shenhui at this moment and asked.

Bale's smile was slightly stiff, and he looked at the young man in front of him.

Although he didn't know Chitaki, his instinct told him that the young man in front of him was not easy.

"I don't know who this is?"

"He is Ikalofa Kokure." Before Chitaki could answer, the name of Chitaki's name burst out as soon as the eyeballs of Colimi Shinkue turned.

Sure enough, Balai's expression moved slightly, and he politely saluted Chitaki.

"Master Icarofa Guanghui, you are right to remind, it seems that there is still too much time!" Bale immediately relieved, he still doesn't have the courage to offend the person in front of him.

"The relationship is good, where do we go through the procedures." Collim Shenhui asked directly.

"Just go to my office." Bale replied simply.

"Good." Chitaki replied.

Soon everyone took the elevator to a luxurious office on the seventh floor. Chitaki scanned it a little. Although he didn't recognize the decorations in the entire office, they were all valuable in terms of appearance and materials.

"Master Ikalofa Guanghui, can you show me the reward documents you are going to handle?" Bale asked respectfully.

Chitaki handed the two award documents to Bale.

Balai looked at the two award documents in front of him, brows jumped!

"What's the matter? Don't tell us that there is a discount." Collimy Shenhui decided to preemptively! So as not to look back, the other lion opened his mouth to make a big discount.

"Master Colimi Shenhui, you misunderstood." Bale replied solemnly.

"It's okay if you don't have a discount." Colimi Shenhui twisted his neck and said, happiness blossomed in his heart.

"This kill reward is okay. I can cash it out for you now, but I'm sorry that this Hiponi supply reward can't be cashed out." Bale replied calmly.

"What! If you say you don't cash it, you won't cash it!" Collim Shenhui jumped up directly.

"There is really no way to cash it. Now that the federal government is short of supplies after the war, this reward is too much. I can understand the eagerness of the Lord Bradley Shenhui who issued the reward, but Bradley God Master Hui may be a little ill-conceived, so this reward document cannot be fully fulfilled." Barai explained.

"There is no way to fully cash out, how much can be cashed out." Chitaki asked simply.

"Actually, you have seen it on the outside. Normally it is a 10% discount." Barai explained.

"I'll wipe it! What do you say! You send the beggar?" Colimi Shenhui slapped the table fiercely.

Chitaki's brows were also slightly frowned, and it was really pitiful to fold.

"Too little." Chitaki replied calmly.

"It's too little, but in the face of Lord Collimy Shenhui and Lord Icarus, how can I give more, so I have to give a 30% discount to the drop." Bale said very much. Talkative.

Hearing Bale’s words, Colimi Shenhui’s expression was a little better.

Rabevis Guanghui said decisively at this time: "Three folds are okay."

"It's too little, I'm adding some more." Collimy Shenhui complained to Rabevis Guanghui.

"Thirty percent is already my limit, and it is still given for the sake of the two adults," Bale said seriously.

Chitaki took a deep breath and said, "Three folds are three folds, please sign."

"This character can be signed, but before signing it, Lord Colimi Shenhui, you may have to sign for me too." Bale suddenly smiled brightly.

"What should I sign for you?" Colimi Shenhui said with a frown.

Bale picked up a thick bill and put it on the table with a smile, and said, "This is the bill from the Hippony on the planetary empire. By the way, there is also the bill signed on the Star of Water Mirror, but Water Mirror. The bill of the Star is in the Finance Department! The Finance Department said that there is not much money, and directly reported it for you, but this Planetary Empire's bill still needs you to settle!"

Kelimi Shenhui picked up the above bill, and his face was hard to get rid of after seeing it.

He slapped the table fiercely and said angrily: "What do you mean, let me pay this bill? Damn, this bill is more than what I asked for. We are here to ask for supplies, not to give it to you. Material!"

Chitaki's expression did not fluctuate. Although he had known that it was not so easy to obtain supplies, he did not expect the other party to be so shameless.

"These two don't conflict. This bill is signed by you, Lord Colimi Shenhui, and you settle it to me, so I can give it to Lord Icarus Guanghui." Bale said with a smile, he The smile on his face is like a fox.

Rabevis Guanghui said at this time: "My lord, I'm afraid this is a bit wrong. The reason why this account was owed was also because of the federal mission, so I asked for help."

"There is an upper limit for federal assistance. Master Rabevis Guanghui, you should know better than me. Your bills are completely over the standard, especially the maintenance cost of the Heart of Ark is simply a sky-high price. You don’t settle it to me. How can I return the planetary empire? Always tell a truth." Bale said with a smile.

Collimy said with an irritating tooth, "You mean there are no supplies anyway? Believe it or not, I demolished your place."

"I really can't do it! Lord Collimy Shenhui, even if you demolish my place, I can't do it..." Although Bale is very polite, it is completely because the rice, oil and salt are not imported. Let go, there is no need for a word of materials, not at all.

"What I said doesn't make sense, right." Collim Shenhui glared at Bale.

"How dare, it's because my official position is too small to control these things." Bale had an aggrieved expression on his face.

Colimi Shenhui smiled with an annoyance: "You have a small official position, and your TM's Deputy Minister of Materials Department is still young, then you call the Minister of Materials Department."

"I'm sorry Master Ba Wei went to the meeting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not in the material department." Bale replied calmly.

"Icarus, come on! Cut him!" Collimy turned to Chitaki, trembling all over his body, turning his head.

"Me?" Chitaki replied with a frown. Collimy Shinki is not easy to use, it is strange that he is useful.

"If Icarus-sama is willing to use your badge access rights, as much as you need!" Bale suddenly turned 180 degrees and said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, his authority is fine, I can't?" Collim Shenhui jumped up as if being stepped on his tail.

Bale smiled and didn't explain anything.

At this time, Chitaki's heart suddenly shook when he heard Bale's words!

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