War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 923: 5th Generation Modified Machine·Glimpse of Light

"I said, why don't you accept my proposal? You are so rich. How about we have a discussion, how can you support me?"

Chitaki coughed and said.

"His Majesty Her Majesty the Queen is not funny."

"How could it happen? There are 246 trillion federal currency in this account, which is more than other people's accounts." Xi Luomeng said charmingly. (Note: The currency value of the Federation may not be comparable to currencies issued by other countries. Its value is very precious. The most important point is that the currency of the Federation will not depreciate, but will only increase, because the currency of the Federation is made using eternal gold. .)

"Where did you get so much money?" Collim Shenhui finally came to his senses and asked at this time.

"Saved before." Chitaki replied casually without knowing how to explain it.

Belle Rosa said with a chuckle: "I didn't expect your wealth to be expensive!"

"These are not important, don't care too much." Chitaki said casually, after all, there are some outsiders here, it is not convenient to explain the inside story.

The director of the bank then asked at this time: "Master Ikalofa Guanghui, are you going to open the account now? Do you want to take out the deposit?"

"Damn! And there?" Colimi Shenhui was a little uncomfortable.

"No, I have to open another account." Chitaki explained.

"Another account?" Everyone present was stunned.

Chitaki took out the words of the starry sky at this time and walked up again to the taxi recognition instrument.

Soon the instrument began to recognize again.

"Identifying authorization!"

"Please enter the authorization key!"

"Please enter the security code!"


The whole machine keeps issuing problems.

Soon, the Federal Government account for the existence of the White Moon Starfall Empire was also opened, and the account was linked to Chitaki.

The supervisor on the scene wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"Master Ikalofa Guanghui, the account you linked to is from the White Moon Starfall Empire. They are also two-tier accounts, and there are 143 trillion federal currency in the surface accounts."

Hearing the supervisor's words, Xiluomeng·Queen Empress coldly snorted: "That woman is quite convincing. If you don't come to pick it up, you will come to pick it up all the way."

Chitaki coughed and explained: "Little things."

This was the last time he met with Yuehuang privately in the center of the lake when he returned to the voyage. Yuehuang gave it to himself. Yuehuang never believed in the federal government. She asked Chitaki to help him convert all the money into ammunition, and then Take all the items stored in the inventory to her. Of course, these items belong to the White Moon Starfall Empire, and Chitaki is to help her run an errand.

"Transfer all the money to my account." Chitaki said to the supervisor.

"No problem, handle it for you immediately, please follow me." The supervisor said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Chitaki and his followers walked inside and came to a huge closed door.

The supervisor stretched out his hand and pressed it on it, and began to continuously enter the identification code.

After a series of verifications, the closed door began to slowly open!

An all-metal passage appeared in front of everyone. Of course, this passage was not easy to walk because there was a closed door every 100 meters.

It takes a lot of effort to open it.

In addition, the most advanced holographic scanning instruments are everywhere on the walls.

Those who step in will be scanned repeatedly every second.

After walking for about half an hour, they came to the depths of the passage and took the sunken elevator.

Finally came to the depths of the earth!

When they got out of the elevator, they still came to a slender metal passage, but the difference this time was that there were not so many closed doors in this metal passage.

The bank supervisor led them inside!

Finally they stopped in front of a smooth wall.

The bank supervisor stretched out his hand to press on the wall, and the smooth wall surface began to crack, revealing a black closed door with the number 036 on it.

"Master Icarofa Guanghui, please?" The bank supervisor opened the door and said.

Chitaki went up, inserted the key into the closed door, and pressed his hand on it.

At this time, the mechanical sound sounded.

"Matching verification..."

"Verification passed."

Click! !

There was a dense unlocking sound from the black closed door.

After dozens of seconds, the entire black closed door slowly opened.

Chitaki and the others walked in, and suddenly saw their eyes open. The entire vault was about several thousand square meters. There were a hundred closed metal boxes. Behind the closed boxes there was a shelf with boxes on the shelf.

In the center are six mechas, five in the back and one in the front.

The pure white mechanical one-piece body in front, the perfect streamline, and the cold metal shell give people a sense of oppression of death.

Dual wield two light blades!

A folding light shield is attached to the left arm.

Six white crystal thorns are embedded in the back.

The five in the back are all black, holding a black prismatic shield in the left hand and a black metal spear in the right hand.

At first glance, these five machines are unified standard machines.

Rabevis Guanghui suddenly reacted when he saw the mecha in front, and said in shock.

"That's not a glimpse of light!"

(Note: The Glimpse of Light is a purely mechanically modified fifth-generation machine! It was originally the Princess of the God Court Empire, Iyalus Glorious Landline. Later, Iyalus Glorious drove Glimpse of Light to kill the V-shaped Qijuzi hero in the first star field. Bemisia Magic, and used it to make the Destroyer III machine, which was sealed in the Federal Government Central Bank)

"This is the legacy my mother left me." Chitaki explained faintly.

Rabevis Kokki immediately understood what Chitaki had said, and it wouldn't be surprising if that was the case.

Colimi Shenhui looked at the saliva almost flowing out, there are five V-shaped purely mechanical format machines here, heretical judges, these are control products, and your mother can also get them.

Xiluomeng·Queen Hou smiled and said: "It's not as simple as what you see~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These things were saved a long time ago. These things were the most advanced in that era, and of course they won’t be even now. Outdated, it's just a bit worse than the future messenger. If it is the Glimpse of Light, compared with the future messenger, it is still barely able to stand."

Chitaki nodded slightly, his analysis was reasonable.

"This glimpse of light will be given to you." Chitaki turned and said with a smile at Belle Rosa.

"Okay, so I can fight alongside you in the future." Belle Luosha replied very happily, without any hesitation.

"Don't worry about that, there are so many things here that I haven't seen, open it and have a look!" Colimi Shenhui watched droolingly around the one hundred closed metal boxes, if it was inside one hundred boxes If you wear this kind of mech, you will get rich!

Chitaki walked up and put his hand on one of the closed boxes.

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