War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 642: Special device

"Put Jhin on the ship of Chitaki directly." Terence gave a method that everyone could not expect.

A black line appeared on Alice's brow, and two black lines appeared.

"Are you kidding me? This cold joke is not funny at all."

Haibola was also a little unhappy, and now all the results are eye-catching, and he is still joking here, saying those unrealistic.

"Well, it's not funny at first, because it's not a joke." Terence replied solemnly.

Alice took a deep breath and was about to explode, but her good cultivation still suppressed her anger. She raised her head to look at Terenceius.

"Give me a reasonable explanation."

"According to Chitaki's statement, the optical brain that the ship lacks cannot function. This is a very normal thing. It is like a microcomputer. Without the core chip, this computer will naturally not work. Load it up, no matter what, the vacant position is filled, and the line will naturally be smooth." Terenceius said briefly.

Alice was also startled, but she immediately asked, "But what's the point of this? Master Jhin is still asleep, there is no way to function at all? Isn't everything the same? It's like the computer can be turned on, but it still freezes. ."

"I will make a special device, and this device will connect Master Jhin through Charlotte, and she will awaken Master Jhin's subconsciousness and act as an auxiliary optical brain, just like a puppet, and finally achieve the role of optical brain." Terenceius Propose a fantastic method.

In fact, this special device has been made long ago. After the Deep Sea Star, Dominic had anticipated this prison. At that time, he commissioned Terenceius to make this special auxiliary device for nerve connection.

Alice, Hybola and others were shocked. They couldn't speak for a long time, and they couldn't say that Terence's method didn't work, but it felt very ridiculous, and it was very ridiculous, and also very dangerous.

"Can this method work?" Hybola asked uncertainly.

"It works in theory, but in fact I don't know." Terenceius replied unscrupulously.

"You mean this is just your idea, you haven't argued it at all? What are the risks in this?" Alice asked with a frown.

"There are a lot of risks, so I don’t need to talk about them one by one. For example, Charlotte’s spirit is not strong enough. It’s not impossible to be hit by the chaotic spirit of Lord Jhin. It’s not impossible to become an idiot. A certain amount of damage, becoming weaker and so on." Terenceius said briefly.

"It's crazy." Alice replied very unhappy with a puckered face, expressing her disapproval in a disguised form.

Haibola's expression kept changing at this time, his gaze kept falling on Master Jin, and after a long time, he said heavily.

"I don't think we have a choice. This is for everyone. It's better to follow Terence's suggestion! If we fail, then we can only accept our fate, and Master Ash’s condition has always been very bad, and this is not necessarily the case. bad thing."

Alice took a deep breath and finally said helplessly, spreading her hands.

"When people are old, there are more worries, and they are not as good as your young people. You can decide."

"Thank you, Master Alice." Haibola replied with some joy. He originally thought Alice would oppose to the end, but he did not expect to agree.

Planet No. 13: Wilderness Plain, two figures stood on the waste rock pile, and a icy cold wind blew by, Collimy Shenhui couldn't help but sneezed.

"I said your physique wouldn't be that bad, and it wasn't that you were so interested before, and I sneaked out to find the Immortal Crown. Now I'm slouched so quickly." Labavis said helplessly.

The corners of Colimi Shenhui's mouth twitched, what can he say?

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just thinking about how people from the Crown of Immortality would sneak in and approach the Park of Tears."

"Really?" Rabevis said.

"Nonsense, of course it's true." Collimy Shenhui said.

"The two sneaky people in front, stop for me!" At this time, five patrol officers wearing second-generation individual armors surrounded them with light guns.

Look closely at the five patrol officers who are all wearing STP badges.

"Yes! I patronized and babbled with you, forgot to hide, and was discovered directly." Labavis replied with a headache.

Colimi Shenhui said angrily: "Do you take it as I want?"

I saw five STP patrol personnel approaching step by step. In the past, these five personnel were very young. The leader of the team was not someone else but Rokiluo. Because of the tight manpower now, all graduated students started to work in advance.

Rokilo came forward to protect Hippony in the last war. He made a remarkable contribution and made clear his position. He was then assigned to the STP as a replacement member of the biological machine. , Was eventually punished to do coolies on patrol.

"I rely on being so arrogant! I even ignored me!" Rockillo was a little unhappy.

"Raise your hand." The player next to him warned.

Colimi Shenhui didn't care at all. As for the light guns, he didn't pay attention to them. He could wear colonial armor on his body. Even if he didn't wear any equipment, he was confident with these shrimps. Take it down.

However, suddenly Colemi Shenhui's eyes changed slightly, and Rocky Luo in his field of vision turned red.

A virtual reminder box appeared in his eyes.

"Heyggs' biological reaction was scanned, and it was judged to be a parasite!"

"Calculating the hazard level."

Colimi Shenhui instantly pulled the light blade on his waist! Rabevis was also startled: "What the **** are you doing?"

"I rub! I dare to resist!" Rocky Luo felt provoked, and at this time Heliquith's voice sounded in his mind.

"Be careful, this guy is very strong!"

Rokiluo directly replied: "A little white face, afraid of a ball, who have we lost to a fight."

"...If you don't die, you won't die." Heliques decided to let this idiot hit the wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the team members who followed Rockillo aimed their weapons at Colimi Shenhui. .

"Let down your weapons, otherwise we will open fire."

"Hey, how to explain, I am saving you. Your captain is no longer your captain. He has been parasitized by a foreign race, although it is difficult for you to accept this argument." Collim Shenhuigang said half,

I saw Rockillo's players with a weird expression; "Captain, is this guy a madman? Isn't his brain normal?"

"How do I know, I guess I escaped from the mental hospital, otherwise why would I be here in the middle of the night..." Rokiluo's mouth twitched.

"It makes sense!" The four players gave thumbs up one after another.

Colmi Shenhui suddenly turned black and was ridiculed. He moved in an instant and rushed towards him very quickly.

"Crazy!" The four team members shot immediately.

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