War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 952: Titan Spirit

"Just walked in, what's the problem?" Chitaki replied suspiciously.

Hearing Chitaki's reply, the plankton in front of him seemed very surprised, and even his tone changed a little.

"Just walked in? How could it be possible?"

"That's right." Chitaki was also a little confused.

The plankton in front of him kept spinning around Chitaki, seeming to be looking at the unexpected visitor from head to toe.

After a long time, the plankton in front of me stopped and floated in front of Chitaki and introduced himself.

"My name is Kalitan, from the spirit of the Titans! Since you can walk here safely, then you are recognized, and we can make friends." Kalitan stretched out a transparent tentacle.

Chitaki didn't feel the hostility on Kalitan, he also stretched out his hand to hold Kalitan together.


"Let's go, I will take you to meet my friends. I haven't seen humans for many years." Kalitan said very excitedly.

Chitaki followed Karita to the side path.

"No one usually comes here?"

"This is a forest of precious animals. Generally, people and others are not allowed to approach here. If they are found, they will be severely punished. Of course, this is not the most important point. The position is protected." Carlitan explained.

"So." Chitaki nodded and understood.

He suddenly remembered something. Huan had issued an early warning before, but in the end it didn't seem to have been attacked. This precious beast forest was probably not as simple as imagined.

Chitaki asked curiously at this time.

"Carritan, how old are you?"

"According to your human age, it should be more than seven hundred years old." Kalitan thought for a while and replied.

Chitaki couldn't help coughing when she heard Kalitan's words.

"It looks very big."

"It's not that big, the oldest of our clan is more than 3,000 years old." Kalitan and Chitaki chatted.

"So long?" Chitaki was also slightly surprised.

"Soon!" Carlitan replied.

Unknowingly, Chitaki followed Karitan to the sea of ​​trees below. From time to time, one or two Titan spirits floated out of the gaps in the abandoned battleship, and peeped towards this side.

Chitaki also felt very novel, and Karitan shouted to everyone: "It's okay! Not an enemy! It's a friend."

Hearing Kalitan's voice, countless plankton suddenly floated out, like fireflies in the sky, circling around Chitaki curiously, looking at the strange visitor.

Chitaki was also a little surprised. Although he didn't know how they determined that he was not an enemy, at least now these Titan spirits really seemed to treat him as a friend.

"This is human? It seems a bit ugly?"

"I feel the same way, not as good as the one I visited last time."

"It's too skinny, no beauty."


However, Chitaki quickly got a headache and was not hostile, but these Titan spirits regarded him as an animal.

"Don't worry, they are so hospitable, what are you doing here?" Caritan asked curiously.

"I wanted to find a quiet place to lie down for a meeting, but I walked here without knowing it, and I didn't want to do anything. If you look at the scenery, it's the scenery." Chitaki thought about it next time.

"Scenery? I'll take you to a place where you can see the most beautiful scenery." Kalitan said with bright eyes.

"Good." Chitaki did not refuse either.

Karita led Chitaki to the center of the big tree, then pointed to the big tree that rose into the clouds and said.

"Go up!"

Before Chitaki could react, Karitan stretched out her tentacles and wrapped Chitaki's arm.

Pull him to float in the sky!

Chitaki couldn't help showing a wry smile. This new friend is good at everything, but a bit too enthusiastic and quick-witted. He does what he thinks of.

Soon after, Karita pulled Chitaki and floated to the branches of the tall tree.

"Look!" Carlitan said excitedly.

Chitaki stood on the branch, and instantly the whole Zhen Beast Forest came into view!

The endless sea of ​​trees.

The scenery is very beautiful! In the sky, some rare birds can also be seen flying from the sea of ​​trees and then falling into the sea of ​​trees.

Chitaki was also fascinated by the wonderful scenery.

Karita was also sitting beside Chitaki at this time.

"It's beautiful!"

"It's very beautiful, thank you."

After a long time, Chitaki asked curiously; "No one usually comes here?"

"Rarely, one or two occasionally come here in decades, and come here just to inspect the situation here." Carlitan tilted her head and thought.

"Have you never thought about going out?" Chitaki asked curiously.

"No, we are used to living here, the outside is not suitable for us, and the outside is also very dangerous." Carlitan thought for a while to explain.

At this moment there was a sudden wind.

The leaves of the 10,000-meter-high tree in the center swayed and made a whirling sound.

Carlitan suddenly said with excitement, "Master Sandley has awakened."

"Master Sandley?" Chitaki was also taken aback?

"That's right, the great Lord Sandler!" Carlitan explained excitedly.

At this moment, the phantom voice rang in Chitaki's mind.

"This tree shows signs of life reaction! It should have been awakened from a deep sleep!"

Chitaki was also startled, and then the uncle's branches and leaves began to sway more and more regularly, even making a human-like sound.

"Hello, young traveler."

Chitaki pointed at himself curiously?

"It's talking to me."

"Yes! From the moment you entered the forest, I felt you, you have a very familiar aura!" The tree replied with a voice.

"Are you?" Chitaki asked suspiciously.

"I belong to the tree people, and my name is Sandley, and I am also the guardian of the Zhen Beast Grove! Young traveler."

"Hello, Lord Sandley, I'm sorry to disturb you." Chitaki apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I also slept for a long time. It is not a bad thing to wake up occasionally. There have been no visitors here for too long, and Buckinghold and others rarely come back." Sandley replied.

"Bakinhold?" Chitaki asked subconsciously.

"Don't you know? He is the boss of this star field, even if I don't go out, I have heard of it." Kalitan replied.

"No, no, it's just a little unresponsive! I know him." Chitaki replied.

"You know? It doesn't feel like" Carlitan replied suspiciously?

"He is my uncle~www.wuxiaspot.com~uncle!" Chitaki replied after thinking about it, and it should be correct to call it that way.

"Never heard of it? He still has such a nephew?" Carlitan touched her head.

"My father is Qianye." Chitaki explained.

"Qianye, haha ​​is that bastard, I haven't seen him for many years, thinking that when he was young, he didn't run to the Zhen Beast Forest, and he stabbed a lot of things." Sandley said. Bursts of laughter!

"Do you know my father?" Chitaki was also surprised.

"How come you didn't know each other, you should have just arrived at Chaos Star not long ago." Sandley replied with a smile.

"Well, I was abducted by my father not long ago." Chitaki vomited.

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