War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 1219: Disagreement

"If you want to balance her body's bloodline and let her evolve in a human form, it's not impossible, just?"

"Just what?"

"I just need to pass on my strength to her and help her break through the shackles! You have nothing to say!"

The type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis had just finished speaking, and the faces of all the people present suddenly changed. This is no joke. Everyone can see how strong this insect is, even if it is quiet. Lan cannot inherit 100% of its power, at least it can inherit most of it.

"Aren't you kidding me?" Chitaki's brows were almost twisted into a ball, and his eyes were looking directly at the Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Harudis.

"I never like to make jokes." Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis replied to Chitaki very seriously.

"Why did you do this? If I remember correctly, you said that you came here to sleep to breed new ancestor insects. Why do you want to abandon this plan now?" Chitaki asked calmly, not Was stunned by the unexpected candy.

"You don't have to worry about those. The reason why I changed my plan is also very simple, because I feel that continuing the ancient tradition cannot change anything, but I see new hope in her, and maybe the world can be changed because of her. In addition, you also need to believe me. Inheritance is a very complicated and long matter, so she needs to stay here for a while. When her inheritance is over, she will naturally look for you." Rudis explained.

"I don't understand, as the patriarch of the Zerg clan, if you don't like war so much, why didn't you stop it in the first place?" Xi Luomeng Queen Hou looked at it suspiciously.

"Although the war between humans and foreign races is a contradiction for survival between races, it is not entirely true. In fact, the war has subsided several times but ignited several times. I always feel that something is wrong in this. I have forcibly interfered to prevent the war, but in the end it still Returning without success, what should have come is here." Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis sighed helplessly.

After listening to the words of the ancestor-worm Harudis of the Type VI emperor, everyone fell silent.

Chitaki's expression is constantly changing. It's not that he doesn't believe in the type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis. He is just a little worried. After all, he wants to leave Youlan here alone and leave it to a foreign race. He is also very worried. Tangled.

The Type VI Emperor-class ancestor Harudis did not urge Chitaki, which requires the trust of both parties, especially when the two are not of the same race.

The establishment of trust is even more difficult.

For a long time, Chitaki raised his head and said to the Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis.

"Okay! Youlan can stay and accept your inheritance. I hope you can take good care of her! In addition, I thank you for her!

After speaking, Chitaki gave a heavy salute to the worm Harudis, the ancestor of the Type VI Emperor.

The Type VI emperor-class ancestor Worm Haludis nodded slightly and looked at Youlan, who looked at Chitaki with a confused expression.

Chitaki whispered to Youlan.

"Don't be afraid, go ahead."

Lan Mei'e also flew towards the Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis in confusion.

A faint smile appeared on the face of Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis, and then a light lavender light radiated all over his body, followed by purple light spots from Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis Separated from the body.

And with every purple light spot detached, the body of Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis dimmed.

Those purple rays float towards Youlan and that Lan Mei'e.

Those purple light spots slowly penetrated into Youlan and Lan Mei'e's body, Lan Mei'e's huge body began to shrink, and began to dye a layer of lavender halo.

But Youlan seemed to be very sleepy and slowly closed her eyes, with a calm expression on her face.

Chitaki and others stared blankly, a miraculous change.

The type VI emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis said hoarsely at this time.

"After she absorbs my power, she will fall into deep dormancy. When she wakes up, that is, when her cocoon is broken, her two bodies will merge and reach perfection. The rest is the long years that will give her wisdom. I will protect her until then."

"Good!" Chitaki replied.

In fact, the ancestor of the Type VI Emperor Harudis is also betting! It wants to create a new seed, and this new seed may bring new hope in the future. This world has long been rotten in its eyes. There is only endless destruction. This world has long lost its original. Face off.

More and more purple light spots escaped from the Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis, and flew into Youlan's body.

Youlan's body, which absorbed more and more purple light spots, became more and more dazzling, but the original huge Lan Mei'e body disappeared, and finally turned into a monster pattern printed on Youlan's back. Maybe this is it. The real complement.

The torso of the Type VI emperor-class ancestor Harudis shriveled a bit, and the whole body became older. Its vitality passed quickly, but its expression didn't have any pain.

It faintly waved its hand, and walked towards the depths of the forest with Youlan.

"The path of destiny is before you. As for where to go, I won't say more about it. It's up to you to decide everything. That's all I want to say. Good luck!"

Everyone present looked at this scene and fell silent.

Chitaki controlled the God Destroyer Baidu and bowed deeply to the departing type VI Emperor-level ancestor-worm Harudis.

Others present also saluted this.

Although their position is the enemy, this does not affect their admiration.

"Let's go." Chitaki said to everyone calmly.

Colimi Shenhui couldn't react for a while, and asked subconsciously.

"where are we going?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Chitaki deeply, Chitaki took a deep breath and said: "All back to the Hiponi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's go back and have a meeting to discuss."

"Okay!" Xiluo Meng·Queen replied.

Soon after, the three important high-level leaders of Chiboni's Central Living District Council, Chitaki, Moon Emperor, and Hilomeng Hou all gathered together, but the atmosphere of this meeting was a bit solemn and a little confused.

No one spoke for a while.

After a long time, Chitaki took a deep breath and said.

"You have seen the situation now. Although the Type VI Emperor-level ancestor Worm Harudis is a foreign race, I don't think it lied, so I think we should treat it wisely and plan to go to the 18th Star Territory. It's better to give up."

After officially uttering the word quit, Chitaki suddenly felt relieved all over.

This matter made him a little breathless.

"Do you really believe in that bug?" Yuehuang replied without a trace of emotion in his voice.

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