War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 933: Absolute control

The guards who fell on the ground struggled to get up and said.

"They went in."

"Go in? Who opened the perimeter defense measures, quickly open it!" The garrison captain wanted to yell! Enemies are all invading. Why are you closing the defensive door outside? This is not to block yourself outside.

"Captain, the internal control room personnel could not be contacted, and the signal was cut off." A pilot mecha team member said in astonishment.

"Impossible, in contact! This is the Heroes Technology Group, it is impossible to be disturbed." The captain of the garrison said in shock and anger.

"No, I still can't get in touch."

"Should we blast here?" the other team members tried to ask.

"Fart! Even if you use a Star Destroyer to come and blast, you may not be able to blast off the shield!" The garrison captain said angrily.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Seek help immediately!"

Chitaki and Terenceius were standing in the lobby of the Helos Technology Group at this time. The staff in the lobby looked at the two who broke in suddenly in horror, but the two who broke in simply ignored everything present. People, walked towards the elevator in the center.

The guard on duty inside the building did not even go out of the room, and all the doors were automatically locked.

At the same time, the entire internal defensive equipment turned around and aimed at all the personnel present. No one knew the power of these defensive weapons better than themselves. They could only swallow their saliva and give up resistance.

Chitaki and Terenceius sat in the transparent elevator, ascending forward to look down at the panic crowd below.

In a laboratory on the top floor of the Helos Technology Group building, the entire laboratory was trembling, and Feidijiesi's entire face was angry. Just moments ago, the entire laboratory was automatically closed and the shackles were opened, and all the equipment was fully equipped. Automatically lock.

And the shielding system was automatically turned on, and all the communication bracelets in their hands lost their signals.

It is ridiculous to the extreme, and the Helos Technology Group has been invaded.

Fidijies pressed his hand on the permission recognizer, when he wanted to start the backup program.

A prompt box popped up, making his face more ugly.

"Hint: Your authority has been frozen! Please stay in place and do not make any ambiguous behavior, otherwise you will be listed as enemies!"

Standing in the elevator, Terenceius took off his glasses and kept wiping them. After a long time, he couldn't help but ask.

"How did you do it?"

"I didn't do anything, I did it upright, the show has just begun." Chitaki raised his head and replied.

soon! The elevator reached the highest point on the 108th floor, Chitaki and Terenceius stepped out of the elevator and came into a closed passage.

Chitaki raised his hand, and all the closed gates opened automatically.

After walking through the long passage, they came to a silver gate closed in front of the gate.

There are two purely mechanical V-generation machines, heretical judges, but the difference between these two mechas and other mechas is that they are controlled intelligently, not manually. They were originally set up for absolute loyalty. of.

The eyes of the two heretical judges lit up, scanned Chitaki, and knelt on one knee.

Click! The closed silver door slowly opened.

A huge central secret laboratory appeared in front of Chitaki and the others!

Countless weapons of all kinds are sealed in transparent display stands.

Chitaki walked inside with Terence, and they came to the center of the central laboratory. On a transparent circular platform, a black stone floating like the eyes of a demon's pupil was floating.

The strange pattern above is very attractive, Chitaki just glanced at it, and the blood in the whole body felt slightly boiling.

"This is?" Terenceius asked instinctively, feeling dangerous and vigilant.

Just as Chitaki was about to answer Terence's words, a calm voice came from behind.

"The Eye of Abino, the existence of death in the legend."

Chitaki and Terenceius both turned around and looked over at the same time.

I saw a woman in a white jacket walking out from behind a display stand, and it was Hai Xishan who came out not to be someone else.

"Who are you?" Chitaki frowned. He didn't expect that there would be someone else careless here.

"I should have asked you this sentence, but if you think about it, I am right. After all, now you are the master here. I am Hexishan, the highest deputy executive officer and senior research doctor of the Helos Technology Group." Without much fear on her face, Hai Xishan walked to Chitaki's side and looked at Abino's eyes and said.

"Aren't you afraid?" Chitaki couldn't help but admire the woman in a white jacket in front of him.

"Heroes Technology Group will not be invaded. This is the safest place in the world. Only the owner can come in regardless of all the security facilities. The Federal Government will not come in so brutally, so it can only be the Heroes Technology Group. The other masters are back." Hai Xishan said lightly.

"Very clever, I hope you can just stand aside, Miss Haixishan, and we don't want to have any unpleasant conflicts with you." Chitaki finished speaking and raised his hand to give an order.

"Close defensive measures!"

Suddenly the light at the bottom of the circular platform in front of him dimmed suddenly, and the eyes of Abino, which had been floating, slowly fell down, lying quietly in the center of the platform.

When Chitaki just stepped out, Hai Xishan said calmly.

"The Eye of Abino is more dangerous than you think. Those who can't control it will eventually be swallowed."

"Thank you for your reminder." Chitaki was not afraid of Haixishan's prompt, he walked up and bent down and stretched out his hand to pick up the Eye of Abino, the moment he held it.

The whole world instantly turned into an extremely dark abyss! Chitaki stared at Chitaki with a pair of violent eyes that destroy the world.

At this moment, a fuzzy figure appeared behind Chitaki.

Chitaki regained his senses in the next second, and all the hallucinations disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Terrence asked, perceiving a slight strangeness.

"It's okay," Chitaki replied, and took out a box to put it in.

After finishing, Chitaki said to Terenceius.

"follow me!"

Terenceius followed Chitaki to the center console of the laboratory.

Chitaki stretched out his hand and pressed it on it, and a holographic image screen popped up.

"Remove all firewalls!"

"Remove all encryption!"

Chitaki issued an order ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to verify his identity. "

"Verification passed!"


Terence showed a hint of excitement in his expression at this time! At this moment, all of the entire database of the Helos Technology Group was unreservedly displayed in front of him.

Everything that had been pursued by his mentor to death will soon be realized.

If Terenceus is confident that he is getting the technology of the Heroes Technology Group, he can be better than the blue! It proves that these idiots are the guys who guard Jinshan and don't want to make progress.

"You know what to do." Chitaki said to Terenceius.

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