War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 1197: an examination

Latest website: The man with the hood just raised his old hand and wore an inconspicuous ring on his hand.

Seeing this ring, Baker's gloomy face suddenly changed.

Then he knelt down respectfully on one knee.

"grown ups!"

The person wearing the black cloak took off the cloak, and it was Sauron who appeared instead of others.

Sauron said to Baker: "Miam has a good hand and a whole army."

"My lord is absurd, everything is for God!" Baker's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"I'm here this time, there is a very important thing that needs your assistance." Sauron said to Baker.

"You said." Baker replied.

"Disintegrate the Sinking Front!" Sauron stared into Baker's eyes and said his purpose.

Baker's expression changed drastically, and he seemed shocked.

"What's the matter? Fear flinched?" Sauron looked at Baker with muddy eyes, and vaguely revealed a dangerous aura. As long as Baker flinched, Sauron would definitely kill him without hesitation!

"It's not that the subordinates flinched, but that this matter is not that simple. The entire line of defense is in charge of Asbeto. It is almost impossible to disintegrate the line of defense under her nose. My entire legion rebelled and was suppressed in the blink of an eye, not to mention that this fifth legion might not rebel with me! It’s not that I can’t control the people below, the main officers below are all mine, but At this juncture, even a soldier will not be stupid and follow the rebellion. Everyone knows that the line of defense is broken! The foreign race will be ruined if they rush in." Baik looked at Sauron.

Sauron was not angry after listening to Baker, but was satisfied!

He knew that Sauron was telling the truth.

"Naturally, you alone cannot disintegrate the defensive line of the Sinking Front. You only need to do it when a foreign army comes in. Even if the glory is killed, you will be reborn when my **** descends." Sauron replied. .

"My lord, it's not that I'm afraid of death, even if it's a foreign race coming in, I'm fighting against the water, and I'm tearing a hole to death. If I change to another commander, I might still have a chance to succeed, but Asbestos is in charge of the command. Even if a mouth is torn apart, there is still a way to keep that woman back!" Baker is not very optimistic about Sauron's proposal!

"Are you shirking or Is Bedo really as strong as you said?" Sauron asked hoarsely.

"Everything I say is true and truthful. If there is a lie, you can kill your subordinates, my lord." Baker assured him, raising his hand on his chest.

"Okay! Then what do you want to do so that you can do it very beautifully, this pot is still on the body of the Black Light Empire!"

"It's very simple to hold onto the clarinet empire. The adults should have the remnants of the Immortal Crown in their hands. As long as they are involved in the action when the time comes, and tasks with a high probability of survival are arranged, they will be caught by the minions of the world government. It naturally fell on their foreheads." Baker replied gloomily.

"This is a very good idea. It seems that you already have a corresponding method." Sauron nodded slightly in appreciation.

"Yes, sir, please listen to me..." At this point, Baker walked to Sauron, whispering not knowing what he was talking about.


In the sixteenth star area Hippony·Zero Department hangar, Chitaki and Belle Rosa are watching Anrixi doing an overall inspection of the Destroyer Shirafuji and the phantom.

"The surface metal is subject to special corrosion, and the entire right arm joint has been twisted and damaged to a certain extent..." An Lixi explained while recording.

"Is it easy to repair?" Chitaki asked.

"It will be more troublesome if you replace it with the previous repair. After all, the repaired materials are very precious, but now unlike the past, the accumulation of rare materials in the warehouse does not take a long time to repair." An Lixi replied indifferently.

Hearing Anrixi's words, Chitaki nodded slightly, and then he fell into thought.

"What's wrong? Chitaki?" Belle Rosa saw Chitaki who was lost in thought and asked.

"Isn't it just a little worried, I asked, phantom?" Chitaki said after hearing Belle Rosa's question.

I saw a white ball of light floating out of the God Destroyer Baidu Mecha.

"I'm here." Bemisia Huan replied.

"Do you feel any uncomfortable?" Chitaki asked concerned, he was also a little worried about whether Phantom was injured in the previous battle, after all, it was a force-killing type VI alien.

"It's just that I feel a little bit of strength collapse, and the others didn't notice any problems." Bemisia Huan explained.

An Lixi walked over and said: "Since you are not sure, do a check! Even the optical brain will be injured during high-intensity combat."

"Well, good." Chitaki replied, checking it out to be conservative. The last battle was indeed a bit unusual.

"Come with me, let's go to the inner laboratory, where there are special instruments." An Lixi finished speaking, putting her hand in her pocket and walking towards the inner layer.

Chitaki stretched out his hand, and the white light brain fell into Chitaki's hand.

Chitaki and Belle Rosa followed.

After a while, he went to the internal laboratory and Chitaki placed Phantom on top of a complicated instrument.

An Lixi kept inputting instructions on the console.

The instrument kept scanning Bemisia Huan's body, and Anri's brows were also frowned in hope of the data displayed.

"What's wrong?" Chitaki asked.

"Illusions and normal light brains are a bit different." An Lixi explained very briefly.

"Different?" Chitaki looked at An Lixi in confusion.

"Heros device in her body was partially damaged. It seems that it has been damaged for some time. The Heyggs biological reaction in her body is very strong, and it is mixed with Pollock biological (color-swallowing ability) reaction, which is on the verge of evolution. "An Lixi explained.

"I know this." Chitaki nodded.

"Then you should also know that she has been polluted more or less, otherwise the Heroes device will not be damaged." Anrixi's tone was flat, but his eyes were staring at Chitaki. In fact, the meaning of Anrixi's words is very obvious. Your optical brain is not necessarily safe and is on the verge of evolution. Once the evolution is successful, her original standard Heroes device will completely fail 100%.

Chitaki took a deep breath and said, "You don't need to care about these, just check if she is injured."

"At present, it seems that nothing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be the power of excessive overdraft, as long as it is recharged for a period of time, it will be fine." An Lixi replied simply.

"That's good." Chitaki replied with a sigh of relief.

Bemisia Fan whispered to Chitaki.


"You didn't do anything wrong." Chitaki replied with a smile.

Belle Rosa also followed: "Don't think too much, just keep it for a while and restore your strength."

"Okay." Bemisia Huan replied to Chitaki and Belle Rosa.

"Then put it here, I will heal her." An Lixi said to Chitaki.

"Thanks for your hard work." Chitaki nodded.

Then Chitaki and Belle Rosa left the laboratory.

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